

lunar_explorer2525 · 电视同人
35 Chs

Chapter 06: Actual Combat

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Thus Ren tian You, just like this began to make great effort on practicing ninjutsu. His ninjutsu system contained all the ninjutsu that had appeared in Naruto world, it even included forbidden art and secret art.

Although his current actual strength was not that strong,nevertheless he still had practiced ninjutsu a lot. At present, his main focus was to practice 5 element style ninjutsu and taijutsu to increase his strength. As for illusion, he decided to learn after his Sharingan is upgraded to 3 tomoe level.

Sharingan offers high additional bonus with regards to illusions.

And 3 tomoe level gives ability to see through most of the illusions, but 1 tomoe level sharingan merely boost a bit of strength of user, nothing more. When Mangekyo sharingan is

awakened, at that time even time and space itself could be controlled. He only need to open Mangekyo sharingan, and unknowingly the other peoples will fall into his Mangekyo sharingan' illusions.

sharingan ilusig

Especially Tsukuyomi of Mangekyo sharingan, this illusion cause his opponents to be trapped inside the world which he control, here the opponents are tortured, and all the sensation of pains are not any different from the pain in real world. And the time inside Tsukuyomi world is also different. 3 days of time is less than a second in real world.

However this ability takes heavy troll in the eyes and leads them to become blind if use frequently.

become blind if de frequentiv

At that time, when he saw this ability, he had doubted that, this ability was not invincible. And finally realized that, this ability could be somewhat resisted by the person having Mangekyo sharingan or Rinnegan. Except those individuals, others would lose instantly.

At that time, when Sasuke was trying to take revenge against Itachi, if at that time Itachi was not seriously ill and beyond cure, and furthermore wanted to die from Sasuke's hand but wanted to kill Sasuke, then Sasuke would have already died from his hands.

And, at that time Sasuke was still talking big by saying, his eyes could already see through all illusions.

When Mangekyo sharingan becomes Eternal Mangekyo sharingan, the anonymous change will occur in the eyes.

This change remove the curse of becoming blind and also vastly increase the power of eyes. Even

9-tailed beast who is one of the supreme tailed-beast could be easily tamed using this eye.

So he didn't want to waste his time learning low level illusions. It is not too late to wait until his Sharingan is truly grow up to learn illusion techniques.

When Mangekyo sharingan becomes Eternal Mangekyo sharingan, the anonymous change will occur in the eyes.

This change remove the curse of becoming blind and also vastly increase the power of eyes. Even

9-tailed beast who is one of the supreme tailed-beast could be easily tamed using this eye.

So he didn't want to waste his time learning low level illusions. It is not too late to wait until his Sharingan is truly grow up to learn illusion techniques.

After 2 months within the Magical Beast Forest, an agile figure was fighting against a giant wolf magical beast.

If you look carefully at this figure of a young man, you could see his angular face, and also faintly see that there was not any hint of childishness and could be estimated that this youth is not that old in age. And the color of the eyes of this youth was blood-red in color and within the pupil of his eyes, each had two tomoe.

And the giant wolf he was fighting was class 4 magical beast.

Wind Wolf King: Class 4, high level wind attributed magical beast, can use some elementary wind spells, fast as lightning, innate magic 'dance of wind blade'. It is one of the toughest magical beast even among the class 4 magical beasts.

class 4 magical easts.

This youth was Ren Tian You, these days he had already started to learn some simple jutsus to protect his life. But after starting to practice several jutsus, he found out that his chakra control was too low. Every time he use jutsu, he would use a huge amount of chakra, this not only waste the learning time but also waste great amount of chakra with each use.

vilth each use.

After realizing his problem, he decisively stopped to continue learning ninjutsu and begin to train his chakra control.

Control, that's right chakra control. The movement of chakra within the body by using hand seal, according to required order to release the jutsu, is a type of chakra control.

So if you wanted to become a qualified ninja then only having chakra is not enough, chakra control is also equally important.

And actually the most appropriate time to train on controlling chakra was at the moment when they are junior ninja (genin), because at this time, the chakra amount is not too high and not too low. If you wait until you became intermediate ninja (chunin) or senior ninja (jounin), then the amount of chakra will be too high, and in comparison, the difficulty level in controlling this amount of chakra will be several times higher.

In Naruto world, the methods to train in controlling chakra was to climb up a tree without using hands and other was to walk on the surface of water. Ren Tian You started with the basic method to practice chakra control i.e. 'climbing up a tree without using hands'.

