
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · 漫画同人
58 Chs

Chapter 11

Time continued its course and Naruto was now able to observe what was happening in the world due to his father's small mistake that he did not feel necessary to inform him about so he just observed in silence.

Naruto looked calmly and a little curious at the arrival of " Jesus ", through the work of his father, the human named Maria, specifically "He" arrived in his womb.

Maria, yes, a normal human in Naruto's eyes, since I don't notice anything that stands out about her or some unknown power, just someone who serves as a medium for some work of his father that Naruto began to understand when suddenly the belly of the human began to grow with the "days", something strange and he could not understand that.

Naruto also did not understand what his father was looking for by placing a human in that human with the human having some small unremarkable gifts, well, not for the Angels but for a "supposed human" they were notable, but he also did not understand why his father simply did not understand. I created Jesus and now, instead of putting him in that human, how would she get him out of there?, out of her belly?

Naruto had asked himself and with the passing of time he understood it, no... he didn't understand it, he looked at it practically, Maria's part opened and out of it came that thing that caused him Disgust, that thing called " baby ", not even When the baby's blood was cleaned, the sense of Disgust was removed, more so because of how it came out.

Naruto had never seen that strange thing, that would be a son for humans and from there came the question if his father placed humans in the human ones and they took them out for there? Oh, how is that?

Naruto stopped looking at the World for a while while his mind tried to understand what he witnessed and looked, He did not know that that part of the Woman was used to produce children that his father simply created in them. Is this how the number of humans grew? ?.

After Naruto contemplated for a while without coming up with an answer and then decided he didn't care, Naruto returned to watching his father's project called "Jesus", watching his growth and development as he "Adventured" into the World spreading the word of his father as " The creator " in addition to noticing how some of his brothers accompany him without Jesus being able to see them. They leave them guidance clues among other things for their "Mission", even Gabriel participated as a Messenger of God when Jesus was still a baby and now that he grew up in Some cases.

Naruto continued to observe the path of Jesus that the only thing that caused him was... nothing... no Empathy, Interest or any other Emotion besides when he was betrayed by one of his followers, Scourged and carried away by that... he didn't care. It matters, The fact was that he saw "Lucifer" in all that and He did cause him a strange sensation that he could not point out or describe, Lucifer was a supposed baby who made fun of Jesus' misfortune but that did not matter to him, The Naruto's slightly reddish pure golden eyes focused solely and plainly on "Lucifer" who seemed to sense it, as he looked everywhere without locating it.

Naruto looked at him until he continued about the crucifixion of Jesus at the hands of the " Romans " and this was where Naruto raised an eyebrow Interested in the barbaric act of humans with their own species although Jesus was not the only one on a cross, alone that Others do not care and Jesus only looks at him for the fact that he serves his father.

Although Naruto did not understand something, shouldn't humans be united and love each other? They are of the same species, right? So why do some now live better than others and others believe they are "God", ordering some? In addition to prohibiting others from eating the fruit when there is enough for everyone and everyone can eat without distinction, but it seems that humans themselves created this distinction between themselves by prohibiting others of the same species from things that the earth offers for everyone.

Naruto sighed, surprised by those events, and rolled over gently on his bed before continuing to watch as Jesus arrived in an Apparent " Hell "... He doesn't care, He went on to see other Human Strangers from that Empire.

Naruto: so weak and small.. - He murmured calmly looking at how great the humans called "warriors and Kings" think they are when they are simple beings without power. Those Romans beat other humans and similar things because they believe they are lower than Them.

Naruto wondered for a second if he should go down and hit them anyway, after all He is Taller than all of Them as They think They are.

Naruto sighed and went from seeing that until the time for Jesus' return arrived and what followed did not impress or faze Naruto in any way, perhaps, the things and impact that Jesus gives on humans are great and so on but at his eyes is nothing.

