When a man from our world dies unexpectedly, he finds himself face-to-face with a disheveled deity offering him a second chance at life. With a spin of a cosmic roulette, he is reincarnated into the Naruto universe, armed with the formidable powers of Teresa of the Faint Smile from the anime Claymore.
Author Note: Ok, there's something of importance to comment here. In case you guys subscribe to my sexy patreeeeon, you have to know one thing. The chapter numbers here and there, are different, I started from chapter 0 in patreeeon, but here I started from chapter 1, basically this chapter is chapter 4 in patreon.
Why did I do that?
No idea, I just did it, and... left it like that.
Why didn't you do the same here?
Webnovel has a number system in place for the chapters. It would've driven me crazy to see the numbers not matching.
Anyways, if you have any questions feel free to comment, and I'll answer as soon as my cat stops trying to conquer the world.
And like always, remember if you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer
I'm currently updating the novel 2-3 chapters a day in patreeeeon.
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz
Enjoy you sexy bastards.
The Uchiha compound was as I imagined, a network of traditional houses and winding pathways. It was pretty bland, to be honest, but exactly what one would expect from one of the big clans.
My mother and I had been invited for tea by Mikoto Uchiha, a gesture of warmth and hospitality likely connected to the fact that she had seen Itachi talking to me in the playground instead of ignoring me like he most likely did with all the other kids.
Now, I found myself in the backyard of Itachi's home, a small yet beautiful garden that seemed to be a world apart from the boring state the Uchihas lived in.
I had to be honest, I found Itachi's company to be a breath of fresh air compared to the usual village children. His demeanor carried a certain depth, his words held wisdom that belied his age. It almost felt as if he was a reincarnated soul, just like me.
But he wasn't.
I can't help but wonder if that speaks of his immense intelligence or if I am as dumb as a three-year-old.
"It's peaceful here," I remarked, breaking the silence. I gazed around, taking in the carefully tended plants and the koi pond that reflected the sky like a mirror.
"It is," Itachi agreed, his voice calm and steady. "My mother spends a lot of time in this garden. She says it helps her find balance."
I nodded, appreciating the tranquility. "Balance is important. Especially in a world like this."
Itachi turned his gaze to me, his dark eyes thoughtful. "You're different from the other kids," he observed. "Most of them are still caught up in childish games or thoughts, but you... you seem to understand things on a deeper level."
I shrugged, a small smile playing on my lips. "Maybe I'm just more of a thinker."
"Or maybe," he said, his gaze steady, "you've seen things that forced you to grow up. Either way, I find your company... interesting."
"I find your company tolerable as well," I replied, a playful grin touching my lips. He blinked, caught off guard by my teasing tone.
His mouth twitched, hinting at a smile. "Tolerable, huh?" he mused, leaning back into the wooden bench we shared. "Did your mother force you into going to the playground as well?"
More like bribed.
I chuckled softly, shaking my head. "Not forced, exactly. She just... encourages me to interact more. She says it's important to form connections."
Itachi hummed in response, a contemplative look in his eyes. "Connections are indeed vital. Especially in a world of shinobi," he murmured, his eyes gazing at the swimming koi in the pond. "It's our bonds with others that either strengthen or weaken us."
No wonder he was labeled as THE genius of his generation in the anime.
"I suppose that's true," I replied after a moment of contemplation. "Without bonds, we're isolated. And isolation can lead to..." I paused, searching for the right word. "Despair, I guess."
Itachi nodded, the corners of his lips turning slightly downward. "The First Hokage used to say that true despair has a way of gnawing at the soul, turning light into darkness."
The First Hokage used to say that?
All the books I have about him portray him as a hothead powerhouse, not really a philosopher. "Did he really say that?" I asked, curiosity creeping into my voice.
Itachi shrugged nonchalantly, realizing the reason behind my confusion. "Perhaps he didn't say it verbatim, but the concept was something he emphasized often. The books... they do not always contain the whole truth."
"So, what do you do for fun around here?" I asked, tilting my head.
Itachi looked back at me, a bemused expression settling upon him. "For fun?" he repeated, as though the concept was foreign to him.
"Yes," I said, suppressing a laugh at his expression. "You know, activities you enjoy and do for the sake of fun itself."
He pondered the question for a moment, his fingers absently trailing the wood grain on the bench beneath us. "Reading," he said finally. "And training, and painting… occasionally. I have... responsibilities that take up much of my time."
"I mostly read," I replied, "I don't really train yet. My mom is most of the time working and my father is a retired shinobi. That, alongside the fact they consider me far too young to engage in any form of ninja training." A sigh slipped past my lips. "I guess it's better this way. I mean, I don't have your... obligations."
Being a clan heir seemed like a drag, to be honest. I was rather content with my position as the child of a couple nobody really cared about in terms of political power.
An empathetic nod came from Itachi. "But, would you like to train?"
"I would," I replied with a nod. "Considering how dangerous shinobi life can be, it'd be good to at least know how to defend myself."
"It's a wise perspective," Itachi affirmed, his gaze drifting off towards the Uchiha compound. "You're always welcome to train with me," he offered.
I blinked, his answer catching me by surprise. "Are you sure you can even offer that? I'm no expert in clan politics, but I know enough to understand that training non-clan members might ruffle some feathers."
Itachi remained unfazed, his gaze steady as he leaned back, cradling his hands behind his head in a surprisingly casual gesture. "You are right, but as the heir to this clan, it gives me certain... liberties. Convincing Father, the head of the clan, shouldn't be that hard. I just need to tell him… that you are like me, and he will consider your presence a benefit rather than an intrusion."
I suppose that makes sense.
And hey, if he can get me some training under the strongest clan in Konoha, who am I to say no? You don't reject gifts.
"Well, if you say so, I would be happy to train with you, Itachi," I replied, a faint smile on my face.