
narto sex history fanfiction :V

A bunch of random sex stories set in the Naruto universe (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters

minmix · 漫画同人
40 Chs

Secrets of the Hidden Leaf

By : Sessakag

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Hinata panted into the sheets, her body tingling in the aftermath of coitus. Naruto lay molded to her back, his larger form pressing her into the softness of the mattress. Sweating, panting, her blonde lover worked his hips with shallow, frantic thrusts, groin meshing her buttocks, his hard cock coating her insides with heated semen. Hinata gripped the sheets, bracing as he pounded her bottom, the sensation dragging her deeper into hedonistic decadence. A rough had fisted her hair, his tongue and mouth marking the delicate sweep of her neck as orgasm drove him into a frenzy. He groaned against her skin, his grip painful in the tangled nest of her dark mane. Hinata reveled in the uncontrolled strokes of his cock, the painful grip in her hair, the stinging sensations of sucking lips and nipping teeth along her neck. Thrived beneath the exchange of power, the relinquishment of her own will in favor of his. It washed over her, sliding along her damp skin, sending a subtle shiver down her spine.

He stiffened, the muscles of his body becoming rock hard for several seconds. She closed her eyes, a low moan of satisfaction leaving her throat as hot sticky semen coated her insides again. Wet lips pressed the shell of her, eliciting a trail of goosebumps to pebble the softness of her skin. He ground against her, milking his second climax for several seconds before stilling.

Naruto released a long sigh of relief, the warm breath sending the fine hairs at her temple dancing.

Hinata melted, frighteningly boneless, her dark lashes lifting a fraction, waxen orbs staring dazedly at the nightstand inches from her face. She felt floaty and without substance, adrift in a foggy swirl of bliss and satiation. Her body felt heavy, her mind struggling to function.

Her eyes closed as familiar lips found her neck again, gentle this time, soothing the slowly reddening hickeys. His tender kisses glided over her own slackened lips. Too exhausted to meet the gentle kiss, Hinata quietly accepted the pecks of affection, taking comfort in the touch of his mouth to hers, and solace in the warm, solid weight of his body atop of hers. It was a little hard to breathe beneath him, and yet the satisfied Hyuuga didn't want him to move.

"I'm gonna pull out now, okay?" he told her, his voice husky and low.

Hinata urged her head to move, to nod in response. She wasn't entirely sure she was successful, but figured she had been when he moved moments later. Slowly, carefully withdrawing his cock from between her well pounded bottom. She closed her eyes, enjoying the unhurried drag of his retreating sex, savored the dull ache that took its place. The gentle hurt melding with the euphoria flowing through her veins. Cool air pebbled her skin as he removed the warm comfort of his body heat. The draft quickly tamped out by a blanket. He pulled it up and over her shoulders, tucking the excess beneath her chin. She watched him beneath thick lashes, dreamy orbs closing briefly when the strong callused hand of her lover smoothed over her mussed hair

Dull lilac opened, quietly studying the softly smiling blonde leaning over her.

"How bout a bath?" he asked.

The spent woman didn't even attempt a nod this time, merely blinked sleepily. Taking her silence for acquiescence, he stood in all his naked glory and trekked to the bathroom. Shamelessly, appreciatively, Hinata watched the delectable motion of his backside as he left the room.

Moments later, the sound of running water and a shuffling Naruto lulled her to sleep. She dozed for what felt like mere seconds before gravity shifting roused her.

Her eyes opened a sliver.

Naruto held her cocooned against his chest, walking sedately into the steamy confines of the bathroom.

"I put Epsom salt in the water, 'ttebayo," he told her as he moved to the tub, "It's supposed to help with soreness."

Touched by the sweet gesture, Hinata nuzzled the hard peck against her cheek. With all the care in the world, the whisker marked blonde lowered her into the magnesium laden liquid. Blessed, hot water engulfed her body, the high temperature soaking quickly into delicate muscles; quieting the dull ache in her rear end. Naruto knelt on the side of the tub, pushing inky black strands from her face. The long dark tresses floated in the water, a few sticking to pale damp skin. She watched him lazily as he trickled water over her bare shoulder, her own lips curling up to match the small grin on his handsome face.

"That feel better?" he asked quietly.

She nodded, the motion languid and sluggish.

"Good." he murmured, pressing his lips to her temple before picking up soap and a wash cloth,"You were amazing, Hinata. Absolutely incredible."

Despite her somnolent state, heat rushed to her cheeks, embarrassment, and pride tugging her in different directions. She'd always been terrible at taking compliments, especially ones that fell from the lips of the man she'd loved nearly her entire life but it felt good to hear he was happy with the experience, that she hadn't disappointed either of them. The sincerity of his words suppressing fears and doubts that hadn't yet been able to pierce the haze of her glowing satisfaction. Flushed with pleasure over the heartening praise, sheepish from the unvarnished reference to their sexual encounter, Hinata indulged in her age old nervous fidgeting of bumping her index fingers together to ease the colliding emotions, her eyes lowering to the colliding digits. Naruto chuckled, but didn't comment on the gesture, content to allow her a reprieve for the moment.

"Did you like it too?" he asked, sliding the soapy cloth along the curve of her calf.

More than she probably should have.

Crimson blazed her cheeks.