The passage of time continued with Naruto being an Expectant, He watched the literal disappearance of Jesus' people, The changes of humans until another Moment he found "Lucifer", recruiting Leviathan ... The 7-Headed Serpent whom his father, God took his companion from him and gave her as an offering to the honest "humans", since the Leviathan would create "children", the earth would be theirs and God did not want that from what Naruto understood.

The thing was that it was easy for Lucifer to recruit the 7-Headed Serpent who Hates his father and joined Lucifer as one of the Kings of the Underworld or something like that he heard Lucifer pronounce before leaving with Leviathan something he didn't feel he should either. Inform his father because he should know for sure by now.

Naruto raised an eyebrow also wondering why his father let Only Leviathan live, did it have any purpose?, since he only took his mate away from him for the humans.

Naruto snorted and stopped watching The World after a while and decided to "sleep", although it was not necessary for him to do so, he just wanted to assimilate in his mind the little he learned from the humans who gave him more questions than answers.

300 Years Later.

Present - Naruto's room.

In this you could see Naruto sleeping in his bed peacefully, unaware of what is now happening in the world or the small events that led to what would in the future be known as " The first Great Biblical War".

A sudden flash appeared in Naruto's room from which she came out, the beautiful Gabriel who did not have her usual ribbon covering her beautiful eyes but wore an unusual face for her who is always happy when she comes to visit Naruto but now her pretty face looked between confused, scared and sad at the same time.

Gabriel quickly focused his gaze on his brother's bed since he didn't leave it, since well that's the only thing in his room besides the small clouds that float around.

Gabriel began to walk in the direction of his brother's large bed before climbing onto it and beginning to "crawl" in his direction, while he heard a slight sound and noticed that his brother was sleeping something that made her smile slightly leaving her worried face. .

Gabriel approached his brother in silence until he reached Este's side who is covered by his toga as always with his face hidden. Something made her pout slightly.

Gabriel moved one of his hands and removed the top part of Naruto's robe, looking at how his brother's pretty face appeared, letting out soft, beautiful sighs while he slept so... peacefully.

Gabriel smiled looking at her cute platinum blonde hair similar to Ella's since her brother had stopped its growth by keeping it short since it doesn't reach her shoulders or anything, something that Ella likes, not like her other brothers who let it grow so much so that sometimes she gets confused if they are brothers or sisters for the same reason, that is very confusing at least Metraton doesn't have hair and doesn't get confused.


Gabriel called, gently touching his cute brother's cheek with one of his fingers, who began to open his beautiful golden eyes, in Gabriel's opinion, which were soon focused on her, who looked at him with her cute gray-blue eyes.

yawn *

Naruto: gabriel..- He murmured softly before moving his hands and leaning on his bed, while he sat down, reaching Gabriel's height.

Gabriel: brother, some things have happened and I want to tell you... - She told him now, a little sad and serious, drawing Naruto's attention.

Naruto raised an eyebrow before nodding, settling himself better on his bed.

Naruto: come... - He told Gabriel who looked at him before noticing his lap and quickly went to Este with a smile.

Naruto smiled as Gabriel fell into a sitting position on his lap with her plump, soft butt pressed against him and proceeded to wrap his arms around her waist and attached her to him with Gabriel happily burying his face in his brother's chest something that calmed her for a while. his Aura and presence.

Naruto smiled not knowing that the way Gabriel is sitting on his lap is the way a certain Fallen Leader dreams of having her sometime.

Naruto: Now what is it that you want to tell me and that worries you?... - He asked her gently, passing one of his hands through his sister's soft and pretty hair.

Gabriel sighed with pleasure at that, he likes his brother's soft touch with his hair, although well, his older brother is the only one who approaches her like this and touches her hair and he is also the only one she allows to do it. ...maybe, also to his father when he frees Naruto.

Gabriel: true, father says that we are going to war brother... against the Fallen Angels and the Demons... - She finally told Naruto what had her worried and sad.

Naruto understood a little The Unexpected Event.

Naruto: and?.. - he asked with curiosity after contemplating what was said for a second, although he also wondered how much sleep he had that this happened to him.