After thinking the training method and objective, he started to take action and arrived in front of a huge tree.

Honestly speaking, this other world was quite convenient, compared to the trees of Earth, here all the trees were huge and sturdy.

"Let's try!" He looked at the tree, removed all the distracting thoughts and started to focus his chakra on his foot. And slowly set his foot on the tree which was in front of him.

'gravitational force and started to walk on the surface of that huge tree trunk.

"Concentrate your mind, control the amount of chakra, not too much, not too less.

" He was

repetitively warning himself within his heart, while carefully walking upwards the tree.

But, more and more nervous caused him to make mistake, after he had taken a several steps, he couldn't control his chakra perfectly and the amount of chakra he was supplying on his foot become a little bit less causing him to fall straight to the around


He fell heavily on the ground, but fortunately, after a period of cultivation, now his body was much stronger than before, otherwise he would have become half-dead by this fall. But even so, he saw multiple stars as well as it was extremely pain.

He stood up and rubbed his painful part of his body due to fall. After that, he strengthen his vision and continued to climb up again. If you cannot suffer even a little bit of pain then how can one improve his strength and find a way back home?

Just like this, he fell down again and again, but he got up again and again and continue to climb the tree.

After half a day, the waves of arrogant laughter came from the top of the tree.

"Ha ha, I, your father, finally mastered to climb the trees ah.

..ah, aiyo, I'm falling to death.

After learning how to climb the tree, next was practicing walking on the surface of water. Although he already had enough bitter taste of suffering for the day, he started to practice walking on the surface of the water.

Although he had already learned how to climb trees, when he walk on the surface of water for the first time, he could walk few steps and after that he immediately sank in the water. On the surface of water, 'gudong gutong' bubbles started to form. Fortunately, on the earth he was from 'Hangzhou', it doesn't matter when but he had ran to the lake to take bath many times, thus he had acquired swimming skill.

But even so, when he sank in the water he still drank a few gulps of water. After he came out of water, he was dripping wet just like a drowning grand duck 'chicken'.

After falling into the water for more than dozen times, he started to discover the secrets.

Walking on the surface of water was not like climbing on the tree where you only need to control the amount of chakra in a straight line. To walk on the surface of water, he had to change the chakra on the sole of his feet along with the change in wave of water, or he will drown.

After discovering this secret, he practiced walking on the surface of water. Merely after less thanhalf a day, he could already walk on the surface of water like he was walking on the earth.

After learning both 'climbing up the tree and 'walking on the surface of water', he was both mentally and physically exhausted. Not only he got injured, his was completely wet, this made him really embarrassed. After a big meal, without even practicing hand seal, he laid down inside the hole he had created on the tree and slept deeply.

After learning how to climb up the tree and walking on the surface of water, compared to before his chakra control was quite good while practicing ninjutsu.

Just like this, his strength rapidly improved, along with his strength increase, he could kill higher level magical beasts and he had saved 1000 system points which was enough to upgrade his Sharingan to 2 tomoe level. This 2 tomoe level Sharingan not only increase his first ability (enhance observation skill), but also gave him additional copy function, this ability could copy any ninjutsu and taijutsu which he had seen with his own eyes, with the exception of bloodline limit niniutsu and secret art.

Again 2 months later, his chakra level was already nearing intermediate ninja (chunin) level, and similarly his ninjutsu and taijutsu was also at the level of intermediate ninja. So he had went inside the Magical Beast Forest to look for a magical beast to fight against it and earn combat experience as well as to know the limit of his strength too.

And while doing so he could alsoAfter he had exchanged 1000 system points for 2 tomoe

Sharingan, he found out that it required 3000 system points to upgrade to 3 tomoe Sharingan.

But he still didn't know how much system points were required to awaken Mangekyo sharingan. So in order to upgrade his Sharingan up to Mangekyo sharingan, he had no other choice but to work hard to accumulate as many system points as possible.

His first target to fight was this Wind Wolf King. After he having learnt the speed of this \ id Wolf King with his Sharingan, he no longer feared this wolf. He only needed to be careful of its magic attack and that would be enough.

"He! Katon: Endan! [Fire style-

Flame Bullet™" He formed the required hand seals and spat out a huge fireball which advanced towards the Wind Wolf King.