Having him inside her, feeling his long hard flesh penetrate the resisting tightness of her rear end, bracing against each pounding thrust, ricocheting between wanting him to stop and begging him for more. The rough treatment of her body left her eager for more, the force he exerted whetting her appetite for a firmer hand. The meek, modest, proper Hyuuga ached for the world of submission and punishment from her books to unfold in her bedroom.

She wanted him to be rougher.

More exacting.

To punish her with the sting of his hand.

To tire her up and-

"Hinata?" he called again, his low voice sending a shiver up her spine.

"Y-Yes," she stammered, bumping her fingers faster, "I-I like it a lot, Naruto-kun."

"Mmm," he hummed, working on her other leg, "If you didn't like it you can tell me."

"No, I…"

Moon color orbs caught his beneath neatly trimmed bangs.

"I really liked it, Naruto-kun." she murmured.

Assessing blue eyes turned molten, the familiar signal of an aroused Uzumaki.

"Oh yeah?" he pondered, "You really liked it?"

She nodded, watching the quiet intensity on his face beneath a canopy of lashes. His soapy hand trailed along the wet flesh of her inner calve.

"Which part did you like, baby?"

Her tepid heart picked up as his hand inched up slowly.

"Did you like taking my dick up your ass? Was that your favorite part?" he asked huskily.

His hand trailed over her the sensitive skin of her thigh.

"Or was it getting your little hole pounded?"

The crude words and graphic description settled in the pit of her stomach, stirring that flame of desire that never seem to extinguish fully. Her breath caught as the rough pads of his fingers circled her clit.

"Or maybe you really liked getting an ass full of cum?"

Two thick fingers found the rapidly saturating entrance of her body, the leisurely pumping of his digits waking her previously laden body. Fidgeting fingers stilled, lungs suddenly searching for air as he toyed with her sex. Her thighs spread, soft moans of growing bliss leaving her lips. He leaned forward, running his tongue over her jaw before nipping her ear, his next question voiced close to her ear.

"What did you like about getting fucked in the ass, baby?"

All of it.

She loved it all.

Her hips rose, the water sloshing. She gasped, eyes closing as he pressed her clit with his thumb. Pleasure exploded in her veins, her excited body coating his fingers in hot, gooey happiness. His lips found her jawline, his fingers deepening their stroke. The rough pads of his fingers slipped over the sensitive walls of her pussy with excruciating slowness. Each pump tormenting and deliberate.

"You liked getting your hair pulled while I punished your little asshole, didn't you," he whispered, "dirty girl."

Her toes curled, her body rushing head first towards a fiery end.

"You don't have to say it," he chuckled, "I can feel it. You get all wet and squirmy when I get close to the truth, 'ttebayo. Right, Hinata?"

He was more than close to the truth, missing only the hard slaps of his hand on her unprotected buttocks. His lips closed over her nearest nipple, sucking and tugging with enough vigor to draw a harsh cry from her lips.

"Naruto-kun, oh yesssss." she moaned, climax slamming into her.

Her body seized, unbridled ecstasy crashing through her. Her spine arched, pussy weeping relief, and the erotic memories of their anal experience filled her mind. The tight grip of her hair, the satisfying whacks to her bottom, the heavy pounding of her ass revealing a blazing lust and soul deep satisfaction she had never dreamed possible. Struggling to catch her breath, she utter a low mewl of surprise when his hand slid around the base of her skull, fingers sliding through her hair as he smashed their mouths together. He plundered her mouth, dominated her tongue, drew the very breath from her lungs in his quest for connection.

"You're so fucking perfect." he growled against her lips.

His tongue stroked the moist confines of her mouth, his kiss deep, hard, almost painful. She let him drink his fill, content to meet his aggressive demands. He released her mouth with a shuddering breath, stroking the reddened, swollen aftermath of her lips with the pad of his thumb. His gaze was contemplative, sexually intent and surrounded in protective tenderness. He kissed her again, a brief, soft meeting of lips.

"Let's finish bathing and then I'll find us something to eat," he suggested, running wet soothing hands over the curve of her hip, "Would you like that?"

"Mmhm." she murmured.

He reached for the floating cloth, re-lathering before returning to his earlier task, taking his time bathing her body. The strokes of the soapy wash cloth were feather soft and soothing. In the hushed minutes that followed, the gentle motion of the wash cloth, the low murmur of his voice and tranquil sound of trickling water left her lax, floating like putty in the water. She barely stirred when he joined her in the bath. Unable to subdue the sigh of significant contentment that left her lips as he arranged her between his legs, then settled her against the comfort of his chest.

Drowsiness seeped into her bones. With the steady beat of his heart at her ear, Hinata was in another realm of tranquility, the reality of the world held at bay by the strong arms wrapped around her body, the lulling, reassuring beat beneath her cheek, the soft caresses and intimate exchange of words.




Hinata soaked up the tenderness with the efficiency of a sponge.

The water began to cool several minutes later, prompting the contented duo to return to the bedroom. Dry, naked and replete, Hinata watching quietly as Naruto moved in and out of the room bringing in a healthy assortment of finger foods and chilled glasses of water. After setting the snack on the night stand, he wandered over to a box balanced on a dresser. One she recognized as the plastic container of her anal training kit. He withdrew a tube that creased her brows.

Heat bloomed in her cheeks when she got a good look at the label.

She remembered the "clean up kit" that had come with her anal training kit. Baby wipes and a tube of cream for a sore bottom.

Amused cerulean orbs met hers.

