
Naruto & DARLING in the FRANKXX

He was searching for acknowledgement. She was searching for something taken from her long ago. Both were searching for a place to belong.

Aquaman_Riders · 科幻
9 Chs

Chapter 2: 002


"D-Darling?" Naruto spluttered. Never had anyone referred to him in such an affectionate manner.

"Yes, my Darling," the girl repeated with a grin.

"You mean like a partner or something?" Naruto queried.

"Look, just because you can't make some silly clone doesn't mean you aren't fit to be a ninja. An illusion is just that. You can't protect anyone with one, certainly not yourself. You need someone kick your ass into gear and I require the assistance of another to use my bloodline." She said matter-of-factly before offering a hand to help him up. "And you also weren't frightened by my horns..."

Naruto immediately picked up on her change in demeanor. Gone was the dauntless aura that she had given off prior to now, replaced by...timidness? The blonde was certain that if he squinted, he'd be able to make out the faint shades of pink dusting the girl's cheeks.

He was at a loss for words. Firstly, he wasn't used to being addressed or even remotely acknowledged unless he was being admonished or berated. Yet this girl was giving him her complete and undivided attention. Secondly, he'd never seen this chick a day before in his life until now and yet she was being incredibly fond with him. It stirred up unfamiliar, yet powerful emotions within the 14 year old. But what intrigued him the most was this mask she insisted upon wearing. The whole bravado act she was putting on was a fabrication. This girl was in pain, and she was hiding it all behind such a gorgeous smile.

"I...I don't kn-"

A rustle near the edge of the training ground caught their attention.

"That's too bad," the girl frowned. "Times up."

A lone figure emerged from the bushes. It's was an ANBU with long purple hair donning a cat mask. "How many times do I have to tell you not to go running off on your own? And during patrol at that," the woman admonished.

"But it was boooring," the girl whined. "A bunch of brats graduated from the academy, so what?"

"That's n-" the woman paused and brought a hand to her forehead, checking her anger. This girl has really been trying her patience these days. "That's not the point. We go on patrol to-"

"Protect the village against all threats foreign and domestic yeah, yeah I got it," the girl waved off as she strapped her tanto across her lower back. "Are you gonna lecture me all day or can I go back to patrol now?"

"Dismissed," the ANBU gave an annoyed sighed. But before the girl could jump away, Naruto finally broke his silence.

"W-Wait! What's your name?"

The girl looked towards the sky, giving it some thought. "Don't really have one I guess. Everyone just calls me Zero Two," she shrugged, flashing another grin.

"Bye Bye~"

The girl flashed out of sight, surprising the blonde. "Zero Two...?"


"Huh?" Naruto turned to see the other ANBU staring at him with a pointed expression. "If you care about your own well-being at all, it would be most wise to keep your distance from her," she said grimly.

But before Naruto could inquire what she meant, the woman flickered away. Naruto rubbed his temples to stave off the growing headache and slowly pushed himself to his feet. "Today has just been very trying," he groaned. "I could really go for some ramen. Really need to clear my head."

And with that, the boy set off for the village.

Naruto carefully shuffled his way down the crowded street. It was nearly noon which meant a lot of people would be out and about for their lunch break. The last thing he wanted was to unwittingly spark someone's ire. But as he walked, he found himself lost in thought.

'That girl...Zero Two...just who is she?' If she truly was an ANBU it would make sense why he'd never seen her before. They generally kept a low profile, even off duty. But that would also mean she should be aware of him right? What the other villagers thought of him. 'Everyone around here seems to think I'm some kind of monster. And yet she-'

'Neh, how about becoming my Darling?'

'And then there's that...she said she needed a partner. But to refer to one so affectionately…" The fact that she had asked him of all people made his cheeks flare up. 'B-But she's an elite, I can't even graduate from the academy. What possible use could I be to her?'

Too lost in thought, the absentminded blonde collided with someone. "I'm so sorry!" Naruto quickly apologized only to recognize a familiar face. "Mizuki-sensei?"

"Hello Naruto. I see the classroom isn't the only place you lack focus," he smiled.

"Well you know me Mizuki-sensei!" Naruto laughed, quick to don his mask again. "Was just too busy thinking about what my first decree as Hokage will be," he grinned. Naruto shuttered internally. The man before him was one of the homeroom teachers for his class, Mizuki. Naruto couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something was off about the man. He was so clean. Too clean. The man absolutely creeped him the hell out.

"Does that mean you passed all of the exams this time around?" The Chūnin's eyebrow rose in genuine curiosity. He was not there this morning to see who all passed or not.