The Wind Wolf King look at that fireball with disdain, and released a huge hurricane from its mouth which advance towards the incoming fireball. After blowing away the fireball, this hurricane also dispersed.

"Humph!" Seeing his fireball blown away, he was not the least bit discouraged. Taking advantage of the time when the Wind Wolf King was releasing magic, in a flash he arrived at the side of Wind Wolf King.

side of /ind WoOKing.

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"Konoha Senpu! [Leaf Whirlwind!]." He quickly lowered his body and swept the legs of the Wind Wolf King with his right leg. Suddenly the Wind Wolf King was knocked to the ground by his kick.

"Konoha Daisenpu! [Leaf Great Whirlwind!]" He followed his first kick with another kick towards its head which lifted it into the air.

"Boom!" Because of Ren Tian

You's sudden kick, the Wind Wolf King flew into the air, hit a big tree and fell. Its mouth howled a sad


The Wind Wolf King stood up unsteadily and scanned for Ren

Tian You to take revenge but couldn't find a trace of him. At that time, suddenly it heard the voice of Ren Tian You in its ear.

"Looking for me? Beast." Suddenly his figure appeared in front of the Wind Wolf King and it released a completely terrified howl. Shortly afterwards, both of his hands landed on the ground and his right leg directly kicked the lower jaw of the Wind Wolf King and it again flew into the air.

"Kage Buyo! [Dancing Leaf Shadow!!"

After he kicked it into the air, instantly he also jumped and appeared behind the Wind Wolf King. Then in the air while making a big arc, he heavily kicked the Wild Wolf King on its belly.

"Shishi Rendan! [Lions Barrage!]" As he spoke, the Wind Wolf King hit the ground heavily, causing huge smoke and dust to rise.

After that, he steadily landed on the ground, but didn't step forward because he didn't believe that it was this easy to defeat Wind Wolf King. After all it was a class 4 magical beast. Compared to the same ranked human swordsman, it was quite difficult to deal

Sure enough, before long, the wolf's shrill ululation resounded from the midst of the smoke and dust, and a huge fluctuation of wind magic could be sensed.

All the smoke and dust was blown away, and Ren Tian You clearly saw what was going on.

He caught the sight of the Wind Wolf King's half squatting body, condensed in front of its mouth a powerful fluctuation of wind attribute magic. Its eyes were filled with resentment.

"He he, this is it. I cultivated hard for 3 months, and you are the one I have selected carefully to test my strength on. Do not let me down." Even after seeing Wind Wolf King's action, he was not afraid and worried about anything. His pair of of Sharingan eyes sparked with his powerful fighting spirit. After cultivating for 3 months, now he was only thinking of having a good fight.

"Dance of the Wind Blade!"

"Is this the Dance of the Wind Blade magic? It is somewhat similar to the jutsu of Sand ninia Temari." By looking at that magic attack, he remembered a similar jutsu but this was not that time for contemplation so he quickly formed a series of hand seals.

"Doton-Taju Doryuheki! [Earth style--Multi Mud Wall!]" After completing the series of hand seals, suddenly 3 large earth walls appeared in front of him. He was worried that a single wall couldn't withstand the attack so he summoned multiple. Because of his limited strength, he could only produce 3 earthen walls.

ED: How does he suddenly have another attribute?

"Hong hong!" With a loud explosion, the magic of Wind Wolf King hit the Ren Tian You's earth walls. The first wall was instantly destroyed, followed by the second, but the magic dissipated before the third wall.

At that moment the Wind Wolf

King was stunned; it didn't expect that after using its innate magic, the enemy before it would still be alive. In a flash it tried to retreat but it was already too late.

"Suna Shigure! [Sand Shower!!" He raised his right hand towards the sky, and all of a sudden, large amounts of sand appeared above the Wind Wolf King.

"Now l'll send you to death.

Sabaku Kyu! [Sand Coffin!'" His eyes flashed with coldness. And along with his right hand's moment, suddenly innumerable sand pieces tightly enclosed Wind Wolf King down to its paws. "Ao wu!" It suddenly released a frightened howl and started to struggle but found itself

surrounded by the sand and unable to move.

"Goodbye, Sabaku Soso! [Sand Burial!] Immediately, he tightly clutched his hand. This caused the sand surrounding Wind Wolf King to tightly shrink at once. At the same time, the wolf released a sad and shrill howl. That would be enough to make minced meat and blood started to drip from the sand...….

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