"I already know what you're gonna say," the grinning blonde said, "and your butt might not hurt right now, but its probably gonna be a different story later. Might as well do it now while it doesn't hurt."

Taking a nearby pillow, Hinata covered her flaming face.

While she didn't feel any significant pain, even she had to admit the dull ache between her buttocks would probably bloom into real hurt by morning. Even so, she couldn't help but be mortified by having him medicate her butt.

"Alright," he teased, "have it your way, but if you start walking funny everybody's gonna notice and I don't think you wanna have to explain why, dattebayo."

And she knew she was a terrible liar. They'd see through her better than the Byakugan. Naruto laughed as she rolled to her stomach, face buried deeper into the pillow.

"Thought so." he chuckled.

Hinata remained quiet, but a coil of amusement joined the mortification churning her gut. As humiliating as it was, his teasing and jovial disposition despite what he was about to do put her somewhat at ease. Made it feel less of a big deal. Less about shame and more about practicality. The bed dipped next to her hip. She heard the open and close of a cap, then felt gentle fingers parting her cheeks.

"Spread your legs a little bit."

Hinata widened her legs, releasing a soft breath when cream coated fingers squeezed into her rear end.

The dull ache receded. The extinguishing of discomfort diminishing her mortification.

"See," he scolded jokingly, "getting all worked up over nothing."

She could hear the smile in his voice. Once finished, he pressed a few kisses down her spine, then moved to bathroom to wash up. As the sink turned on, her stomach rumbled. Hinata left the safety of her pillow in favor of the promised snack.

She was happily munching on a couple blocks of sliced melon when Naruto walked back in. In true Uzumaki fashion, the often over energetic blonde dove onto the mattress next to her. The ensuing bounce he created coaxing a flurry of giggles from the pale woman. He was grinning as he nibbled the fruit in her fingers. She fed him another when he finished that, then grabbed one for herself.

"So I've been thinking," he began as he chewed, "what do you say we move in together?"

Her hand froze halfway to her mouth, the melon instantly forgotten. Shocked milky orbs met intense blue.

"You thought about it too, right? Us living together."

Her eyes softened, then turned away. She'd thought about more than that when it came to Naruto Uzumaki. Engagement. A wedding. Beautiful children and a long loving life together.

Thought about it?

Hinata Hyuuga had dreamed about it long before he knew she existed.

"I've thought about it." she admitted, fiddling with her fruit.

Firm fingers caught her chin, turning her gaze back to his. His allotment of allowing her to shy away from his gaze clearly at an end.

"I've been thinking about it too," he repeated, "for a while now, actually. Probably should have brought it up weeks ago but you're here all the time I thought you'd take a hint and just start moving your things in."

He grinned then turned serious, blue eyes hopeful and passionate.

"I mean it makes sense, right? You love me and I love you. I know you're serious about me and I'm damn serious about you. So what do you say? Move in with me, 'ttebayo."

"Of course I'll move in with you, Naruto-kun, but-"

"Great! We'll go by tomorrow and get all your stuff."

"W-Wait a minute, Naruto-kun, I'll have to speak to my father first…"

Confusion replaced the kid in a candy store excitement on the blonde's face.

"Your dad?"

Hinata nodded, a light tinge of pink coating her cheeks. It was embarrassing to have to run things by the Clan, even more so explaining the social norms and customs that came with belonging to a Clan. Especially one as strict and esteemed as the Hyuuga. There were a lot of things about Clan life her orphaned lover didn't understand. The ties that still had the power to bind her, even in her adult life. A bird cage she often felt obligated to return to.

"You're old enough to make that decision for yourself, right?"

Hinata nodded.

"And I am making that decision," she insisted, "but I…would like to tell father about it before I move."

Naruto huffed, lips forming a familiar pout.

"Let me guess, the Clan wouldn't approve."

The pink of her cheeks deepened to red, her milky eyes skirting away.

"I'm sorry." she murmured.

He was right about the approval. While the Hyuuga's adored and respected the Hero of the Leaf, the savior of the world, traditional mindsets refused to be swayed by his renown or the modernization of Konoha. Their premarital relationship was widely frowned upon within the Clan. Her little sister, and a fraction of the more modern thinking Hyuuga the only allies she had on the issue. Her father acted more as mediator, unwilling to side with either ideology, though he'd made clear to her marriage to the Uzumaki was something he wished to see "fairly soon".

It wasn't a rebuke, but it wasn't an endorsement of the current status of their relationship either. He liked Naruto, approved of her relationship with him, but also wished to see his daughter married.

Hinata hadn't brought the squabble to Naruto's attention and had no plans on doing so. She didn't want him to feel bad about the position she was in and didn't want him to feel pressured to offer marriage to alleviate the unpleasant circumstances. She wasn't going to be pressured into making moves the two of them weren't ready for either.

Not for the Clan.

Not for her father.

Not for anyone.

But nullifying a confrontation by breaking the news gently and long before their impending living arrangement came to fruition would go a long way in suppressing an over the top show of discontent and outrage from the people she called family. Peace loving by nature, if the young woman could find a way to soothe both sides she was certainly going to try.

"Hey, don't apologize," he said, recapturing her gaze, "its nothing to be sorry about, 'ttebayo. I just…don't really get all the Clan stuff."

Naruto ruffled his golden locks with a reassuring smile.

