
Naruto: A Broken Dream

Hiroshi was never someone who would rush into a fight, he was a happy person, someone who enjoyed getting everyone to laugh alongside him, Hiroshi was Mark Baker, a weeb who one day woke up in the world of Naruto and became Hiroshi Aburame... ---------------------------------------- I wanted to see what outside the scope of canon could do to the timeline, the story would probably go into massive AU in the future, with the whole world of Elemental nations going up and down because of Hiroshi's choices. If you want to read it, give it a try as the story won't be a linear worldbuilding, and everyone would be trying to screw one another... ---------------------------------------- This novel is my attempt at trying the Simulation system trope, I liked the idea behind the system, just the execution of many novels using this troupe was a blunder to navigate due to them being mostly MTL... So here's my attempt at a Simulation type novel. If you want to read ahead or read 9 Chapters ahead- https://www.patreon.com/DesMark

DesMark · 漫画同人
79 Chs

5th Simulation! Part-8

{Kōchiyo Village, Land of Fire}

{10:30 AM, 18 March 78 Yrs}

[Day 120: It's been three days since you woke up, there are not many people in this base since it was just a temporary one somewhere in the Land of Fire, it was closer to the border with the Land of Rice and was mainly used as a transit point by Orochimaru. Not knowing what the hell you were doing here since Orochimaru has vanished for about 3 days now. You were allowed to roam around the hideout but considering it was mostly just a connection of multiple caves around you didn't feel like sightseeing. So you spend most of your time physical conditioning after trying and failing to learn the Earth Release: Hiding like a mole technique he realized that unfortunately getting the Cursed seal of Earth didn't give any boosts to your comprehension, your physical potential on the other hand, got a huge boost. You have gained 13 combined stats in the past three days as your body naturally recovers quicker from fatigue and small wear and tears. You didn't know what strength the simulation considered in its evaluation, so just to be safe, you used the {Cursed seal of Earth} to its version 2 state to reach your max status which was definitely jounin level because you gained +100 in each stat from your berserk state, along with two horns growing out of your head.]

[Day 125: Orochimaru came back to the base, it didn't take long for you to figure that out as there was a hushed silence through the network of tunnels that apparently were loud before. Deciding to get it over with, you walked towards the main Lab, you were told by some grunt workers that it wasn't anything compared to the real big labs that were set up in the Village hidden in the Sound. He was working on something, there was a microscope-looking thing on a table with some cells upon which he was hunched. "Kekkkekkew, welcome Hiroshi-kun," he looked up sensing your arrival, your blank look never changing so he continued, "What brings you here?". You asked what they were doing here and the fact that he never did tell you what his purpose in keeping you here was.]

[Day 125: "Kekkkekkew... you really don't know much do you, alright I'll entertain you for a bit Hiroshi-kun," Orochimaru took a few minutes to finish preserving his work before he turned to you, "What do you know about the two of the most powerful clans to ever live?" You gave him a questioning stare so he chuckled and continued, "The Senju and Uchiha were clans dating back to the creation of Ninjutsu, while there are many bloodlines none could be dated back to that era. You obviously know about the Uchiha's-" he paused suddenly as his face blanked for a moment before a weird smile came over his face, he looked at you carefully observing your face as he asked, "That day you said sometimes you could see things from the past, present and the Future and all the things you told me you about were pretty important events that were going to happen, so if you don't have Omniscience, what important things you saw about the past..."]

'...Dammit, I forgot about that, I really need to be careful with my words around him and Kabuto, they have caught me slipping once or twice in my stories.'

[Day 125: You stare at him for a moment before you slowly began describing, the friendship of two boys Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama forged by throwing stones over a river diving their clan's territories, Hashirama's battle against Madara, and how Madara used a jutsu to fake his death, as soon as you finished describing the second part Orochimaru stood up straight he flashed as he was instantly in front of you, "Did you see him die, Uchiha Madara?"]

'Okay, no need to tell him about Nagato or anything, not telling him about Danzo too as him having Shisui's Mangekyo would be just setting myself for being a puppet, what else, what else... well there is nothing else really harmful in the past that he should know about, maybe telling him about the mysterious masked man who released the Kyubbi would take his attention away.'

[Day 125: You nod and confirm saying that you did see Uchiha Madara dying of old age hidden in some cave someday. Orichimaru's stance relaxed a little but his eyes were running across the room searching for an answer, "There is no way Uchiha Madara was alive that long even if he survived because Hashirama died soon from his injuries, with no Hashirama to oppose him he could have waltz into Konoha or any other village to do whatever he wanted..." Orochimaru kept mumbling before he looked at you again, he went back to his table pulled out a scroll, and placed it on the table in front of you, his demeanor relaxed once again as he spoke, "Kekkkekkew, Hiroshi-kun why don't you write everything you saw in this scroll and keep it with you, I'll come and talk to you about it, I have an urgent errand to run." After that, Orochimaru sank into the ground leaving you alone in the room.]

'Well mission successful I guess, he is distracted which means I get to live longer in the simulation.'

There was a knock on Hiroshi's door jarring him awake from his daze, Ren's voice sounded from the other end of the door, "Hey man! you feeling okay, everyone's ready to go back let's go!"

"Uh yeah! I'm coming," you glanced at the simulation worried that you would miss something important like last time but you quickly got up, your clothes were already sealed in various clothes, you grabbed your two weapons pouches and tied them to both of your thighs before you hopped towards the gate.

'I'll just have to spit my attention...'

The simulation log took the lower middle of my eyesight just like a book hanging half a foot in front of me so it wasn't that difficult to do it. I opened the door to get a half grin from Ren who nodded as we both walked towards the common room. I had to suppress the phantom feeling of guilt upon seeing him, rationalizing that something just wasn't my thing so I knew in the back of my mind that I betrayed my one friend in this alien universe.

'Not now, focus on the simulation...'

[Day 125: You wrote about many random events that you saw in the filler episodes of Naruto along with just some plain interesting titbits to mess with Orochimaru's thought process before you went back to your room to continue training.]

'Alright just focus on physical conditioning, we'll worry about everything else later... God I need to figure out why Kabuto targeted me, something keeps happening every time I ask that question...'


AN- Okay I'll be honest, I planned the simulation to be over in this chapter but I just ran out of words and the chapter was just going over 2k words so I had to break it down! Anyway, that just means you'll get 2 chapters instead of one! Enjoy!!