"Nah, I'll just kick enough ass until the Old Man finally decides to hand over the hat," Naruto waved it off.

"Oh? I figured you of all people stood a chance in the secret exam-"


The older man blinked in surprise when he suddenly found himself face to face with his student. "You mean to tell me...you've never heard of the secret graduation exam?"

"SUCH A THING EXISTS?!" Naruto all but cried out. If this was true why was he just now finding out about it?

"Yes, Yes," the white haired Chūnin chuckled, raising s hand to calm down the boy. "It was created as one last method of giving students a chance to become ninja before being sent back to the academy."

"Wait so like...if I pass this secret test I'll be come a real, full-fledged ninja? Headband and everything?!" Naruto asked excitedly.

"Headband and everything," Mizuki chuckled I can pass it along to Hokage-sama that you're interested."

"You're goddamn right I'm interested!" The young aspiring ninja exclaimed. His day was finally starting to pick up. "Just tell em what to do!"

"Alright, alright calm down Naruto. I'm actually on my way back to the Academy now. I'll be sure to stop by Hokage-sama's office and inform him. In order to pass the test you must successfully infiltrate the vault in the Hokage's Residence, obtain the Scroll of Seals, and escape the confines of the village. If you manage to rendezvous with me at the Memorial Stone with the scroll in hand, you pass." Mizuki explained.

"Pfft that's it? Piece of cake," Naruto smirked. The elderly leader kept his Icha Icha collection under tight lock and key and Naruto managed to find that the first time he'd been invited to the Hokage's mansion. How much harder could this be?

The Chūnin instructor shuddered when he saw a sharp glint slithered through his student's eyes. "R-Right...the exam begins at midnight. I'll be on my way now so I can go make preparations."

"Sure thing!" The excited blonde proclaimed. Maybe he was wrong about the man. This news raised Naruto's spirit and he felt his desire for Ramen intensify. "And thanks again Mizuki-sensei! I won't let you down!" He waved at this teacher before speeding off in the direction of Ichuraku's.

Mizuki returned the boy's gesture with a wave of his own and smile. One that quickly shifted to a malicious leer. 'Oh I'm sure you won't demon...'

A soft hum filled the air followed by the sound of a turning page. A lone soul sat in the spacious office. Despite its size the room was modestly furnished, having only a desk, a bookcase, and a few pictures adorning the walls. The man had simple tastes. Bringing a battered pipe to his mouth, he took a long drag. The man took the time to turn the page once more as he took a puff. It wasn't often he found time the time to read. With an exhale, the man expelled the smoke from his lungs. The cloud rebounded off one of the windows overlooking the village before slowly disseminating into the air. Sarutobi Hiruzen giggled to himself as he read on. This notorious novel series was definitely one of his student's favorite shining accomplishments, not that he would ever say it to the ostentatious man's face.

The sun rolled lazily in the sky, showering the village with its rays. 'Today was going quite wel,' he found himself pondering. He didn't have any paperwork, the weather was beautiful, the village was peaceful, and most important of all: he didn't have any paperwork. Being the Hokage, it was rare to have such a moment to kick back and unwind. There was a sudden shift in the air and the aged shinobi let out a heavy sigh. 'Well it was nice while it lasted…' The chair groaned as it spun on its axis and Hiruzen was greeted by the sight of one of his ANBU.

"The time has come. I'm done waiting."

'Straight to the point as usual I see,' A low rumble shook the Hokage's chest and a chuckle escaped his lips.

"We've already talk about this Zero Two…you're not ready." Hiruzen replied simply.

"I'm more than ready! I've done everything you asked geezer!" the pinkette hissed.

"You lost another partner just last month did you not?" The Hokage watched his charge's reaction with sharp, analytical eyes. Her shoulder's slump and her teeth clenched.


"Makes eight total now. I truly believed you might've be ready this time around, but it would seem not," the Hokage lamented. He was taken aback slightly when his desk suddenly splintered beneath a small fist. He glanced back to Zero Two and flinched under the teen's intense stare. A gleam ignited her pupils with a red glow, reflecting absolute rage back at the elderly man. Even her horn were starting to faintly radiate chakra.

"Who cares?! They were all fodder anyway! My Darling is the only partner I'll ever need!"

"Zero Two that's enough!"

The cat-masked ANBU appeared just behind the seething girl, her hand firmly gripping the girl's shoulder. She was surprised when the Hokage waved his hand, giving her a silent command to stand down. She bit back a curse of annoyance and released Zero Two's shoulder. She was going to make sure the churlish kunoichi paid for her insubordination later.