"If you need to talk to old man Hyuuga first its fine. Want me to come?"

"I-I should talk to him first b-but he might want to see you after."

He would definitely want to see her lover after.

Naruto shrugged, reaching over for a bright red strawberry.

"Alright. Just let me know when." he said with glowing confidence, pressing the cool fruit to her lips.

She hoped he retained that confidence.

The red tinge of her cheeks spread but for a different reason all together as he traced the berry over her plump lips. The sensual movement reminding her of the slow, decadent finger fucking he'd given her in the bathtub. With gentle pressure, he parted her lips, watching with rapt attention as the berry disappeared. Arousal spread. The sweet taste of strawberry spilling over her tongue as she chewed. His heavy lidded orbs swept to her mouth.

"Let me taste, 'ttebayo."

Embarrassed, aroused, Hinata leaned forward to fuse their mouths, offering her berry coated tongue for his enjoyment.


May 26, 2011

A soft, pliant body shifted against his, the rounded buttocks beneath his palm wiggling. His fingers squeezed reflexively, eliciting a small sigh from the woman curled against his side. Naruto's sluggish mind noted the pleasant sensations beneath his fog of drowsiness. The delectable curves and warm body heat of the female next to him incredibly tempting, threatening to pull the sleepy blonde from a deep, satisfying slumber in favor of meeting more carnal needs. She moved again, her weight shifting the mattress as she detangled herself from his embrace. Deprived of her stirring form, Naruto yawned, scratched lazily at his chest then reached again for the hazy dreamland hovering at the edges of his mind. The room grew quiet, the movements of his significant other drifting away.

Minutes passed.

In the ensuing silence, sleep lapped at his consciousness.

Coaxing him to snooze for just a bit longer.

He was just beginning to doze when the whisper of his bed sheets reached his ears, followed by the shallow caress of the linen sliding down his body.

Blonde brows furrowed briefly as cold air whispered across his abdominals.

Barely cracking open an eye, he made out the slightly fuzzy figure of his Hyuuga girlfriend. In the sunlight room, his tired eye traced the outline of her naked body and long dark hair. She knelt next to his hip and was slowly peeling back the bed sheet with one hand and holding a small container in the other. The fog of sleep began to clear, leaving him curious. He watched her, wondering what his cute girlfriend could be up to with his cock. She had the expression of a inquisitive cat, her pale orbs fixated on the part of his body currently tenting the sheet. Uzumaki morning wood wasn't new for either party. It's presence often leading to an early dawn romp before starting the day. Hinata's preoccupation with it, however, was something he didn't wake up to frequently. She wasn't one to initiate intimacy very often, although, with the randy blonde lifting her skirt several times a day she didn't really get the chance.

Naruto was more than a little intrigued to see where she was going with this.

While he waited for her to finish sliding the sheet down, his gaze trekked over her skin, illuminated by the sunlight peeking through his blinds. Noting the fading palm print on her bottom and the vanishing redness of his fingerprints at her hips filled him with masculine satisfaction. The stark reminder of her rough handling last night igniting the ever presence hunger for the petite female. The markings of their passionate night bringing back the heated experience to his mind's eye, submerging him in erotic memories.

Catapulting him back into the claiming of her peach shaped derrière.

Vivid visions of pale skin and shinny dark hair flooded his mind. He could still hear her cries of ecstasy ringing in his ears, could feel the breath stealing tightness of her ass wrapped around his dick. He savored the reply, relived the addicting, intoxicating blend of power and tenderness he'd felt while forcing his cock between those pale globes. Lust swept through his body, gathering swiftly in the hardened throb of his sex. Last night had been more than fucking, more than a meeting of genitals. The power he had welded over her in that moment had proven to be its own aphrodisiac, an orgasm for his mind rather than body. Her willingness to bend for him, to accept what he gave to please him had left him fighting the urge to spill his load long before he was ready. The horny jonin was enthralled with the experience and was eagerly awaiting the opportunity to do it again. 

The sheet settled at his knees.

Blonde brows creased when she opened the box and pulled out two items. Recognition, amusement flooded him. He indulged her, watching her complete her task. Slowly, carefully, and giggling, Hinata dressed his cock in the bow tie and top hat he'd bought online.

Bright red bow, goofy black hat capping his sensitive tip, the getup looked as ridiculous as he'd imagined. Hinata snorted, covering her mouth with small delicate hands, body shaking with delighted mirth. Naruto couldn't help the grin that curved his lips. He had been saving that to shock her with later, but in the light of the hilarity it provided, for both of them, he was okay with this scenario as well. He was shaking with laughter when she poked his hardened length, watching his fancy dressed cock bob.

"So this is what you do when I'm asleep, eh, Hinata?" he asked.

Fidgeting fingers bumped in front of naked breasts, her moon colored eyes turned away with glowing merriment.

"No," she murmured, "I just…sort of found it…and thought…"


Bringing a fist to her lips, the pale beauty snorted again, slim shoulder shaking.

"That it would look good on you," she giggled, "I've never seen you wear a suit before."

"It's the only kind of suit I ever wanna wear," Naruto chuckled, sliding his arms behind his head, "so get a good look at it."

He raised his hips, waving his sharply dressed cock to and fro. Hinata laughed at the lewd gesture, red staining her cheeks. Naruto was especially pleased. He enjoyed the shy nature of his girlfriend, but relished the moments where embarrassment and modesty took a back seat. Times where she could dress up his cock and laugh about it or walk up to him in the middle of the day and ask for anal.

