
Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback

A young man transmigrates into Danzo a few years after the Nine-Tails Incident. The original Danzo was incompetent and never achieved his dream of Hokage, but now with the knowledge of the plot and a simple system as help, let alone Konoha even dominating the whole world is not a problem. And it all starts by throwing the world in another war.

Iamxourtingdeath · 漫画同人
19 Chs

The eve before war

A few days later.

While the ninjas are marching setting up the war camp on the front line, the civilians were shocked by the rumors that have spread in Konoha.

It's very difficult to build up high prestige, but it's very easy to destroy it.

Third Hokage has an amiable, friendly and very popular image among Konohas civilians, but now, when the story about Sarutobis performance about the Kumo-thing spread, the amiable image turned into weakness.

In times of war a strong leader is needed and Third Hokage undoubtedly disappointed them.

Well, Danzo never took these civilians seriously from beginning to end. One rumor can make them force a hero to death and one rumor can make them bully a child for years.

Civilians without education are almost completely useless in Danzos eyes, the only reason use of them is to boost the population.

But Sarutobi doesn't think so, after he got wind of the rumors that are circulating he became extremely angry and called Homura and Mito for a meeting.

Looking at his two useless comrades, who were sitting beside him in the office Sarutobi was not even in the mood to smoke his beloved pipe.

"This time Danzo went too far, I think we should..."

While speaking Homura made a cutting gesture on his neck.

'If Danzo is gone, I can take over the Roots hehe'

To be honest, Homura was in a good mood, even though the last few days went completely beyond the expectations of them, because he knows that Sarutobis patience with Danzo has exceeded the limit this time.

And how can an Elder win a fight against the Hokage? So in his opinion Danzos end is already doomed.

Sarutobi glanced at him lightly, his eyes were cold.

'It seems I have indulged these idiots too much in the past, one by one are trying to steal my power. I have to show them, that the title of the strongest Hokage is not blown out.'

Thinking of this, Sarutobi looked sarcastically at Homura and spoke.

"Okay go ahead, if you can solve Danzo, you can take over the Root."

When these words came out, the atmosphere became awkward. Homura immediately stopped talking and didn't mention this topic anymore, but in his mind he thought otherwise.

'Danzo was right, Sarutobi is a coward. He is incompentent and takes out his anger on me.'

Skipping this topic, Sarutobi became serious again and asked.

"The biggest question is, how did Danzo become so powerful?"

This is what Sarutobi puzzles the most. He has contact with Danzo almost everyday, he doesn't understand why he suddenly changed so much.

Not only in strength, but also in character.

Although Danzo only fought for a few seconds, but with the eyesight of Sarutobi he could tell that the current Danzo has a body like a monster.

He has played and used Danzo with a piece of mind all his life, because he was confident that Danzo would never be able to raise his head in front of him.

Like a dog on a leash, but now he has to admit that he felt a little threatened.

But its just a little bit, because no matter how big the changes of Danzo are, he doesn't think that its enough to deal with the fourth Raikage and Killer Bee.

So Sarutobi didn't act rashly, because he knew that the current situation is unfavorable to him. The ninjas and civilians are on Danzos side for now.

'But not for long. Just wait for the news of Danzos defeat on the front line with a piece of mind and everything will be back to old.'

Thinking of this, Sarutobi breathed a sigh of relief and his mood improved a lot, he waved his hand slightly and told the two confused elders to leave.


Meanwhile at the border of the country of fire, Danzo was holding a meeting with the important figures in this war in the commander tent.

Uchiha represented by Shisui and Fugaku, Yamanaka by Inoichi, Nara by Shikaku, who also serves as military adviser, there also Akimichi, Aburame and of course the Hyuga clan, the trigger of this war. There is also Kakashi and Might Guy, who are still a bit young, but qualified to participate.

Danzo was standing on the forefront, looking majestic and started speaking.

"The 5000 man army of Kumogakure is already on the way here, lead by Raikage and Killer Bee. They seem to be very confident and even left the two-tails jinchurikii in the village. The battle should start tomorrow at noon."

These words made the atmosphere a bit heavy, because there are only 2000 ninjas on their side.

Ignoring their mood, Danzo laughed a little and promised solemnly.

"Are you afraid? Anyone who is afraid can go back to Konoha, I promise that there will be no consequences."

Might Guy was the first to be dissatisfied with this question and said loudly.

"How can we be afraid, this is a perfect opportunity to burn my youth!"

After saying that he wanted to give a thumbs up, but was held down by Kakashi who wanted to pull Konoha White Fangs last move in shame.

Although the others in the tent did not say anything, but their eyes let Danzo know that his question was meaningless.

With a smile on his face, Danzo started to talk again.

"I personally will fight with the fourth Raikage and Eight-Tails Jinchuriiki will be left to Fugaku, with Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka assisting. You just need to hold him back until Shisui finishes his task, after that he will join you.

With the confidence and recklessness of the fourth Raikage, he will probably try to achieve a strong first victory head on.

The deployment of the rest of the troops, I will leave to Shikaku."

Danzo doesn't have the confidence that he can command troops better than Shikaku, so he left it to him with a piece of mind.

"Remember, we MUST win this. And we must win overwhelmingly, otherwise the other villages may have ideas to join in.

I don't want a protracted war, because the current Konoha can't afford it."

After that he took a deep breath and gravely said his last words for todays meeting.

"Either I win or I die. If I happen to survive after defeat, I will apologize with death."

Of course these are just empty words, not to mention that with Magma fruit, Raikage who doesn't use illusion or sealing jutsu can't even harm him, but even if he happened to lose in some way, he will never commit suicide.

But the others didn't know it, during the last few days, their impression of Danzo has changed a lot. In their opinion Danzo is a full-blown hawk. In peace times he is too annoying and dark, but during war he is the most reliable and brave.

So they took his words seriously. This war they must win!

will leave