
Naruto: Aburame Malaria

Aburame Malaria, the child who was spurned by all because his body was unsuitable to host any sort of chakra bug from birth. As a placeholder until his body could nurture enough chakra, instead of a chakrabug he was infested with the mundane mosquito. What's the feeling of a mosquito bite? Itchy, yes. What's the feeling of a mosquito bite under your skin? Tremendously unbearably itchy. Yes. Multiply the feeling to several hundred to thousands of feeding mosquitoes under your skin. Come and join us as Aburame Malaria is slowly turning insane from the itch, as he follows Danzo and Orochimaru to develop the shinobi worlds first insect borne diseases. _____________ This story will be heavily centered around humor and jokes, where the plot will slowly follow Malaria's descent into scientific madness. Please leave some comments, I'll check them out. Appreciation goes out to Midjourney AI for making it so easy to create a truly amazing Cover Art. Want me to drink a coffee in your honour? Here's how: ko-fi dot com/ThugB

ThugB · 漫画同人
42 Chs

Apprehend the Criminal

While everyone in the training ground was looking for his traces, Malaria slipped away. Looking back at the students carrying the passed out Suzuki Yamaha to the police station, he nodded and left.

So long as the teacher doesn't plead guily and allows some simple hypnosis and genjutsu to be used for everyone to figure out the truth, all would turn out well.

Besides, what could two small bottles of aphrodisiacs even proove except that the teacher was still very motivated in bed. Who could fault him for that?

On his way back home from the assessment, a happy-go-lucky Akimichi clansman with a wide smile on his face approached and gave him a detailed envelope covered in well wishes. 'A wedding invitation?' Malaria thought.

It was sent by Akimichi Himawari, inviting Malaria to attend the wedding of her and Uchiha Dobito tomorrow. Malaria quickly turned excited. He had to attend!

Since the war was going to get started, the festivities had to be prepared early before the mobilization began in earnest. There was bound to be a lot of blood-nourishing foods at the wedding, it would be a waste to refuse to not join in.

Scratching his neck and slapping at his sides, his thoughts got interrupted, "Malaria-kun…"

Listening to the happy-sounding voice calling him from behind, Malaria turned around only to see Minato running up to him with a smile.

'Has this man truly fallen for me? I know he will become Naruto's father, but this is too much. Why is he chasing after me all over the village?' Malaria shivered in fright and sped up his walking speed, determined to leave the man in the dust.

Minato also started running faster. He couldn't let go of Malaria; he had to understand why he was hiding his power when he's so strong. Today, he finally realized that Malaria was an unconventional and classy demagogue, finding support in the populace where there originally was none.

The guy tricked his peers, made a fortune, and even pointed the controversy to his teacher before ruthlessly abandoning him. 'That's some proper shinobi material, although too wicked for my tastes.' Minato thought.

Soon, Minato caught up with Malaria and stopped him. Malaria's pupils shrunk. The man soon to be known as the Yellow Flash truly can't be underestimated - the guy was on the other side of the street but catched up in mere five steps.

"Malaria, there are some things I really need to say to you." Minato said with a smile.

"What do you want now?" Malaria looked at Minato warily.

With that gentle everlasting smile on his lips, Minato said, "I'm going to attend the ino-shika-cho wedding aswell. Kushina will be there too, and I would like to introduce you two. You seem to have a lot in common."

Rolling his eyes, Malaria asked, "Why would you want me to socialize with your woman? Want to get a three-some going? I've already told you - I'm not into men!" Malaria took a defensive posture as if he'd be molested at any moment.

Minato almost fell over, who the hell would ever think of something like that!? "No! What I meant to say is that she also used to do pranks all over the village for attention. Perhaps you could become friends?" he said with a grimace-like smile.

"I could meet her at the reception." Malaria responded. "But I have one condition!"

"What is it?" Minato was thrilled, perhaps Kushina wouldn't have to be so lonely anymore with just him sticking around. Even if Malaria has ten.. No, five.. Never mind, one condition is plenty for this scoundrel to screw with him.

With his talents, Malaria would have a promising future in Konoha. And as a person looking out for the happiness of everyone, Minato felt he had to help his loved ones out of their slight depression first.