His stomach tightened, streaks of lust lapping at his balls.

"Hinata." he called.

"Hm?" she answered, hilarity still curving her lips.

"How's your bottom feel?"

Familiar body language reared it head. Her shoulder hunched, fingers bumped, and beautiful lilac orbs refused to meet his. While the shy disposition was arousing by itself, coaxing her look at him eye to eye in intimate situations stirred him even more.

"I-It feels okay." she mumbled.

"Eh? Couldn't hear you with your face turned away."

She glanced at him beneath thick black lashes, her face heating. His blue eyes captured her own.

"Try it again, Hinata," he demanded softly, "How's your bottom feel?"

Milky orbs smoldered, plush pink lips parted with desire.

"It…feels okay, Naruto-kun."

He liked forcing her from her comfort zone and luckily, his demure lover liked it too.

"Then come get your spanking."

Excitement, anticipation rushed to her cheeks. The look of undisguised lust one he relished each time he saw it. Naruto watched with heavy lidded eyes as she climbed hands and knees across the bed, her movements graceful and eager. The burning urge to stroke his cock was overwhelming as she crawled between his muscled thighs.

She reached for the top hat.

"With your mouth." he ordered instead.

Face bright as a tomato, she leaned forward obediently, tugging the hat from his throbbing tip with her teeth before following suit with the bow tie. Task complete, she arranged herself in the position he indicated. Straddling him backwards, spine arched, head down, her zealous mouth wasting little time to find his cock.

Instant ecstasy blew through his body, her enthusiastic swallowing of his throbbing sex throwing him off kilter.

"Damn." he hissed softly, eyes closing as he was engulfed in wet heat.

Up and down.

Suck and lick.

Tip to base.

Excruciatingly slow, the pace leaving him sweating and panting within a handful of minutes. His eyes opened. Pale ass cheeks and the top of her dark bobbing head met his hungry gaze. Gentle fingers found his balls, whispering over his skin before cupping the two ovals. Goosebumps pebbled his flesh. Her attention moved to the hard, sensitive tip of cock, bathing the rounded head in heated saliva. The slippery slide of her tongue gliding over his tip coupled with the slow massage of his testicles creating the greatest of torments. He groaned low and long as her mouth expanded, sliding from tip to root, swallowing his thick sex with effort, struggling a moment before settling into a devastating suck and glide, laving the thick vein at his underside and divesting his mushroom tip of warm pre-cum with the forceful suction of a vacuum cleaner. His toes curled, the muscles of his abdomen clenching as his gut squirmed.

"Fuck that felt good." he groaned.

He gave her bottom a smack of approval, instant satisfaction joining the churning lust when her left cheek turned red, outlining the shape of his hand. Her moan of pain and bliss vibrated through the rock hard flesh of his sex. He spanked the other cheek, a matching hand print blooming.

Wet lips descended again, engulfing the entirety of his cock, before she reversed course, the long, slow, tight suction ending in a tongue swirl that raised his hips. Heat gathered in the pit of his stomach. Sweat beaded his temples. He was teetering already, poised to dive head first into climax. Turned on, rapidly sinking beneath an ocean of pleasure, the excited blonde gave another whack to both cheeks, her muffled grunts stoking his ardor. He was panting, squeezing her delectable derrière, lusting after the generous flesh turned red with his perverted desires. The erotic sight left him aching, the moist pulls of her mouth pure, delicious agony in the face of such arousing stimuli. 

Unable and unwilling to stop himself, he delivered two more quick whacks to her backside before gripping her hips, and yanking her up for a merciless, well earned tonguing, drawing a squeak of surprise and ecstasy from her cock filled throat. He rolled her wet clit with the tip of his tongue before sucking on the distended button long enough to make her squeal. She returned the enthusiastic lapping, dark head bobbing faster, warm saliva sliding down his thick pipe.

"Oh yeah," he moaned, "feels so damn good, 'ttebayo."

Rough fingers spread the slippery folds of her sex, his tongue flickering back and forth over her pleasure button. Smoothing her own wetness up and around her clit. Dull fingernails dug into the muscles of his thighs, her rounded hips undulating as he rewarded her efforts with sloppy cunnilingus. Her mewls of ecstasy echoed down his sex, vibrating through his cock with each slippery, suctioning pass of her mouth.

Burning need crawled over his spine, the all consuming desire to fill her mouth with ropes of cum at the forefront of his mind. His tongue darted for the entrance of her weeping body, burrowing into the tight clench of her pussy, hands spreading the soft globes of her buttocks as he fucked her with his stiffened tongue. Wiggling the saturated appendage, he glided over the gently contracting walls. His cock left her mouth with a pop, the loud squelching of fellatio replaced with heated cries of bliss.

"Oh God, oh yes, Naruto-kun."

Naruto rose, hand shooting out to find a fist full of silky black hair, raining punishment with his other, heating her plush bottom mercilessly. She squeaked, thrust from decadent ecstasy and into sharp rebuke in an instant.

"I didn't tell you to take my dick out of your mouth." he growled.

She shifted, squirmed, shied away from the stinging blows even as moans of pleasure erupted from her lips. He pressed her face down into the rumpled sheets, delivering several more stinging slaps to her plump rear end, blue orbs rapt as her curvy body twisted, and contorted, the evidence of her excitement gleaming on the bare folds of her pussy.

