
Naruto: Did i Just Get Reincarnated as Gojo?

In a World where power is everything, Gojo finds himself reincarnated into the Naruto universe, armed with a unique System known as the Konoha Prosperity System. With each investment he makes in the growth and prosperity of the Hidden Leaf Village, Gojo becomes stronger, how Strong and Influenceable will he become?

DragonnX · 漫画同人
53 Chs

Chapter 27: The Queue Behind the Ninja Headband

~/ Extra Chapter if we Reach 200 Power Stones!!

~/ Enjoy!!


"Three hundred… what?!"

Homura Mitokado's face darkened, his breathing becoming labored. "Repeat that. How much cash did you say it was?"

"Three hundred million ryō. I confirmed it personally, with my other eye."

Kakashi placed his hand on his headband, emphasizing his seriousness.

Danzo Shimura's eyes narrowed, drawing a sidelong glance from Minato Namikaze.

[A merchant from the Land of Lightning brings three hundred million ryō in cash to invest in Konoha-]

Although this three hundred million ryō wouldn't immediately become Konoha's wealth, it would, in the words frequently used by Gojo Kaigetsu, "promote a positive economic cycle, expand domestic demand, and stimulate consumption!"

This was undoubtedly a good start.

It could absolutely be used as a prime example for publicity, attracting more foreign investment to develop Konohagakure.

"Seeing is believing, hearing is deceiving… Let me personally meet this merchant from the Land of Lightning."

"Come, come, let's go together~"

The Hokage's office, which had been bustling with people just moments ago, instantly became empty.

Of course, before leaving, Minato assigned a new mission to his beloved student, Kakashi:

"Kakashi, I have a new mission for you."

"Fourth Hokage-sama, please instruct me."


Minato feigned seriousness. "Someone has reported that Advisor Gojo has embezzled funds belonging to the publishing house. Now, as the Hokage, I order you to secretly investigate this matter."

"Submit your investigation report within three working days."

Kakashi: "?"

He instinctively pointed at himself, his gaze darting between Gojo Kaigetsu's retreating figure and Minato.

'Eh? I'm investigating Gojo-sama?'

'Is this part of some elaborate plan?'

However, his ninja discipline kicked in, and he stood at attention. "Yes, Hokage-sama!"

Kobori Taiten nervously observed the people before him.

There was a young man with spiky blond hair in a ceremonial robe… He knew this one was Minato Namikaze.

There was a strange man wrapped in bandages, eyeing him with suspicion… He didn't know who this one was.

And there was an approachable, handsome man with his eyes covered by a black cloth and white hair, greeting him warmly…

But as a merchant, he possessed a clever mind unlike the muscle-headed Kumogakure ninjas, understanding that his sensitive identity as a "ninja tool shop owner" had probably caught the attention of Konoha's higher-ups.

Danzo Shimura was the first to voice his suspicions.

He tried his best to make his expression appear less intimidating:

"I ask you, why do you possess the title deed to a property in Konoha? You reside in the Land of Lightning. How did you obtain the deed to a shop in our commercial district?"

Kobori Taiten hastily explained:

"It's like this, esteemed sirs. I have a cousin named Teuchi, who runs a ramen shop in Konoha."

"I asked him to purchase the property for me a long time ago."


Gojo Kaigetsu couldn't help but take a closer look at the thick-browed man before him. He hadn't expected such a connection.

"Ah, so you're Teuchi-ojisan's relative? I frequently eat at Ichiraku Ramen. The food is delicious."

So that's how it was…

Danzo Shimura nodded slightly. Ichiraku Ramen was a long-established shop in Konoha; its authenticity couldn't be questioned.

He then asked:

"You've come to Konoha to continue operating a ninja tool shop?"

"Why? While Kumogakure isn't as prosperous as Konoha, it's the village you've always lived in."


Kobori Taiten hesitated. Gojo Kaigetsu sensed his apprehension:

"Don't worry, today's conversation won't be leaked. Even if it were…"

"On my name, Gojo Kaigetsu, I guarantee your safety!"

With that, Gojo Kaigetsu waved his hand.

Specialized clerical staff immediately stepped forward, prepared to record Kobori Taiten's words, which would be preserved as crucial data.

Perhaps, in the future, it would become a quote in "Iki" attributed to an "anonymous foreign merchant."

Kobori Taiten gratefully glanced at the man with the black cloth, no longer holding back. In front of the four Konoha higher-ups, he began to complain about the unreasonable practices in Kumogakure.

"…Cases weren't accepted!"

"The Raikage didn't value us merchants at all…"

"…That Raikage advisor claimed they wanted to learn from the excellent policies proposed by Elder Mitokado of Konoha. I think it was all lies!"

Suddenly mentioning Homura Mitokado's name caused the elder's face to darken even further.

He couldn't escape being associated with bad news, even when it had nothing to do with him.

"Of course, I recently heard about the positive business environment in Konoha, which is why I decided to relocate my ninja tool shop here."

Gojo Kaigetsu encouraged him. "Oh? Business environment? Tell me more."

"Eh? Don't you know? That magazine called 'Iki' is published by your Land of Fire's publishing house, isn't it?"

Kobori Taiten quickly pulled out a copy of "Iki" from his bag, pointing at the cover.

"I believe that the conscience of a hidden village can be seen in the attitudes of its weakest members towards life."

"If even the most ordinary villagers are so kind, then the political environment and the ninja of that village must also be good…"

Kobori Taiten continued with a string of praises for Konoha.

While it undoubtedly contained elements of pledging allegiance, Gojo Kaigetsu found it incredibly refreshing.

How simple and honest these people of the shinobi world were, untouched by the cynicism of public intellectuals, believing everything they heard.

He listened, nodding in agreement:

"Indeed, you're right. That's our Konoha. It's civilized and enlightened. Does Kumogakure have such a level of civility?"

Kobori Taiten was bewildered.

Meanwhile, Konoha's higher-ups were already accustomed to Gojo Kaigetsu's eccentric pronouncements.

The joys and sorrows of ninjas did not resonate with each other.

On one side, the reformists, led by Gojo Kaigetsu, were engaged in a jovial conversation with the foreign merchant, Kobori Taiten. On the other side, the conservatives, represented by Danzo Shimura, were plunged into deep silence.

Shameful, utterly shameful!

Even with Danzo's stubbornness, he couldn't find any justifiable grounds to criticize Gojo Kaigetsu's actions of bribing foreign nobles.

Just one merchant had already returned a significant portion of the investment.

At this moment, Danzo only wished he hadn't spoken so loudly in the Hokage Tower earlier.

He shot Gojo Kaigetsu a deep look. This time, Gojo had won.

"Homura, let's go." Danzo turned to leave; remaining in this situation would only bring further humiliation.

Homura Mitokado quickly followed. "Danzo, are we just going to let this go?"

"Even if we acknowledge his success in this matter, what about the ninja headband issue?"

"We cannot change the traditions of our ancestors. I will never wear that new headband."

Danzo turned his head, his eyes fixated on his old friend. Behind them, it was as if they both had an invisible queue:

"The Uchiha clan's movements have become increasingly frequent. We should focus our attention on that."

"As for Gojo Kaigetsu…"

"Let's ignore him for now."


To Be Continued...
