
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · 漫画同人
280 Chs

CH - 174 Mubuki: Kakuzu, business is here.

After delving into success theories for a while, Mubuki guided them to the living room, where he subjected them to more tales of individuals starting from humble beginnings and achieving prosperity, further fueling their aspirations for success.

All of a sudden, a Rock Ninja exclaimed, "Hey, why is there a piece of wood here?" The surprise in his voice suggested an unexpected discovery. He gasped, "What the… it's worth ten billion? Is this some kind of scam?!"

As the words hung in the air, Mubuki, who had been fervently speaking, also halted. Internally, he pondered, 'Wood? What wood?'

Despite seeing this room countless times before, he had never seen any piece of wood. Was this group of Rock Ninjas starting to see through the deception? Were they attempting to deceive him and make a swift escape?

Intrigued, he leaned in and observed a piece of wood placed prominently, indeed featuring a piece of paper attached to which had written ten billion on it. Mubuki fell silent, eyebrows raised, fixating on that peculiar piece of wood. Where did this wood even come from? How did it mysteriously manifest?

Upon noticing the seemingly bewildered expressions on the Rock Ninjas' faces, their realization slowly dawning, Mubuki swiftly interjected in a deep, authoritative tone, "This isn't just any ordinary wood—it hails from the legendary Wood Style. It's essentially priceless, transcending market value. It was specially delivered by Konoha as a gesture of friendship between our villages."

Gesturing to the wood before them, he continued, "See, the same wood, if harvested conventionally in a forest, is mere lumber. Yet, when it originates from the hands of a Wood Style master in the ninja world? Its worth skyrockets into the billions. What does this signify? It means the same product, under different circumstances, can yield vastly varying values. Similarly, now, the Grass Ninja Village holds such an opportunity. What's holding you back?"

Swiftly guiding them away, he ushered, "Therefore, You have to understand that such chances are scarce in life. Trust your elder brother here. I never deceive my own people."

"Um... Brother Mubuki, you see, the thing is, the Rock Village is currently a bit short on funds. Given that the war ended not too long ago, our resources are somewhat depleted, and..." Kitsuchi attempted to present a polite excuse for declining, but before he could finish his sentence:

"What's the big deal? No money? No problem. Are you underestimating your elder brother?" Mubuki shot a critical look at the slightly embarrassed Kitsuchi and scolded him. Then, he called out loudly, "Kakuzu, we've got business!"

Before anyone could react, the familiar figure emerged once again. From his pocket, he produced a document, staring at them expressionlessly. "You're familiar with... loans, right?"

The Iwa-nin could only gaze at him with a speechless expression, uncertain of how to respond in this situation.

"All the goods, you needn't produce them yourself, just visit our Grass Ninja Village to purchase. We guarantee the lowest prices for you!" Mubuki asserted to the Iwa-nin with an air of righteousness.

"Look at Konoha. They source everything externally," Mubuki continued, citing Konoha as an example. "Why bother with in-house production? It's simply a waste of money."

"Come on, give us a smile for the camera. Congratulations to Mr. Suchi for acquiring those special ten harvesters!" Mubuki exclaimed, pulling Kitsuchi along for a photo.

"Um... my surname isn't Suchi," Kitsuchi uttered, resignedly being led away by Mubuki.

"That's not important. What matters is that today you seized an opportunity. Tomorrow... you will succeed!" Mubuki waved dismissively.

As Kitsuchi walked out with a document in hand, his expression remained bewildered. What had just transpired? What did that Grass Ninja high-ranking advisor say again? Why did his head ache?

Glancing back at the banners, posters, and the ongoing commotion, the Iwa-nin exchanged looks and without delay, made a swift exit. At that moment, all they wanted was to return and unwind.

After seeing off the Iwa-nin, Mubuki felt a wave of relief wash over him as the gaze behind him dissipated. Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he muttered under his breath, "I almost thought my family would be ruined, and Asui, Yahiko, and Kabuto would be begging on the streets."

However, the broken piece of wood puzzled him. Why was it marked with a value of ten billion? It seemed odd for a mere piece of wood.

"Never mind, I should report this situation," he resolved to himself. But just as he finished speaking, a familiar figure approached.

Mubuki's surprise showed on his face as he looked at the little guy with a smile. "Kabuto, what brings you here? Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Dad?" Kabuto seemed momentarily startled, then replied blankly, "I just finished class. Yesterday in science ninja tools, the teacher mentioned we needed a piece of wood. Brother Yahiko prepared it for me in the morning and left it here for me to pick up."

The science ninja tools class was a recent addition, and the experiments were quite intriguing.

Mubuki was momentarily taken aback by the explanation. 'So that's where the wood came from? But what about the price tag then? Could it be something left by Yahiko or an accidental piece of paper that got attached to it?'

Kabuto noticed his father's dazed expression and lightly touched his own face, asking in confusion, "Is there something on my face?"

Mubuki snapped back to the present, and couldn't help but smile warmly at Kabuto, patting his shoulder affectionately. "Kabuto..."

Surprised by his father's sudden emotional call, Kabuto looked back, curious about this unexpected expression.

Ignoring Kabuto's surprise, Mubuki continued with a paternal smile, "Among all my children, I have high hopes for you. You're not just intelligent but also very sensible. Unlike your two brothers, who always seem to get on my nerves and aren't as diligent." He sighed, looking at Kabuto with anticipation. "So, Kabuto, you won't let me down, will you?"