He paused, drinking in her reddened flesh, wet core, the tight grip of her little fists in the sheets and her bowed back raising her ass in the air.

Breath heaving, blood pounding in his ears, Naruto spread her thighs with his own then sheathed his painfully throbbing cock with desperate eagerness inside the welcoming heat of her body. She gasped, tugging the sheet as he shoved his cock deep, his groin meeting her flushed cheeks. Sensation crawled over his skin, blinding bliss exploding in his brain. Leaving her little time to adjust, the horny blonde set a quick, merciless pace, the incredible friction driving him full speed toward mind numbing explosion. His balls felt tight and achy, his dick seconds from detonation. His hands found her hips, lifting her lower body for backbreaking thrust, his larger form lunging into hers. The bed creaked, the female beneath him cried out, and the rhythmic slapping of flesh drowned all thought from his overtaxed psyche. Sweat slid over his skin, trickling down his temples, animal lust flaring with each pounding thrust.



A cyclone of pleasure too good to be borne.

Not enough.

It wasn't enough.

Swept away in a kaleidoscope of mating heat, he moved, rolling his panting lover to her back, pressing her legs wide and up until her delicate ankles touched either side of her head. Fierce blue orbs drank in the sight, his rapt gaze lingering on the hardened peeks of her breasts, the glistening pink clit crying out for the attention of his mouth again.

"Naruto-kun, please." she whispered, her face beet red.

She was embarrassed again, turned on and uncomfortable. He leaned down to kiss her, sucking her lips with aggressive pulls of his own. He pressed his tongue into her mouth, gripping his cock and rubbing the wet tip against her clit while he plundered her mouth. She whined against his mouth, desperate fingers gripping his hips, her muffled moans of supplication growing with each glide of his tip.

Lips fused to hers, he adjusted, braced, then plunged into tight, saturated pussy.

"Ohhhh fuck." he groaned as her body parted for his.

Spreading reluctantly before molding around his hardened sex. His eyes closed, gut twisting in delicious knots.

She was far closer to the abyss than he was.

"Naruto," she gasped, "I'm going to cummmm!"

The high pitched wail rang in his ears. His eyes opened as her body seized. Her weeping core tightened, hot moisture bathing his cock in messy orgasm, tugging, shamelessly milking his dick. Coaxing his throbbing genital to join her in hot silky climax. She arched, sweaty body trembling as rapture ripped through her. Panting, frantic, he pounded her clenching body, rushing headlong towards his own nirvana. Heated ropes of cum erupting in a rush of lust. His feet dug into the mattress as he shoved his dick into the combined moisture of their joined sexs, holding his breath while wave upon wave of bliss flowed from his buried cock to the rest of his body. He pumped his hips, chasing every last sensation before releasing a long low breath of completion. His mouth found hers, soft and gentle as he lowered her legs. Her tongue met his, gentle hands gliding over the slick muscles of his arms and back. The caressing strokes were soothing in the aftermath, comforting. His pounding heart slowed, and the bone deep satisfaction of release settled in his veins.


"Good morning, Ino-san."

"Just a second." Ino said, straining harder to attach the potted plant to the small hook hanging from the ceiling. Stood atop a short ladder in the Yamanaka Flower Shop, Ino was in the middle of replacing a collection of exotic yellow and orange flowers with a softer, ice blue.

"Do you need help?"

"Nope, I got it." she replied.

Determined, the headstrong blonde stretched higher, successfully catching the looped thread connected to the flower pot onto the curved metal jutting from the roof. With a happy sound of triumph, Ino made a quick descent from the ladder then turned with a smile to the tall male standing in the middle of the shop. His cheeks were stained dull red, while his dark, fish bowl eyes avoided hers.

Ino sighed, bringing her hands to her hips in a small display of exasperation.

"Need more?" she asked.

Lee nodded, his body hunched in shame.

"You know Lee, its nothing to be ashamed of," she told him with a shake of her head, "you're not the only one that comes in here to buy more than flowers."

There were plenty of people he knew, people they both knew that were regular customers of her hidden shop. The gossip circles she could create with the knowledge she had, the intimate, titillating, juicy details that had the power to shock sweet little Konoha.

It was torture.

Ino liked to gossip, loved being in the know, but with a business to run, a reputation to uphold, spilling the secrets of her clientèle, even indirectly was a career ending mistake at the least, and a horrible sin of the worst order within the Yamanaka Clan. Her Clan dealt in intelligence, information a priceless commodity, sacred to the group of mind jutsu specialists. Secrecy was a creed, closed mouthed dealings a nonnegotiable requirement. While she balked at the restrictions, huffed at the perpetual gag orders, Ino carried on her Clan's long standing traditions and codes of concealment as proudly and effectively as the next Yamanaka.

The secrets often left her in awkward positions. Chatting with couples, knowing the wife had visited her underground store with a man that wasn't her husband or feigning shock and ignorance when a acquaintance found out her husband had purchased several pairs of female lingerie for himself rather than her. Some of the situations were amusing.

When it involved friends, people she was close to, it was a lot less funny.

Sakura's affair with Lee was one of those not so funny situations. She loved her friends and was on pins and needles waiting for the possible fallout of their affair. A fallout that could end up devastating both parties. Ino hadn't let on to Sakura that she knew of the affair, was continuing her show of blissful ignorance, but the urge to ask her friend if she was sure she knew what she had gotten herself into was one that left her biting her tongue. Lee had come clean on his own, she was waiting, hoping the medical pinkette to follow suit.

