
Naruto: Gilgamesh [Eng]

Gained a chance after his death. Will he become a King? Ruler of the world? the rich? Only he determines his own destiny.

EmpukAku · 漫画同人
7 Chs

Difficult world.( Rewite )

"Where am I?"


Where is this? If you look at it looks like I'm in prison, but why? And what world is this. Calm down, think calmly.

Judging from my body, I seem to be 18 years old like when I died. And from the situation I was a prisoner or something. Because in other cells many people were detained as well, from children to adults.

If something like this is bound to happen or maybe a war is out there, it's better to see the conditions first and wait for the guards to come so I can ask.

"tap tap tap" the sound of feet came from the hallway to the right. A person is seen wearing a green bulletproof vest and a protective headband on his head.

When I saw it I was surprised. Because I know where I am.

As soon as the person was in the cell, many people were crying in fright with little sound. The person said, "Relax everyone, we won't do anything to you, we Konoha Ninjas are only holding you back temporarily so we can win the war."

Yeah right, now I'm in Naruto's world and it looks like there's a war going on outside. I don't know how many ninja wars this was but definitely not the 4th because there were no prisoners of war at that time. This is a difficult world for ordinary people to live in. Moreover, during the current war, children are used as cannon fodder for war. Geniuses are targeted, corrupt officials and incompetent leaders.

There are constant wars in this world. Hatred continues from era to era.

Criminals are manipulated by other criminals. It's a really difficult world. Dogs eat dogs, there is no true warmth if you are not strong. Even if you are strong you will still suffer too.

I have already set my goal in this world. I will be the most free person no one can order me, no one can manipulate me, no one can underestimate me. I am the strongest. I will protect everything I hold dear.

First of all I have to create something first. God said the first creation had no limits


Flashback no jutsu.

"Have you thought about it?" asked the great voice

"Yes, I will not change"

"what do you want?"

"I want to have a creation skill that can make anything"

"It's a little difficult because it's also within my power"

"Isn't it possible?" I asked

"you can but there will be limitations, only one is unlimited, namely when using it for the first time"

"what's the limit?"

"You need a lot of energy for creation. And only the first creation can make anything without energy the others can't. You have to choose now what you want to create something from. For example earth you can only create something from soil like golems, meteors or something else. ."

"sigh... I knew this was going to happen I wanted metal creation so I could make things like machines or firearms because in my previous world that was a powerful thing. Moreover, being able to make powerful mechas, or Iron man was cool."

"Remember you can get killed if you create something if you don't have enough energy."

"That doesn't matter, because I know they all cost the same price. Was the first creation able to create anything? Or is there a limit too?"

"Honestly there is one thing, which is that you couldn't create me.

"Oh is that so? alright"

Flashback end.


So what should I create first? Later I think it's better to ask first what era I was in.

"Excuse me sir ninja?"

"Yes, what?"

"Now is there a war outside and what war was it?"

"Huh? You don't know, it's weird. Are you a spy?" he asked while emitting killing intent.

"No it's not like that. I don't remember anything right now it looks like I hit my head."

"Now the 3rd ninja war is happening, you are prisoners of war in kikyo pass. And you! you are very suspicious you are not afraid or anxious. I think I will tell commander Orochimaru-sama about you" he immediately disappeared from that place.

(oh damn, how paranoid are those ninjas. It's dangerous, if they use the Yamanaka jutsu on me I'll be found out. There's a lot of information about the future of this world and my future powers. I'd better invent something that causes me to be out of control or under control. check.)

"What should I make? hmm... I know since this is my first creation I will make something that has multiple functions. Better like a smartphone."

[Creation Skills: Smartphone teleport function, maps, unlimited storage, 1x body creation and transformation, 3x immortality, 3x revive, camera, object manipulation (number, weight, big and small), soul treasure, energy devour.]

Then came the modern Smartphone with a 6.5 screen in front of me in black and red.

I tried turning it on and my hands were cold for something. It seems like it's absorbing something from me. I'm pale and feel like throwing up at this point, then I let go of the Smartphone but it hasn't turned on yet, it seems it still takes energy to open it.

Suddenly I felt like a small wind passed me and was absorbed into the smartphone. It only took a moment for the smartphone to turn on and it became a light into my head.

On my forehead suddenly there is a hexagon symbol with an x ​​in the middle with the center line and there is a triangle under the x.

"Why this? Did it enter my soul? Let me try it first" [Maps] then a map appears around me with red and blue green dots I don't know what that means and it seems to be only 15 meters in diameter from me.

I feel something is decreasing from the smartphone in my soul it seems the energy is being taken but only a little not even 1% and it continues to absorb the energy in my surroundings. And what makes me happy is sharing his energy with me.

With this I can continuously gain energy without needing to run out.

Looking down the hall to the right, it seems that the person has returned, I'd better try using teleport I don't know where it will take me. But it's better to try than not.


I also disappeared from the place.

"This is commander, the suspicious person I said," said the ninja, pointing to the cell where I was occupying

"Where's the young man you said? in the cell it's just empty there's nothing" said Orochimaru.

"Isn't it possible that the person is still here?" replied the ninja confusedly

"Ceh, don't lie to me, otherwise I'll make war on you as my experiment. Hurry back to your place, I don't want it to happen again like this" said Orochimaru

"ok commander"said the other ninja

While the first ninja was just silent in that place. And went after the others.


In the middle of nowhere.

A person with long white hair was meditating in front of a brown colored pond. What was strange about that person was that on his shoulders there were 2 cloaked frogs sitting on his shoulders.

Suddenly a black portal formed in front of them. Out came an ordinary young man with black hair with a few white strands from the portal.

The white-haired man and the frogs woke up and saw a pale young man standing in front of them.

"Who are you?" shouted the white-haired man.