Malaria sighed and explained, "I have a brother-in-arms who is presumably now in custody. I would like you to get him out of the Uchiha police station." Glancing at Minato's expression, "I think you know who it is - it's my misunderstood teacher."

"You want me to help Suzuki Yamaha get out of spending time in jail?" Minato scratched his chin in thought. That wouldn't be all too difficult, considering the guy was a teacher and only got framed for being a pervert in public.

Minato was one of the top elite jonins in the village, and had the appreciation of Sarutobi Hiruzen. If nothing goes wrong, he's even in the running for 4th Hokage. This little thing wasn't anything much for him.

"Just give me an answer." Malaria pretended to be impatient and wondered if Yamaha-sensei was really taken to the police station by that angry mob. They might've just gone to the hospital instead.

Gritting his teeth, Minato agreed, "All right, I'm going to do it for you." He couldn't find any possible holes he could fall into from doing the brat this favour. He found it interesting that even Malaria could feel compassion for another person.

Malaria nodded and started walking towards the police station to welcome his Brother Yamaha back to freedom. He felt the guy needed some time to rest, but he might've gone overboard with that little 'pink-mix'-prank.

Then, Minato used the Flying Thunder God Technique to vanish from the spot. He first went to the Hokage office to figure out the papers of this matter. Couldn't trouble the Hokage with these trivial things unnecessarily.

By the time Malaria arrived outside the station he found Minato already waiting for him. Dozens of students had already gathered and packed the entrance to convict Suzuki Yamaha.

Minato waved his hand and asked Malaria in a low voice, "Do you have any idea where Yamaha-sensei is being incarcerated?"

Malaria shrugged, "How could I possibly know? I'm not a police officer and I've only been arrested once. You wait here, I'll check it out." Malaria started walking through the crowded students to get to the front desk.

Minato nodded his head and asked one of the police officers stationed outside if he knew anything about that pitiful teacher. The Uchiha clansman only shrugged his shoulders. It's rare to see so many youngsters at the station during any time of the year.

After Malaria swaggered into the station, the officer outside couldn't help but ask Minato, "I feel like that student is somewhat familiar…"

"If you knew and remembered what he did, you wouldn't have let him go inside - I'm sure." Minato smiled wryly. The police station getting swarmed by mosquitoes, and the sale of Uchiha Dobito did quite the number on their reputation.

When they had investigated Malaria previously, he was just a common civillian thrown out of the Aburame clan. Now that he had showcased his strength, his value in the eyes of several higherups had increased several fold.

Inside the police station, Suzuki Yamaha wanted to kill himself. He had been through a lot of things in his life, but he had never been sent to jail before - let alone by his own students. Also, he was captured infront of all the instructors of the academy. He wondered if his image in their hearts would be affected.

"Officer-sama, our sensei right here accepted bribes. You must punish him!" The children pushed Yamaha to the forefront.

"Officer-sama, here's the evidence. Two bottles of aphrodisiacs produced by that scoundrel Malaria!" Putting those disgusting bottles on the table, they couldn't help but be afraid they'd break and turn them into 'Dobitoes'.

"Sensei accepted them from Malaria and let him take part in the academy assessment to give him tons of rewards in Hokage-sama's name!" The outrage was simmering in the youngsters eyes, they couldn't wait for justice to be dealt fairly according to the village laws.

"Malaria escaped before we could catch him. However, we are going to apprehend him sooner or later." The Yamanaka girl profusely swore in her clans honor. That scoundrel had to pay for his crimes against fellow-students.

The officer that was recording everything down on paper almost laughed out loud. He had never seen anything like this before. He did not believe that two bottles of aphrodisiacs were enough to bribe an Academy teacher, let alone one who speaks for the Hokage.

But, since the students had brought their teacher to the police station to administer punishment, they had to pretend to take the matter seriously. It was one of the few fun moments they got during their boring stay at the station.

"Who says that I escaped? I'm right here!" said someone lazily. Everyone turned around and saw Malaria swaggering into the station like he was without any fault.