"I know," Lee mumbled, bringing her attention back to his cherry colored face, "but its still…really embarrassing."

"So you say every time you come in," Ino huffed without heat, "of all the customers that end up at the Blossom, you've held on to your modesty the longest. One of these days you'll realize sex and shame don't go together."

Ino paused, placing a finger to her chin.

"I take that back. Shame in the sense of thinking sex is something we should be ashamed to talk or engage in is what I meant. There's a different kind of sex and shame but that's more about kink than-"

"Ino-san, can we just-"

"Oh yes, of course," she smiled, "Come on down."

Ino waved him over to the "Employees Only" door behind the register.

Deep in the bowels of the Yamanaka Flower Shop was another store that catered to a slightly different crowd of patrons. Lovingly named The Erotic Blossom by its founder, Ino's grandmother, the Blossom was a modest, but rapidly expanding business that sold products of a delicate nature. "A broadening of bedroom expression" Ino called it, "a discreet sex shop" others named it. The well established, well kept secret brought to her attention some time after the war.

Maintaining secrets, protecting sensitive information was also a part of the Yamanaka fabric. A responsibility that was taken very seriously. So seriously that Ino hadn't known of her family's…discreet business dealings until she'd become the full owner of the shop. Her sly parents arranging her working hours long before the hidden store opened, it's entrance well hidden behind false wood panels she had since removed.

Shock had been a mild emotion for what she'd felt when she found out.

Stupefied that her classy, proper mother had run the business herself up until Ino took over.

Stunned that her grandmother had been the pioneer of such a store.

The second family business had grown on her quickly, however. The various sex toys and fetish items intriguing the adventurous woman. But as she picked up where her mother left off, another avenue of surprise reared its head. The familiar faces that had showed up. High ranking political figures, quietly conservative pillars of the community and more than a few of her closest friends had all come through the doors of her shop without purchasing a single flower. Clamoring instead for the wares of The Erotic Blossom. Over time, she'd adjusted, thrived even, allowing the shop beneath the flower store to broaden her horizons. Opening her up to the world of kink and those who loved it. The blonde florist often meeting her playmates while showcasing the best sexually stimulating items Fire Country had to offer.

A fact that worked in the store's favor

With the world's largest Nations at peace, and more shinobi back home, the well established store's demand ballooned. The number of patrons exploding, prompting the young Yamanaka owner to shift a large portion of its orders online. The move had opened the door to new customers and increased name recognition, but had done little to slow the amount of people that walked through the door. The physical shop remained popular even with the more convenient and discreet option now available.

Ino led Lee through the small storage room, through another door, then down a flight of stairs.

The Erotic Blossom was mid sized operation constructed of a main floor and five adjacent shopping areas, boasting a wide variety of erotic merchandise to satisfy a large and diverse clientèle far and wide.

The one room basement had long been expanded, branching off into several different rooms. In the center room, four registers lined a far wall, rows upon rows of pornographic DVDs lined shelves, and some of the more innocuous sex toys peppering the largely media oriented area. Off to the right were two rooms, one of which housed fantasy items, sexy lingerie, role-play costumes and unisex fitting rooms, while the other held dildos, ropes, cuffs, whips, chains and other conventional kink focused equipment. On the opposite side were two more rooms. One filled with a massive array of consumables, edible under garments, flavored condoms, along with chakra manipulating potions and the like. The other room was fitted with an actual door rather than an open archway like the rest of the store sections, the closed off area catering to fetish items many would consider "extreme".

Ino would have preferred every section of The Erotic Blossom be open and upfront but also understood that the discomfort for a large portion of her customers wasn't good for business.

The largest room directly behind the DVD racks was a display room for more strenuous equipment that was purchasable online, the modeled items more suited for a play dungeon than the average shopper. Each room was fitted with a discreet exit that let out into alleyways connected to the main streets of the shopping district of Konoha, allowing red cheeked customers to integrate seamlessly into the normal crush and crowd of shopping bag toting civilians.

The decor was tasteful, quietly seductive in contrast to the blatantly sexual items in plain sight. Smoky gray walls, deep red carpet and silvery lights.

It was a light crowd today, a dozen or so wandering the central area and a smattering of curious customers investigating the newly arrived items in the adjacent rooms.

A handful of blonde haired members of the Yamanaka Clan walked around the room, rearranging moved items, assisting patrons and ringing up purchases. A number of customers greeted her with a wave or smile, as she passed, while others pretended really hard not to be seen among the rows of videos. Lee, predictably kept his head down while Ino returned the gestures of greetings.

She led the bashful taijutsu specialist into the room of consumables, and made a beeline for a familiar white, nondescript bottle tucked away on a shelf in the far left corner of the room.

"You know Lee," she began softly, handing him the bottle, "my offer still stands. If its just relief you need, I can help you with that. This thing with Sakura…I just don't want to see it end bad for either of you, ya know?"

Red face turning pensive, Lee took the container with a droop of his shoulders. She moved a step closer, lowering her own voice to ease his discomfort.

"Sai wouldn't mind." she assured him.

"I…appreciate your…offer Ino-san, I really do," he mumbled, ears blazing red "but…I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that. It would be kind of…weird."

