

After taking a photo of system's flattery for a while, Hyuga Matsuba looked at the increased lottery opportunities and clicked the lottery button.

This kind of opportunity, Hyuga Matsuba has never tried lottery times, because there is no difference in this thing, it is better to cherish happiness now.

Every time lottery draws something different, it's all luck. If you want to feed yourself by lottery, it's simply a nightmare.

Hyuga Matsuba started lottery as before, now he has become familiar with the process after smoking many times.


Five things were refreshed on the turntable: a spatula, a gold wing pistol, an awm, a broken path of 5 * black coffin, and a magic fairy cane of the Balara little magic fairy.

Hyuga Matsuba looks-at I do n't know what to say about these things. Is that spatula and the magic fairy staff of Balara Little Devil gone the wrong set?

In his impression, didn't the magic fairy cane use the thing to use magic after the little magic fairy turned? Besides, I'm not a little magic fairy. If I get that stuff, I feel embarrassing in my hand.

Look at the other, what pistol, awm, Hyuga Matsuba is not very interested.

"This lottery really has everything, everything can be placed on the turntable, let's get started!"

The turntable started to rotate, Hyuga Matsuba's nervous looks-at pointer, finally in Hyuga Matsuba's full hope, the result came out, it was a broken road 90 * black coffin.

"Fuck, that's great! Actually made me a Luck Emperor once? Next!"

Hyuga Matsuba is very satisfied with this result, because after this refresh, his favorite is this one.

For the second lottery, the roulette continues to refresh, this time there are 2 prizes: Gua * Mountain Break, Pipi Fruit (system improved version), Monochrome * Qianye Town Knife and Nine Yin White Bone Claw.

Although the number of prizes this time is small, but the quality has come up, Hyuga Matsuba delighted and started lottery.

In the end, he got the Gua * Mountain Break. This is one of the highest ranking Ninjutsu in Hyuga Clan, but Hyuga Song Yu does not need him much because it has the same effect as sparkling fruit.

Even if you do n't really want it, it 's a pity that the results have already been produced, and you are not allowed to do it again.

If it can be returned, it may be that Hyuga Matsuba did, but system is not allowed.

"It doesn't matter, all in all, this is a Ninjutsu with great formidable power, but it can break through the mountains, and it can't be ignored!"

For the last lottery, the roulette was refreshed. This time, Hyuga Matsuba encountered the least prizes. There are 3 things on it.

This lottery function is completely irregular. Every refresh depends on luck. It seems that Hyuga's highest record is more than ten.

This time there are only three, which sounds pitifully rare, but in fact everything is fine.

These 3 things are: the ability of the sailfish teacher, the sword of the sword, the edge of the sword, the magic eye of death.

Describe these three treasures in one sentence: awesome! Regardless of the result this time, Hyuga Matsuba felt that he had made a lot of money.

"If I really get the sailfish Teacher's ability, will I lose my hair and become bald? Or will I become as ugly as he is." Hyuga Matsuba began to worry.

Swordfish Teacher's level is really not covered, but there are gains and losses. Swordfish Teacher is definitely a well-known figure in terms of ability, but it has become bald, and it seems that the emotional aspect is also very bumpy.

Hyuga Matsuba is eager for the ability of the swordfish Teacher, but if it is frustrated on the emotional road, Hyuga Matsuba is definitely not willing to 100.

Hyuga Matsuba's hand was sweating tensely, and the last lottery started, and the pointer began to spin again, and after a long time, it turned to the slashing sword * Rapid Blade.

Hyuga Matsuba's dangling heart was finally able to let go, and a blade appeared in front of her, and Hyuga Matsuba immediately reached out and took it down.

The sword is huge, and the sword-handle is not short either. It looks like it's not the same as Yamamoto's knife. There are a lot of differences. When you get it so big, it looks very abrupt.

Today Hyuga Matsuba is just a child, and it is not suitable for this knife. You need to wait until later. Now the height is not enough. It is a problem to get the knife out.

But this will not make Hyuga Matsuba discouraged. If one day you can use this sword, take yourself at Naruto World, isn't it just playing peerless in the whole world?

However, it is easier said than done, and it is not easy to use this knife. This knife is one of the strongest weapons in the hot department.

When Hyuga Songyu reached out to take over the knife just now, he could feel the change in the energy of his within-the-body. This knife seemed to be in close communication with the energy of his within-the-body.

Hyuga Matsuba looked at the knife and realized that the weapon had been integrated into the body, so that he could use the sword in the future.

"But how can the seal of this knife be lifted? Hyuga Matsuba has no idea.

The necessary procedure for using the Beheaded Sword is to release the seal, otherwise the true strength of this knife will not be revealed, it is just a very sharp tool that's all, absolutely can't be called is a weapon that is very difficult to deal with.

"Well, let's talk about it later. Now that you have this knife, are you worried that you will not be able to solve the seal in the future?" Hyuga Matsutaka cautious and solemn closed it and closed the system.

Relax, the Moon outside is big and round, Hyuga Matsuba can't sleep anymore now.

Because the lottery is so exciting this time, not only the cutting sword * flowing blade is hot, but also the broken path 90 * black coffin, these two treasures have become Hyuga Song Yu's heart.

If only the black coffin was drawn, he would not be so excited. The main reason is that he also picked the slashing sword * Rapid Blade, which is a big surprise.

There are not many such exciting moments. Except when Hyuga Matsuba was happy when I got Tensigan last time, I really have to count this time. At that time, Hyuga Matsuba was just transmigrated. done.

It took a long time for Hyuga's heart to calm down.

"It's still not enough. I got the knife now, but I haven't unlocked the seal. It's useless now." Hyuga Matsuba was a little disappointed.

It ca n't be said that it is absolutely absolute. This sword has been improved and upgraded by the system. It can be activated by consuming Chakra, but if a weapon such as formidable power is really consumed, it is really not a small number.

It is too early to fight with this knife at this time.

"Aiya, I don't care! Anyway, such a powerful thing is already available, maybe there will be more powerful treasure waiting for me in the future, then when the time comes I must not be able to eat anything."

Reluctantly calming down, Hyuga Matsuba closed her eyes tightly and planned to start sleeping just like that.

Tomorrow will also be cloned for training. If I don't sleep well, how do I train tomorrow?

After falling asleep, Hyuga Matsuba eyes opened and felt as if he hadn't recovered.

"Well, still can't help it." Hyuga Matsuba laughed and said to herself silently: "Let's take a leave for yourself today."

Filled his stomach randomly, Hyuga Matsuba went to school, still excited in his heart, and almost flew on the road.

"Early Song Yu, did you win the lottery today? Why are you so happy? Share your happiness!"

Nawaki rushed over.

Hyuga Matsuba startedled, rudely, "You almost scared me to death!"

"You were absent-minded just now. I didn't notice! I'm laughing like a fool here."