As an adopted child, Kabuto respected his adoptive father deeply, and their family dynamics were quite harmonious. Asui, somewhat serious, Yahiko, more optimistic and playful, and Dad, a traditional Grass Ninja with a touch of mediocrity.

But the sudden emphasis on his expectations left Kabuto puzzled. Though, Being an obedient child, he nodded earnestly and replied, "I'll work hard!"

However, Mubuki fixed Kabuto with a serious gaze. "This is not enough!"

Before Kabuto could inquire further, Mubuki pressed on, "After your brothers Asui and Yahiko graduated, there were countless test papers left. They are stored in the warehouse at home. You should know that those papers were personally compiled by our leader and hold immense value. After school, you must complete them. Remember, don't squander this opportunity!"

"I..." Kabuto, taken aback, attempted to respond, but Mubuki didn't allow him a chance to speak or offer any excuses.

"Kabuto, you wouldn't want to let Dad down, would you?" Mubuki patted Kabuto's shoulder, emphasizing his words. After making his point, he waved his hand dismissively. "Alright, you can go now. Dad has said enough. Study hard, Kabuto. The wood is over there in the hall. Fetch it yourself, and after you get it, hurry back to class!"

With that, Mubuki briskly turned and departed, leaving Kabuto standing in contemplative silence. The revelation about Asui and Yahiko's leftover homework hit him hard. Were they really homework or an insurmountable challenge?

Feeling an unexpected surge of longing for his orphaned days, Kabuto sighed in resignation. Why did he inherit this burdensome load of homework?

In the end, he shook off the feeling, recognizing that time was ticking away, and class was about to begin. Turning around, he headed inside, ready to collect the wood and make a swift exit.

On the other side, After reminding the child to study seriously, the cheerful Mubuki also came to the office.

When he saw that there was only Akihiko in the office, he didn't hesitate at all. He walked up with a smile, "Leader, it's done. The photos are taken too, I'm currently crafting the story!"

As he spoke, Akihiko also looked at Mubuki with satisfaction, feeling a sigh of emotion in his heart.

In this aspect... Mubuki, this old Grass Ninja, is simply naturally gifted. Although he taught him at the beginning, now he can graduate, and even let him, the master, feel a bit inferior.

"Excellent!" Akihiko nodded in affirmation. "Did you make it clear that they can purchase any goods from here without needing to produce them themselves? They're free to sell them for profit. Essentially, we work hard, and they make money."

"I conveyed that message already." Mubuki complied dutifully, although he couldn't fathom why the leader engaged in such activities. Typically, ninjas didn't invest time in non-essential tasks unrelated to enhancing their strength. Nevertheless, he faithfully executed the directive.

Reflecting on the situation, Mubuki remembered Konoha's approach. Even without his reminder, The powerful village rarely produced its own goods, preferring to source them externally. They don't produce everything themselves. After all, Even if they did, it wouldn't be much cheaper than what Grass Village offers. Since, Grass Village aimed to position itself as a reliable supplier, offering quality products at competitive prices.

Ignoring his thoughts, He continued with a smile, "All the contracts are also signed." However, he couldn't help but express a note of skepticism, "Though to be honest, these agreements may not hold much weight. Alliances made in the morning could turn into enmity by the afternoon."

In this realm, the Grass Village was well-versed, understanding the fickleness of alliances all too well.

"It's not a major issue. Simple solution: if they don't pay, they won't get the goods," Akihiko waved dismissively, as he continued and reminded him, "Public attention doesn't linger for long. Make sure to craft Kitsuchi's story well."

After all, Stories are important for Exposure. Take, for instance, Homura Mitokado Konoha's story. Did they actually earn 100 million this quarter? Well, it's more about rounding up the figures to hit that 100 million mark. The actual amount? Not crucial. This kind of rounding up is a classic tactic in micro-businesses. Anyway, In this era, no one can sue them for false advertising anyway.

In fact, If it weren't for the impracticality of selling trains, They could've simply taken them to the station, snapped a photo, and proudly declared, 'Congratulations to Kitsuchi from iwagakure for purchasing an ultra-high-speed train!'

Just as Akihiko finished speaking, there was a knock on the door. After Akihiko shouted "Come in," Nono rushed in, clearly agitated. "Leader, urgent information from the Rain Village side!"

Akihiko looked concerned, as he asked her, "What's the matter? Any trouble with the water project again?"

"No, it's different," Nono replied, shaking her head. "Lord Hanzo informed us that a delegation from the Sand Village is coming, and they seem to be preparing to form an alliance with the Grass Village. They're on a train right now, and should arrive soon."

A spark of excitement flashed in both Akihiko and Mubuki's eyes as they heard her words. Akihiko turned to Mubuki urgently. "Quickly, prepare! Tidy everything up. If our esteemed guests slip away, I'll send Kakuzu to your doorstep every day for debt collection!"

"Right away, right away!" Mubuki responded, promptly diving into preparations upon hearing Akihiko's 'threat.'





You can read 10+ chapters ahead of everyone on my Patreon


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1885 words (Excluding A/N).

Late but.. Happy New Year!

Kaiszercreators' thoughts