Gabriel pulled his face out of his brother's chest and looked directly into his eyes with his beautiful eyes, somewhat surprised.

Gabriel: you... you, aren't you upset? We will attack your... children... - She finally told him, since Naruto had told her about his children just like his father did in a Meeting with the Archangels only being what they knew about it, since the story that is being written by humans is being modified a little and his father feels that it is better that way.

Naruto tilted his head slightly before thinking about it and sighing.

Naruto: They are my children... and at the same time they are not Gabriel... just follow your Orders and if you can, take my children out of their pain... yes?... - I ask him gently tapping his forehead against hers. his sister while they stare into each other's eyes without noticing their closeness or paying attention to Esta.

Gabriel: and... I... brother... you...

Naruto: Yes, he nodded, I trust you Gabriel... My children are suffering now and if I could get out of here I would free them from their pain but I can't as you see... I only have to trust you to take them out of their pain quickly. everyone... - He said softly to his sister, feeling Esta's soft breathing and vice versa, but their gaze did not deviate.

Gabriel thought about it and after a moment smiled.

Gabriel: I will do it, brother... I will take all your children out of their pain... trust Me... - He said with a beautiful smile, accepting his brother's request as he brushed his lips against his brother's. for a second but they both didn't faze or pay attention to It.

Naruto: thank you... I will trust you... - He said, gently tightening his hug, getting on top of Gabriel, who surrounded him with his arms, both of them liking the closeness with The Other, Gabriel's breasts being pressed against Naruto's chest. who doesn't notice it.

Gabriel smiled happy to now be able to be closer to her favorite older brother, the one who always supports her in everything and smiles at her.

Naruto: true... to the Fallen Angels, treat them all and take them out of their pain... always pay attention and never doubt... - He said softly to his little sister who nodded slightly so as not to hit her brother's face with her hand. hers.

Gabriel: yes, I know... they are not Angels but those who fell and must be suffering... I will also free them from their pain... no,... I, I will free all my fallen little brothers from their pain... . also your children... - He said with a happy smile while his eyes shone for a moment in gold.

Naruto: well, if I go out or something, I'll help you too... - He said with a smile before moving his nose against Gabriel's while they both laughed, fighting against their noses and the touching of their lips was not lacking but they were both ignorant of This.

Days after.

And just as Gabriel informed Naruto about the Great War of the Three Sides Beginning on the Outskirts of the Underworld or something like that, but there was a small problem and that was that Naruto could not see the War, not even in the Place where they fight battles for the presence of his father that saturates his weak presence and does not let him see anything, perhaps if he were not locked up, Naruto could see the War but since there is nothing he can do.

Naruto sighed in disgust and preferred to look at the earth and how it has advanced in what he slept after Jesus, which was not a big deal.

Outskirts of the Underworld .




The Explosions came and went from everywhere where the Army of three different sides fought various fights among themselves without any Allies.



And Fallen Angels.

Before these three sides belonged to a single side, but Greed, Pride and Sin separated them and now The three sides only have in Mind Eliminate the Other, since they consider it a Threat enough to deal with.


In the countryside.

Lucifer, who now wears a complete black Armor, having left the Angelic Armor behind for an Imposing Dark Armor, charged against his Father, leaving his companions to take care of the other Enemies and watch his Back.


Lucifer's Dark Spear collided with God's own spear of Light that had changed over time, adopting the form of a muscular human body with its own white toga different from that of the Angels, since it exposed part of its muscular physique where Before, it only seemed to be a single humanoid figure without matter, although its face still cannot be seen due to an Intense Light that covers that part.

Hehehe, come on father!

Lucifer mocked and began to exchange blows with his Spear against his father who was very capable and countered him with the same speed.



" Light:Nova !"

God created a Sphere of power compressed in his hand which he was going to throw at Lucifer at point-blank range but he reacted by creating a Sphere of equal power but dark and without hesitation he threw it.




The imminent clash of the two powers colliding created a powerful Explosion that shook those who were close to the two Leaders of their different sides.

