
Naruto : Friends Forever

High School AU When Sasuke decided to accept Itachi's offer to join him in Konoha, it was the best decision he ever made. A decision that changed his life forever.

Jeej_Jake_Jace · 漫画同人
4 Chs

Chapter no.4

One week later at Konoha High.

"Good morning, Mr. Hatake teacher!"

The young man with silver hair smiled a little as he heard the voice that was already very familiar to his ears. He looked up from the papers he was working on and found one of his students peeking from the door of the teacher's room, grinning.

"Ah! Good morning, Miss Sakura Haruno," he replied while putting down his pen. "Come in..."

The girl named Sakura Haruno pushed the door open wider before jumping in. The girl ran a little towards her teacher's desk, which was located in a corner, while carrying a box wrapped in red cloth in her hand. "A gift from my mother, Mr. Hatake! Your lunch!" she said brightly as she placed the box on her teacher's desk.

"Thank you, Haruno," said the man with silver hair, who was still young. "Isn't this still too early? You're so diligent..." he said after Sakura pulled out a empty chair and sat in front of his desk.

"You're also diligent. It's rare for you to come this early in the morning. Usually, you're late," Sakura replied with a mischievous grin.

The young man chuckled. "You're getting smarter with your words," he sighed and stretched his arms. "I came early this morning to copy some documents for this semester," he explained.

"Wait a minute..." Sakura interjected. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Let me guess. This document should have been done a long time ago, right?"

The laughter from the teacher's mouth clearly indicated that what she had just said was true. "Typical! Always doing everything at the last minute," she said playfully. And it seems her teacher was not bothered.

"So, Haruno," the man said as he placed both hands on the table. "What made you come to school so early this morning?"

Sakura sighed. "Tenten wants all the theater kids to come early this morning to gather. Oh my God, it's the first day of school..." the girl shook her head dramatically. Her long red horse-tailed hair swayed behind her head. "And you know what? She just wants to tell everyone that she has a big project for the school's upcoming cultural festival. Come on, that's still far away. She could announce it later. Hh... kids in the third grade are sometimes strange..."

Kakashi Hatake allowed his student to ramble on for a few moments. He was surprised himself with the change in his nickname, Mr. Hatake. He was used to the girl calling him 'Kakashi' during the summer break.

"...I already got my schedule for this semester. Algebra III on the first day of school! And science! Oh my God... They must be kidding!" Sakura ended her monologue with a dramatic sigh.

"I'm the one who teaches Algebra III, Miss Haruno," Kakashi said.

"That's exactly where the problem is, Mr. Hatake. I'm tired of meeting you all summer long," Sakura chuckled. "Just joking, sir!" she giggled.

Kakashi chuckled too. "Do you know? It's strange to hear you call me 'Mr. Hatake'."

"It's equally strange to hear you call me 'Ms. Haruno', right? Besides..." the wide green eyes twinkled mischievously. "If the other kids hear me call you 'Kakashi' they will think we have an affair. I don't want to be gossiped about with a man who is much older, especially one who is already bald." The girl laughed.

"You cheeky girl!" Kakashi gently tapped the broad forehead of Sakura with his pen while laughing quietly. This girl really liked to tease about her unusual hair color. Although her hair color is also as unusual.

"I heard from the kids, it's said that there will be a transfer student, right?" Sakura asked after their laughter subsided.

"Yes, there are two," Kakashi replied. "One from Oto and the other transferred from Konoha Art Academy. I'm currently checking their data again."

Sakura's green eyes widened. "From KAA? Wow! Girl or boy?"

"Both are male," Kakashi allowed Sakura to peek at the data of the two new students on his desk, pointing to their photos. Both have black hair. And both are...

"Cuuuuute..." Sakura exclaimed, admiring the handsome appearance of the two new students.

"But still more handsome than Hyuuga, right?" Kakashi teased, making the girl's cheek turn red.

"What the heck, Mr. Hatake!" she said shyly.

"Have you met him yet?" Kakashi asked, making the color on her face deepen.

"Not yet," she replied, blushing.

"What about Naruto Uzumaki?"

Sakura's shy expression immediately changed dramatically to an incredibly angry expression. "Not yet!" she retorted. Kakashi chuckled. "By the way, regarding Uzumaki, can my locker be moved to another place? It's a curse to have to share a locker with his!"

"You have to persuade Mr. Asuma Sarutobi if you want to move your locker, Haruno."

Sakura shuddered. "No way. Scary," she said. Among all the teachers, that pipe-smoking man was the deadliest. Almost all the children are afraid of him, including Sakura.

"Well, don't complain anymore then. Besides, Naruto Uzumaki is a good kid..."

Before Sakura could protest again, the door to the teacher's room suddenly opened. A beautiful black-haired woman with dreadlocks entered the room. The woman smiled at the two people in the room.

"Good morning, Haruno, Mr. Hatake," she said warmly while putting her bag on her desk. "Wow wow wow... Mr. Hatake, you already have visitors this early in the morning."