
Naruto: A Shinobi's Audacity

This is more fun than serious. Don't expect Enilion-esque writing. That man's something else. I do promise that my writing will be coherent, so that's already better than most of the fanfics on wn. Synopsis: Some random dude is transmigrated into Naruto verse with a non-intrusive system. It's going to be a long grind... Or a rather short one. PS. The system is inspired from the game 'Albion Online'.

IdiotsEverywhere · 漫画同人
19 Chs

Chapter 7

The plan was clear.

As the team spied on the makeshift encampment of the ronin, they took note of the layout of the enemy's base. All the kidnapped children were in wooden cages, their hands and feet tied by ropes.

The ronin, while rogue, were a disciplined bunch. Five of them were guarding the cages, some were practicing, some were sharpening their weapons, and some were cooking.

There was a mild smell of iron and alcohol in the air.

'Fresh blood and booze, to 'lessen the pain' and disinfect, perhaps.'

Many of them had bandages on them.

What struck Kenji was the familes of the ronin, or lack of them.

'No families, and running away from the Land of Water. Attacked the first village they came across for supplies and money so that they can sustain themselves. It's all for survival. I can respect that. But, their tale will have to end today.'

The team retreated away from the encampment to discuss the course of action.

"The plan remains the same. Kohaku, Kiyomi, the two of you will be freeing the children. Your target are the five ronin guarding the cages. Kenji and I will create a distraction for you. The ronin outnumber us. So, to bring out as many as possible it will have to be something loud and flashy. Do you have something in mind, Kenji?"

The said boy pondered for bit and looked at one of his storage scrolls.

"Loud and flashy? I've got just the thing in mind!"


Ryusei had been the leader of his ragtag group of ronin for a few months. Things back in the Land of Water were bleak after war. The Daimiyo was a buffoon who had too many mouths in his ears.

It had led to a massive outrage when a group of corrupt merchants manipulated the Daimiyo into making policies that allowed exploitation of the common folk. It led to widespread hunger and protests. The samurai under Daimiyo were ordered to suppressing the peotests by any means necessary which led to a divide amongst the samurai.

The heir of Daimiyo was against his father's orders and made a separate faction that led the revolt. A war broke between the two and eventually, after numerous losses, the son was victorious and managed to overthrow his father's rule.

Every samurai who worked for the Daimiyo was declared a traitor and Ryusei ran away with his troops, thus becoming ronin. They had to abandon their homes and livelihood to save their lives.

They ran to the Land of Fire to escape persecution. Tired, afraid, hungry, and wounded, they did the thing they despised.

It was Ryusei's decision to kidnap children for ransom. A decision made out of desperation, he led his men to attack Hacho village.

He knew that the village's leader would ask Konohagakure for help. So, the band of ronin was desperate. He decided to give the villagers an ultimatum. If the ransom was not given, Ryusei would raise the village and pollute the sacred lake. Then, he would kill the children one by one in front of their parents.

He hated to have made the decision. But it was for the survival of him and his men.

He was sharpening his katana on his whetstone when he heard an arrow whizzing through air. He could see the arrow emerging from the forest, but was too slow to react. The arrow made a beeline to one of the tents and exploded, killing five of his men.

Shouts of confusion and disbelief echoed around the camp. Ryusei was shocked that the villagers would take such a risk of using explosives to attack them.

Another arrow flew out of the srubs and struck the ground near a tent, which then exploded again, killing three more ronin.

Shouts of ourage and anger erupted and his men rallied to go after the attacker.

Ryusei knew that it was a trap. He tried to maintain order, but blood was on the minds of the ronin as they marched towards their attacker. Shouts and roars echoed through the trees.

Ryusei was stuck at one place. The ambush was too sudden. The second arrow, he had seen it clearly. It had an explosive tag tied to it. It only meant one thing.

'Shinobi of Konohagakure!!'

Suddenly, a dome of water appeared from within the forest. And then...

Countless explosions rocked the ground with a blinding flash, eclipsing the terrified and pained screams of his men.

'My troops... almost all of them were taken out... In one single trap.'