Through the black curtain of the Explosion, Lucifer appeared with his Spear colliding with his father's, pushing God back slightly before God overwhelmed him and pushed him against him, causing him to retreat backwards.

Lucifer clicked his teeth when he stopped and unfolded his pair of 6 Wings, creating a Strange but Imposing pressure around him while his power increased and he shook his Wings, dispersing the smoke around him, while looking at God who is a few meters in the air, Although different from Him, God did not put out a pair of Wings nor did He flinch from the persistent pressure.

God watched seriously as the Darkness swirled behind Lucifer and a Dark aura slowly began to surround him.

Lucifer: Don't let me have it easy ... - He said with a touch of fun to God who decided to answer him.



God: Should I?... - I ask him back calmly to the amusement of the Demon King while both ignore the explosions of their allies.

Lucifer: I don't know, maybe... although I wonder if you're happy? Hey, you've arrived at the same place as you... with people, followers and all that... - He said with a funny smile touching the the overwhelming madness that God could see in his son, the passage of time simply sank him deeper into his darkness it seemed.

God sighed.

God: your sin is consuming you and leading you to Madness... - He told him while denying with pity for his wayward son.

Lucifer was going to throw a vile comment at him before noticing something and smiling.

Lucifer: yes, I'm crazy... how is that crazy woman?... - He calmly pointed in a direction while God turned and looked, only to notice Gabriel removing the heads of some Demons while facing two others fallen at the same time.

God, he knew that would happen but that did not surprise him, if not the Apathy that he felt coming from his daughter, when he informed her at the beginning about the War she seemed worried, sad and scared, something that he saw in her and gave her some words of consolation but still, he didn't get his fears out of her, but then now what was this?, he no longer showed those emotions but it was as if he no longer felt them... the weight was taken off his shoulders like that, without further ado. ?, What your...

Lucifer: Maybe she's a little crazy or like... Naruto maybe... - he said contemplating his sister's brutal skill and God turned to see him quickly without either of them letting their guard down.

God: What are you trying to say ?... - He asked, willing to listen to his wayward son for a few seconds, since he wanted to truly understand Naruto and what was happening to Gabriel. He is Eliminating Enemies, yes, but his way is ...

Lucifer smiled in amusement, looking away from his Crazy sister, Killing so brutally and without a doubt.

Lucifer: hmn, how to start? Yes, well... these free years gave me time to think about that and well... not having Naruto around helped me understand it... Naruto in simple and understandable terms is a complete crazy... although Angel being one would make him fall... So he's not one even though the term fits... but the fact is that that Shit is Crazy, it could have an "Error" I say,... of course , that could have happened when we were created... just think about it... Everything Naruto did bordered on Attempted Murder and so on but he didn't understand his Actions and if They hurt others, He's like Her... "Apathetic" and Oh, to have those... no, I better not tell you... - He said with some mockery to God who frowned at his words that touched his assumption with what he sees in Gabriel.

Lucifer continued.

Lucifer: let's continue He always almost murdered me... it's clear if it wasn't for you he would have done it and after trying he didn't show anything... no empathy, pain or concern... just his look like... "Really ?" Or what's happening... Naruto doesn't seem to have a meaning... I don't know what it is, I don't care, it's your problem... just knowing that if you let it go it could even kill you without a doubt... - He finished to say what she thinks about her brother Loco... hell, Gabriel, who was or is her Apprentice, confirmed it just by looking at her Acting, Those two have problems although she doesn't care. Now her father may doubt and take her away from her. of the way, since he is killing many of his people... and also some small lies with truths so that Naruto never enters the field.

Lucifer smiled internally at his father's help in giving him some space to get the one he didn't want his father to let go of the game.

Lucifer quickly noticed his father's small mistake with his defense and did not hesitate to attack.

Dark nebula...

Lucifer did not finish chanting his Attack when he moved, dodging a Spear of Light that his father sent him and they resumed their fight.


