
Chapter 010

Seeing this, Tsunade quickly rolled away as he landed down on the ground, only to see him jump back up again and land on one of the tree branches. Finding where he was, Tsunade ran to one of the tree and ran up it to reach the same height as him. Afterwards, she pushed herself off the tree and threw herself towards him on the tree he was standing on with her fist out. The missing-nin was knocked off the tree and was sent falling straight down to the ground on his back as Tsunade landed where he was previously standing.

Seeing where he was lying, Tsunade jumped off the branch with her feet in a land position to land on his chest. Missing-nin however saw this and curved his legs back and placed his feet up. Tsunade gasped when she saw this, but was unable to get away as she landed down on his feet. After making contact, the missing-nin thrust her away back high into the air. Tsunade flipped in the air as she now started to descend down from the air.

The missing-nin flipped back up and saw Tsunade making her way toward him. Before she could land, he rushed and speedily jumped toward her and delivered a solid kick to her chest, sending her flying straight into a nearby tree that she crashed into before hitting the ground and lying there motionlessly. Seeing that she wasn't getting back up, the missing-nin took it that he came out the victor and said, "I must say Tsunade, taking you down even when you're weakened was no easy feat. No Bitch like yourself has ever caused me so much trouble."

Upon hearing that, Tsunade tapped into a newfound strength. If there was one thing Tsunade never took kindly to it was being called a "bitch." The missing-nin turned and started off towards Naruto, failing to take notice of what was happening behind him. With a newfound strength, she stood back up no longer feeling any pain through her already battered and cut up body. The missing-nin felt a very strong killer intent from behind him. He turned around and saw Tsunade standing there with a facial expression that sent a cold chill down his back.

With eye-popping speed, Tsunade dashed to the missing-nin and delivered a rock hard punch to his face sending him flying off the ground before beating on him with excessive brutality and speed. The missing-nin had neither the time, strength, speed nor ability to evade this new and brutal attack as he was being clobbered, punched, and kicked all over from head to toe at pure speed with devastating efficiency.

Tsunade then jumped and thrust both of her feet straight into his chest, sending him flying fast off the ground into the air before crashing hard into a tree, forming a body-shaped dent into the tree. His body was heavily battered and he also had a blood coming down his mouth. The missing-nin had no strength left in him to move or fight anymore. During the assault, Tsunade, being an expert in human anatomy, inflicted severe damages to certain parts of his body, organs and nervous system, making him completely vulnerable and defenseless to any attack.

Tsunade slowly walked over to the battered kidnapper was he looked at her coming towards him. Reaching him, she looked down at him with a cold unsympathetic expression on her face. Tsunade was able to see the expression of anger on his face, but she was able to see that his eyes reveal the actually truth to her. She saw the fear radiating through his eyes. He was very afraid; even through he was trying not to show it. He wanted to move and fight, but found himself incapable of doing anything.

Tsunade soon heard Naruto wake up and begin crying for attention. Seeing that the kidnapper was no longer a threat, Tsunade went over to tend to Naruto's needs. Reaching the baby, Tsunade knelt down and picked up Naruto from the carrying backpack while keeping him wrapped in his blanket. Sitting down on the grass while leaning up against a tree nearby, Tsunade cradled and rocked Naruto in her arms calming him down. Despite the fact that her body was going numb, she smiled brightly at Naruto as he gurgled. She moved closer to him and planted a soft kiss on his forehead.

"My little Naru-chan," Tsunade said affectionately, "I risked my life to save and protect you. And I'll happily do it again for you, my little Naru-chan."

Moments later, Sarutobi, Kakashi and the ANBU arrived on the scene and saw a heavily battered and weakened Tsunade singing and cradling the now sleeping Naruto in her arms affectionately in spite of her horrid condition. Not too far away was the culprit lying motionless on the ground and in a great deal of pain.

"Tsunade," Sandaime called out worriedly as he and the others ran over to her. She smiled brightly as her eyes grew heavier and heavier before being sent into a world of total darkness…

Tsunade's eyes opened up to a new environment as bright lights hit her eyes. She strained a little before her eyes readjusted themselves to the environment. She found herself in patient's clothes and lying on a medical bed with bandages around some parts of her body and face, but the pain she had before was gone. There was an IV needle inserted into her right arm with and a few wire attached to her upper chest area where her heart and lungs were monitoring her vitals. She realized that she was at Konoha Hospital.

Looking around her room, she saw that it was nicely decorated and had bouquets of various flowers with Yamanaka Florist Shop's compliments. There were wrapped gifts, baby accessories, congratulation and get well cards seated on two tables. Sitting up, she then turned and found Naruto resting peacefully in a medical baby crib stationed next to her bed. She smiled bright upon seeing that Naruto was safe and without so much of a scratch on him.

Several minutes later, the door opened revealing Shizune, Kakashi, in his ANBU gear and dog mask, and Sandaime entering the room before closing the door behind them.

"Tsunade-sensei," Shizune said happily, "You're finally awake! I was so worried!"

"How long was I out," Tsunade inquired.

"Nearly four days," Sandaime answered, "That missing-nin contaminated you with a massive overdose of chakra poisoning. If you were an ordinary woman, you'd have certainly died within mere minutes. But because you're one of the Sannin, the poison didn't kill you, rather it served to severely weaken and eventually paralyze you. You fell into a coma after the poison took full effects on you. Needless to say I'm happy we found you when we did after your battle. The crippled and disabled missing-nin has been handed over to Ibiki for interrogations after we found that notepaper of his. Aside that, the doctors were able to fully heal you and completely remove the poison from out your body. Since then you've made a full recovery and will be able to leave this hospital very soon."

"How did you explain the whole village lockdown and search incident," Tsunade asked. Smiling, Sandaime explained, "I explained to everyone that your newborn son was kidnapped by a traitorous shinobi who was intending on selling away your child to one our enemy villages and that you went after the kidnapper yourself in spite the fact that the ANBU was on the job. If anything, kidnapping the son of one of the loyal legendary Sannin is an S-class crime."

"That explains all of the gifts and other valuables found here in my room," Tsunade acknowledged, "Everyone believes Naruto to be my son."

"Officially," Sandaime interjected and smiled, "He is your son. Senju Uzumaki Naruto is now his new official name. I already took care of all of the documentations and paper work. You're officially his new mother."

Tsunade smiled brightly on hearing that. Looking over at the still sleeping Naruto, she lifted him off his bed and cradled him in her arms affectionately. Looking at her, Sandaime said, "You doubted whether you'd make a good mother to the child Tsunade. But after what Shizune explained to me and what I saw for myself after your battle with the kidnapper, I knew I made the best choice (sighed)…It grieves me though to think that all this time I was so worried about enemies from the outside kidnapping Naruto when also I should have been worried about potential traitors from inside these village walls. And it nearly cost us greatly."

"We live and learn Sarutobi-sensei," Tsunade remarked, "We can't always predict what'll happen next."





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