
Chapter 43: Confrontation and Homecoming

"Nani?" Naruto looked up at Sakura in an inquisitive manner, ramen noodles hanging from his mouth in a gauche manner, "Sasuke wants to see me?"

Crossing her arms impatiently, the petal haired girl sighed in annoyance, "Yes, Naruto, Sasuke wants to see you."

Bewildered, Naruto stood up from the counter at the ramen shop, slurping up the noodles as he did so, leaving the half-finished bowl behind. It sure was easy to find Naruto, Sakura noted inwardly, he was practically living at Ichiraku's; when on earth did he go training?

"Come on," Sakura stated impatiently, taking out a small wallet and even paying for her teammate's ramen, "Let's not keep him waiting!"

"Wait!" Naruto exclaimed suddenly, and Sakura rolled her eyes impatiently, turning to face him.

"What is it, Naruto?" she sighed irritably, if this took too long, then the healing procedure would be pushed back too far into the day and the whole schedule would thrown out of whack.

It did not help that she was in a particularly grouchy mood at the moment, having just left her house. She had, as her mother instructed, woken up early to see her father off on the second part of his mission, and needless to say he had gotten into a stern talking-to with her. Having been used to arguing with her father for years, she knew that no matter what he told her to do, she was not going to listen to him, and he knew that no matter what he did, he could have no influence over her. It was a wonder why they even argued sometimes, knowing that the result would not be any different—her mother claimed that it was a kind of sport between them. But despite arguing being a sport, it still left her grouchy with her father for being so…unreasonable!

"There's something that I need to get for Sasuke," he said jumping up, not even thanking her for paying for his meal, "It'll only take a moment, Sakura-chan. I just need to stop by my house for a moment."

"Only for a moment?" she questioned doubtfully.

"Hai!" Naruto exclaimed, "Dattebayo!"

"Fine, fine, I'll wait for you here," she said with a resigning sigh, "Just hurry."

Without even giving her a response, Naruto leapt off down the road with such speed that one would have thought he was an orange splash of paint that flickered on a shop wall for only an instant.

"I can't believe Sasuke would wait this long to see me! It's not like him to be scared or anything—unless he's heard how strong I've gotten and he knows what's coming to him—"

The doors of the elevator closed and Sakura swiped her card-key through the slot while listening to Naruto ramble. He had been talking for the last little bit, complaining about Sasuke and how he should have been seen earlier. All things considered, Sakura was glad that Naruto hadn't managed to pass her the other day. He seemed to have forgotten all mention of Sasuke's injuries and was blathering on about Sasuke's condition like he had only received a scratch from a genin-level mission.

"Naruto," Sakura said after a moment, cutting her friend's digression short, "There's something you need to know…about Sasuke that is."

Turning his head towards her, he studied her curiously with his blue eyes, clearly concerned by the downheartedness that had suddenly appeared on her face.

"Yesterday I wouldn't tell you what was wrong with Sasuke," she started, not knowing how to form her words, "Well, I talked to him, and he requested to see you—but he wants you to know what happened to him before you see him…. I have permission now, from my patient, to reveal his condition—it was actually a request…and I think it was very difficult for him to ask me to tell you…"

Naruto stared at her for a moment, still looking confused by her solemn manner, "What is it, Sakura-chan?"

"Sasuke is blind," she stated after a moment, "When you walk into that room, it will become apparent immediately."

"Blind? As in—" Naruto started off hesitantly, seeming to find the news almost incomprehensible.

"As in he can't see; his vision is gone, he'll probably never look upon anything again," she stated so bluntly that Naruto was silent with shock for a while.

She thought she had gotten over Sasuke's situation, that it didn't matter anymore, that the only thing she could do was help him; her heart told her otherwise and sympathy towards Sasuke seemed to tear her spirit in two. Fists clenching slightly in frustration, Sakura cursed herself again and again—maybe if she had stopped him from leaving Konoha, maybe if she could have helped him then…

"Please, Naruto," she whispered quietly, "You know Sasuke as well as I do, and you know that he's probably a bit touchy on his current state. Please act normal, and don't be sorry for him, because I know that will only make him angry and hate the position he's in. I don't want that…"

Naruto turned his head and looked at the floor, his face grim; his hand was resting against the pocket of his orange jumpsuit, where the gift for Sasuke was being carefully kept. Neither of them said anything more as the door to the elevator opened on the fifth floor. Stepping out, Sakura led Naruto the short distance to Sasuke's room, stopping in front of the door. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, she forced her sorrow to dissipate—it was a lack of self-control on her part, and she firmly reminded herself that tears and sadness would not help Sasuke.




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