With Gabriel.

The Archangel with a movement of her wrist and Spear removed the heads of two demons that were coming in her direction before Dodging several spears of Light that were coming in her direction causing Explosions in the Distance, moving her hand she sent her own spears of Light against their Attackers piercing their heads in a forceful Death.




There was no shortage of horrifying sounds.


Gabriel heard the scream and lowered his head, letting a fist pass and his attacker in front before raising his head again, showing his beautiful face with his usual stripe covering his eyes.

Gabriel: Why is Kokabiel so upset?... - She asked softly the Fallen with four pairs of Wings who turned to look at her with Anger.

Kokabiel: you... you... do you know me?... - I ask her still angry but with doubts, since well, she never paid attention to him, hell they didn't even ever greet each other when he was still in Heaven.

Gabriel nodded before taking a step and before Kokabiel could even react, Gabriel's leg buried itself in Kokabiel's stomach, who spit out saliva mixed with blood from the powerful blow while a faint sound was heard.


Feeling a signature coming quickly through his blind spot, Gabriel moved to the side, letting it pass before grabbing the black hair of a Fallen that he could point out by its Wings, four pairs, Interesting.


Gabriel: and that little mouth has a penis?... - he asked, noticing how Kokabiel fell to his knees holding his stomach and in front of an Enemy, he must be suffering now I will help him.

Gabriel pulled Penemue by her hair and made her look at him before releasing her hair and grabbing her by the neck in a powerful grip.

Gabriel: A war without even knowing how to fight? Well... this can give them experience, of course if they survive... - He told him after contemplating and began to tighten his grip while Penemue felt how he was beginning to lack air and Look with horror at the calm face of Gabriel who is wearing his Ribbon... he doesn't even know his eyes and he is going to Die?, no... no... no...

Penemue began to panic and kick and try to break Gabriel's arm without power, the damn thing looked like a damn hard rock.

Gabriel: Goodbye my brother... - she did not finish as she jumped, dodging a spear that came from an angle that would make her jump as she let go of Penemue who fell to the ground while floating in the air.


Gabriel: very true... - He cut off his little brother from a pair of Wings, whatever it may be.

Gabriel: all of you are suffering now... let me help you... - she said while unfolding her 5 pairs of Wings and a sudden deformation of Space happened behind Her while a gigantic sacred Aura began to be felt and pressure the environment.

Kokabiel, Penemue and The Fallen Angel who saved the Last One were brutally put down by The Power and...


The Fallen Angel who saved Penemue suddenly stopped fighting against the pressure as he collapsed as his heart exploded.

Gabriel: Are you opposed to your salvation?... - he asked suddenly with his new imposing voice.

Silence surrounded his radio for a few seconds until a voice was heard.

"I do, although for 5 pairs of Wings I must say that you have a brutal Aura and pressure... not even your Wings match your power... but... I will not let you Murder My Companions."

Gabriel smiled, not at all fazed by his Enemy's change of voice.

Gabriel: Oh, my sinful brothers, even with their Fall, they love and protect each other but they must know... as their sister, it is my duty to save them from their pain even if they don't want it... right... Azazel.

Azazel appeared near Penemue and Kokabiel with his 5 pairs of Wings spread while a dark aura began to surround him without taking his eyes off Gabriel, who smiled.










Well, first there are some things that jump out. Etc., it's because Naruto doesn't care to see them as you see, he only saw parts of Jesus, because in his eyes he is just a human with no importance and that's it.

This is the first Biblical War... not everyone is Experienced and fighting... that is gained with time as well as skills, let's say that the time that passed, They only solidified their Kingdoms etc.

Strong Gabriel Etc... She was trained by Naruto since she was little, just like Lucifer did by whom she stands up to her father...

Gabriel may have gotten some things from Naruto and she slightly shows part of her mistake.

The talk between Lucifer and God was more because Lucifer started it taking advantage of Gabriel's actions, since he does not want Naruto in the field and he is simply not going to tell God not to bring him.