Despair filled his heart as a few of them limped back to the camp, missing limbs and chunks from their bodies. It was a horror.

Following them was a child of age ten to twelve. Brandishing a tsurugi (A double-edged japanese sword), he cut the escaping men like butter. Ryusei was apoplectic.

"They're unarmed! They're afraid! What cowardice!"

"Cowardice?" Asked an eerily childish voice.

The boy emerged from the shadows as he killed a ronin who was writhing in pain.

"And what form of bravery led you to kidnap a bunch of helpless kids from their homes? Tell me about your brave quest of running away from the Land of Water, raiding a village of harmless folk, and threatening their lives."

Ryusei brandished his katana as he shouted, "How would a monster like you understand?!"

The boy cocked his head to a side and asked, "Monster? You're the one who has kids captive. You're the one who took them from their homes while they slept. You're the one who killed their parents. And I'm the monster? Is hypocrisy your bushido?"

He lost his home, he lost his lifestyle, his men were butchered right in front of him, and his creed was questioned by a boy. Ryusei saw red as the boy bathed in blood ridiculed his beliefs, his bushido.

With his katana laced in chakra, he attacked the boy with a powerful overhead strike, only for it to be blocked effortlessly by the boy.

"So, your bushido also teaches you to attack kids with intent to kill. Are you really a samurai, or just a thug?"

Ryusei roared and attacked ferociously. But each and every single strike of his was blocked.

Kenji had already eliminated most of the ronin. He could see that Kohaku and Kiyomi had already rescued the kidnapped children. Meanwhile, Hayama was busy dispatching the leftover ronin.

The man in front of him, presumably the leader, was disgrunted with him, to say the least, given the way his eyes were bloodshot and was screaming curses at him.

'Keep it PG rated, motherfucker... Oops.'

Ryusei finally reigned in his rage and took his fighting stance.

Kenji understood that play time was over, and he got serious.


Mikiri was a technique from the 'Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist' style. It was a way of acute focus that allowed Kenji's dynamic visual acquity to anticipate the enemy's movements. It wasn't like sharingan, but it was the next best thing.

Ryusei was unnerved by the intensity of Kenji's gaze. Gripping the handle tightly, he said, "My name is Kubota Ryusei. I'm a ronin, and your life's last opponent."

Kwnji nodded and acknowledged him.

"Mimura Kenji, genin of Konohagakure. You did what you had to for survival. Sadly, you met me."

After a moment of absolute quiet, they wage a battle of swords.

Sparks flew as flashes of strikes echoed through the forest. Ryusei noted that Kenji didn't have a particular style and tried to take advantage of it by using his training.

But, Mikiri allowed Kenji to see through all the feints.

'I can feel it...'

'Gousei Kohou.'

A breathing technique created by Silver Fang that pushed one's body to the utmost limits, it was eerily similar to another breathing technique.

'It's here.'

[Kenjutsu- Legendary (1%)]

'Ichi no kata: Minamo giri.'

Chakra coated Kenji's tsurugi and was transformed into water. He then did a single horizontal slash, unleashing tremendous power of suiton chakra and sent Ryusei flying.

The man felt a shiver run down his spine. Kenji's demeanor had transformed into that of an entirely different individual. A different entity.

'Ni no kata: Mizu guruma.'

Kenji lept towards Ryusei with a front flip and performed a vertical slash, releasing sharp suiton chakra in an arc.

Ryusei's katana was cut through and his sword arm was severed clean at the shoulder. His eyes were wide from disbelief. He couldn't fathom that he, an elite samurai of theLand of Water, was defeated by a genin in kenjutsu.

Kenji sheathed his tsurugi and slowly walked to the man.

Ryusei was breathing heavily. He was in incredible pain and was on the verge of fainting.

Kenji looked into his eyes and said, "You fought for your life and lost. Now, you can rest."

Ryusei wanted to speak. He wanted to ask a number of things from Kenji. But, before any voice escaped his mouth...


Kenji's hand flowed like water and went through his chest with a chunk of his heart caught in its fingers.

Ryusei died instantly.

[Water breathing- Beginner (50%)]