"Zero Two my dear, you have to understand…this is for the best. What happens if you end up killing him as well? Then all of your efforts and training would have been for nothing," Hiruzen spoke, hoping the girl would see reason.

She had a bloodline like none he'd ever encountered before in all of his years as a shinobi. Zero Two's chakra system was rather unique, in that her body wasn't able to generate any chakra at all. She had the ability to form a parasitic bond with living creatures and siphon chakra from them and store it as her own. Unfortunately, whatever organism she bonds with suffers a severe backlash. Their own chakra coils slowly begin to erode until the body eventually fails, resulting in death. He had to admit, Zero Two's bloodline alongside her natural athleticism and tenacity made her quite the formidable opponent.

"Don't you think I know that…"

The Professor was taken aback when a small droplet splashed down next to his hand. His gaze quickly shifted to Zero Two and he felt his heart sink. The poor girl's eyes no longer held their original sheen of animosity, instead staring ahead dull and unfocused as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"It weighs on me heavily. That's why I train nonstop. Every. Single. Day. With Darling at my side, nothing could stop us. But you're keeping us apart...it's not like you care him anyway,"

Hiruzen frowned at her words. "Zero Two, Naruto means just as much to me as he does to-"

"Lies!" The pinkette barked, silencing the God of Shinobi.

"He means everything to me. Every day, Darling is out there suffering, shouldering the animosity of an entire village. And he does it with a smile on his face. And what do you do? Sit behind this damn desk all day ordering me around!" Zero Two's fist tightened and her entire body bristled.


"Forget it. It's obvious you intend to keep us apart."

A strong pulse shook the room and the brazen kunoichi suddenly phased out of sight. Hiruzen brought a withered finger to his head and began to gently message his temple. The soft ministrations did little to quell the pain that was steadily rising in his skull. It was then room's other remaining occupant stepped before him with a bow.

"My apologies Hokage-sama. I'll be sure t-"

"That won't be necessary Yūgao-chan," Hiruzen waved dismissively. "She's growing more restless these days. But...it has been almost 9 years by now so I understand her frustration."

An exasperated Yūgao removed her mask and gave a pleading look to her commander. "Be that as it may sir, we can't let this kind of behavior go unchecked. She has to understand she can't just lash out at others when she doesn't get her way."

"I don't think anyone can get through to her anymore. The girl is in love after," Hiruzen chuckled. His voice was tired, yet filled with so much mirth. "Besides...winds of change are sweeping across the Elemental Nations. Something big is coming our way soon...these old bones can feel it. And we don't have much time either."

A puzzled Yūgao could only stare at the Hokage trying to decipher the cryptic message as he took another drag from his pipe. "What exactly are you trying to say sir?"

A response was not immediately given. Hiruzen simply spun in his chair and stared out into the village. He couldn't help but think about a certain blonde youth. 'Oh Minato...where did I go wrong?' Unlike most who practiced their profession, Hiruzen had managed to live to an advanced age. In all of his nearly 69 years of life, looking after his predecessor's son was one of his greatest regrets.

Naruto was the sole legacy left behind by the 4th Hokage after his death. The boy wasn't even an hour old before tragedy struck and fate thrust an enormous burden upon the boy's shoulders. At the cost of his life, Namikaze Minato was forced to seal the Nine Tailed Fox that ravaged the village inside his own son. It was his dying wish that his son be seen as a hero, but in the end Naruto truly was just a sacrifice.

Minato was the most renowned ninja from the Hidden Leaf during his time, and that same renown brought about a myriad of enemies. When Hiruzen found Naruto, he had decided on giving the boy his mother's surname of "Uzumaki" in an effort to protect the babe from the shadows of his father's past. He was also forced out of retirement to retake up the mantle of Hokage. But as much as he pleaded, the villagers only saw the boy as the demon itself. And thus he was forced to outlaw any mention of the Nine-Tails as a last ditch effort to protect the boy from the misguided ire of the village. Then there was Zero Two.

Her exact origins were unknown and the girl herself couldn't even remember. One winter nine years ago, Naruto had suddenly up and disappeared from the village. ANBU finally caught up to him near the Wind Country border and she was with the boy. There was an altercation and Naruto ended up tapping into the Nine Tail's power, costing him the life of one of his most promising shinobi.