"Malaria, you dare to show your face here? Justice will be served!" A few students turned to block the entrance. Seeing that, the other students surrounded Malaria in a hurry.

"Malaria, confess that you bribed Yamaha-sensei and won all those rewards while destroying the lives of your fellow students, shaming them forever." Hiashi stood at the forefront, showing the classy attitude of a future clan Patriarch.

"You are in the police station. You won't get away until you confess everything you did!" The Yamanaka girl grit her teeth and pinched her little fists.

Ignoring the clamouring students, Malaria squeezed through the crowd and spoke with a grin, "Dear Sensei, how coincidental that we've met here. Didn't think I'd find you at the station.".

'I would rather not have such coincidences!'

Yamaha-sensei was more than angry, he was outright furious. Had it not been for the little devils great talents and war being upon the village, he would've slahed him into a thousand pieces with his ninja sword.

To be honest, Malaria quite admired his Yamaha-sensei, who was a chunin but was brought to the police station by a bunch of students who at most were at the genin level. It proved that Suzuki Yamaha focused more on teaching than suppressing others without any background.

"Go and explain everything to the officers." Suzuki Yamaha snorted angrily.

"Of course, I promise." Malaria turned to the policemen and said solemnly, "Officers, our respected Sensei was entirely under command of the future-hokage, the runner-up Namikaze Minato. Sensei asked me to do bad things to attract Minato's attention so he could apprehend that mailicious scumbag."

"And as it turned out, he bit the bait. Now, I've successfully lured the miscreant Minato just outside the police station. He wants to silence our poor Sensei before he has the chance to speak of his dastardly deeds!" Malaria spilled a proverbial bucket of ink over the sunshine-like reputation of Namikaze Minato.

"What?" The officers were shocked. That Namikaze Minato, the helpful and happy fellow who helps grandma's over the street - wanted to silence someone because he knew too much? What sort of spicy news was this?

The darkness flickering in Suzuki Yamaha's eyes were threatening to spill out as he observed Malaria carefully. 'Everything I just heard was complete hogwash. What in the world is he trying to do now?' Yamaha thought.

Completely unlike the perverted and crappy teacher who was forced to come to the police station, he was on high alert to any more mischief this devil could cause.

"Are you absolutely serious about that?" asked the police officer with a dignified expression. Malaria nodded his head heavily.

"Captain, come over here!" Another officer shouted next to the window. Everybody tried looking outside, only to see Minato wandering outside the station asking people if they needed any help as he was waiting for something. He was clearly trying to find where Yamaha-sensei was, so he could silence him!

"I'm going to the Chief. You stay here." said the captain before rushing upstairs to ask Uchiha Fugaku for help in apprehending Namikaze Minato. The guy knows the Flying Thunder God technique after all, he's not easy to catch.

After the captain left, the students of Konoha Ninja Academy were filled with disbelief. Was Malaria, the most shameless and brazen person they've ever seen, really a bait that Yamaha-sensei placed to attract the evil Namikaze Minato's attention?

"Why are you looking at me this way?" Malaria rubbed his face and scratched his neck. Had he grown handsome somehow? The Aburame genes weren't exactly that good when it comes to the looks department.

"Sensei, did you really ask Malaria to do those things?" The students looked at Suzuki Yamaha, wishing for an answer.

Yamaha frowned. What was Malaria about to do this time? Malaria didn't explain anything and just slandered one of Konoha's finest into the dirt. Before he could reply, Malaria stood out and scolded all the students in the station.

"Has it never occurred to you that Yamaha-sensei is much stronger than you? If the sensei hadn't planned to catch that miscreant Minato here at the police station, do you really think you could've escorted him here?"

The students were deep in thought. It did make sense, but why did their instincts keep flaring and warning them that something was not right with this entire ordeal?

This is my first comedy work, and I hope you'll have plenty of laughs. I've heard rumors about a certain stone. A stone with power. One could call it:

The power stone!

And I have an instatiable craving for some of those. Please leave yours behind on the way out! Oh, and do leave a comment or review while you're at it, or I'll send a quintuple amount of mosquitoes to your area!

ThugBcreators' thoughts