This is where his relationship with the mysterious girl began. She was fiercely protective of Naruto after he lost consciousness and refused to leave his side. The ANBU brought both children back to the village and with a heavy heart, Hiruzen had the both of their memories erased. O so he thought. The weight of that decision didn't really hit him until after meeting Zero Two. He could still remember the first time he saw her. Scared little thing, tucked away in the furthest corner of the cell. Her body was weak and frail from malnutrition and her entire form convulsed with trepidation. Horns peaked out from beneath the hood of her shawl, accompanied by a pair of teal orbs staring back at him apprehensively.

Shaking his head clear of the image, Hiruzen took another puff on his pipe. Maybe the time had finally come after all. If he was being honest with himself, it was only a matter of time. Zero Two wasn't as easy to keep reigned in these days compared to when she was younger. He was honestly quite surprised she managed to keep her composure until now, but it was clear her patience had just about run out. Those two had already been through enough as is, especially Zero Two. To have to live with the pain of the person you love the most forgetting you entirely. He just hoped that it wasn't too late for them. He wouldn't expect Zero Two to ever forgive him, but he at least hoped Naruto understood why he did what he did. He would understand if the boy didn't. He would be content with just seeing the two of them be happy again.

'Thanks for the Ramen Old Man!'

'Look I did it geezer!'

A smile graced the aging shinobi's features as memories resurfaced. What he would give to see their smiles again. The real ones that didn't cast up a veil to obscure their pain and suffering. "What I'm saying Yūgao is that we must prepare for the Future to come." Hiruzen said simply as he watched a flock of birds drift across the skies. "It's time we place our faith in the youth. It is they who are the future of the village and the ones who will carry the Will of Fire."

"Hey Old Man where's my next bowl? I'm already done with this one!"

"Geez Naruto you really have an appetite today…"

"Damn right!"

Just across the street from the humble food stand, a lone ANBU stood perched on a vacant rooftop. A wistful sigh escaped Zero Two as she observed the scene below. How she adored her Darling's smile. But how it hurt her knowing it was artificial. Years of adversity had fractured her beloved's psyche, leading to the creation of this jester persona that was a shoddy counterfeit of his original self, and she detested it.

She hated the villagers. She would've slaughtered them all without a second thought had she the chance. They were slowing destroying the one thing that had any value in her life. Her sole reason for living. She would give a special exception to the shop owner Teuchi and his daughter Ayame. The only reason she even bothered to commit their names to memory was that her Darling absolutely treasured their vendible cuisine. And they actually treated him like a human.


The word tasted like bile rolling off her tongue. Funny how the ones who tormented her beloved as such are just as bad, if not worse, as the demon they accused him of being. She could only get so much information out of the old fart in regards to the Nine-Tails. Apparently the tailed beasts are ancient creatures constructed out of Chakra from a forgotten time and they held immense power. The Nine-Tails, strongest of them all, suddenly appeared and laid waste to the village. That also happened to be the day of her darling's birth. His parents were slain in the chaos and the monster was sealed into Naruto as a last ditch effort.

She had to admit, the thought of having a nigh exhaustible supply of chakra was enough to make the rosette salivate. But she'd witnessed firsthand the sorrowful existence that accompanied the Jinchūriki lifestyle.

Zero Two's gaze made their way back to the object of her affections. His messy blonde hair was as wild as ever, jutting out of his head with reckless abandon. Despite his mask, his eyes always had this almost…mystical luster to them. She found those beautiful baby blues of his absolutely spellbinding. Thinking back to their earlier encounter, a skittish grin split the maiden's features.

It was the first time they had exchanged words in almost a decade. It was like meeting for the first time all over again. She even got the chance to tease him a little. He sounded so much older and masculine than his younger self, but that was to be expected. He was also a few centimeters shorter than her, not that she minded. But perhaps her favorite and the most important feature of her beloved was his whiskers. Oh how deeply she was enraptured by his whiskers. It was just made him even more delightfully delicious in her eyes. And she could've sworn to hell and back that she heard him purr when she tasted him earlier and the thought alone got her blood racing. This matter would require a more thorough investigation.

"Thanks again for the meal guys! I'm taking off."

"Take care of yourself out there Naruto!"


Zero Two watched as her darling slid out of the food stall and set off towards his apartment in the eastern sector of the village. There was just something about watching the blonde fade into the distance, shoulders sagged and head hung low, that sparked a flame within Zero Two. A sharp, repetitive beeping from her wristwatch let her know that it was almost time for her next shift. The horned girl rose to her feet and unfastened the red and white lion mask fixed to her hip. Casting a glance at the sun retreating behind the horizon, Zero Two steeled her resolve as she slipped on the mask.

'I don't give a damn what the geezer said. Darling is mine and I won't let anyone stand between us ever again!'