Ino smiled.

"It's not as weird as you might think. Trust me on that."

The dubious expression on his face was answer enough to her comment.

"Its not just…" his dark eyes glanced around the room near empty room, voice lowering before he uttered the word, "sex."

Ino was torn between amusement and vexation that the tall male was whispering the word sex in the middle of a sex store.

"I love her," he said, conviction coating his voice, "I don't know if she'd ever leave him to be with me but…I want her to know if she did decide to give us a try I'd make her the happiest woman on the planet. Its a slim chance but I have to take it. I can't give up, not yet."

Ino held back a sigh.

Marriage troubles aside, Ino didn't think her best friend would leave Sasuke, not after finally getting the man of her dreams. Not after the many years she'd spent chasing the dark, dangerous Uchiha. But Ino didn't have the heart to tell him that, and was almost certain he wouldn't listen to it anyway. Lee was headstrong and determined, and much like his sensei, there was no reasoning with either man after they'd made a commitment. As far as Lee was concerned, the two were already halfway down the aisle, and all he needed to do was stick it out long enough for Sakura to realize it too. He was a guy in love, even if it was one sided.

"She's not happy with him," he continued, drawing back her attention, "and I don't think he's happy either."

"Even if that's true, that doesn't mean they'll dissolve their marriage," Ino countered, "All I'm saying is just be careful. Don't pin all your hopes on a scenario that may or may not happen."

The sigh she'd held back left her lips at the slight downturn of his lips, the stubborn tilt of his shoulders.


"But if you're sure this is the route you should take," she conceded, "then lets get you checked out."

Ino led a blushing Lee to the check out station where her cousin Isako was filling in for their sick cousin for the next hour.

"We tweaked the formula a bit," Ino explained as they neared the blonde marriage counselor, "the transformation should last a half hour longer and drain less of your chakra. If you have any questions or concerns make sure to let me know."

At the counter, Isako gave a small nod to the repeat customer before quickly and efficiently processing the transaction. With a wave, Lee made a swift dash for the exit inside the display room.

"And he's off again," Isako chuckled, "Got to give him credit though. At least he has enough courage to come in person. I pegged him for an online guy with a face that red."

Ino shrugged.

"I thought so too but he hasn't made one purchase online. I think he gets a kick out of coming here and just won't admit it."

"Maybe he has fond memories here?"

Ino laughed, recalling his first visit to the store.

"I'd hardly call it fond. That had to have been the most embarrassing moment of his life."

"Awww," Isako pouted, "Come on, its been months, can't you tell me who it was he ran into? 'She was holding a dildo and he had a porn video' isn't all that funny when I can't put a face to the dildo carrying female."

"Alright, but only if you tell me who the fifth guy was at your birthday orgy. I know all the other guys in the pictures but the tall, red haired guy wasn't from around here."

Ino leaned across the counter.

"Come Isako, put up or shut up."

"As if I'd tell you that," Isako responded with an eye roll.

Ino straightened, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's too bad. Would've been a real kick for you to sit across from her during one of your counseling sessions."

Isako raised an intrigued blonde brow.

"She's a client of mine?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Ino alluded, "Who knows."

Isako sighed, lips forming a pretty pout while Ino grinned. It was a game they played. Teasing one another with tidbits of information neither had any intention of sharing.

The mystery woman had been Sakura of course. The pair had run into each other several months ago, Sakura, sexually frustrated and needing a new toy, had been leaving one of the rooms with an impressive pink dildo and ran smack dab into Lee who'd held a DVD featuring small breasted porn stars. The ensuing stuttering and beet red faces had left Ino in stitches. Several weeks after the encounter, Lee had returned and sought out Ino with an inquiry about the many consumables the shop produced, one that could make him look like a certain Uchiha. From there, it hadn't been hard to draw an accurate picture as to what the chance meeting had led to for both parties.

Amusement fell away.

"You're worried about him."

"Who wouldn't be," Ino huffed, "He's a nice guy and I'd hate to see him get hurt. Far be it for me to comment on how someone decides to live their love life. I'm hardly a shinning example of perfection in the relationship department, but its just hard to see him jumping through hoops that'll probably lead nowhere. He's wearing his heart on his sleeve. Can't help but feel bad."

The conversation ended abruptly as another customer walked over to the register. The two parted, leaving Ino to work the room. She was headed to a disorganized row of DVDs when a bell chimed. Leaving the videos for someone else to reorganize, Ino headed back up to the floral storefront.

"Hey there, what's up Hinata?" she greeted as she closed the door behind her.

The pale Hyuuga was leaning over a low shelf stocked with blooming flowers, sniffing delicately at their pleasant perfume. Ino raised a curious brow as the other woman straightened. Cheeks tingled with a dull red, milky pupiless orbs heavy lidded and the trademark Hyuuga feature of ramrod straight hair was slightly mussed in a few place left Ino in little doubt of how the shy young woman had spent her morning. A rough tumble from the looks of it. Ino was guessing the vibrant yellow, long sleeved turtle neck dress was hiding some love marks. Hinata hadn't started wearing turtle necks until her intimacy with Naruto began, it wasn't hard to figure out why. Ino herself had more than a few long sleeved turtle neck shirts on hand when she had rough night.

"Good afternoon, Ino."

"Looks like you had a good morning," Ino teased, "How good was it?"

Expecting a sputtering of denial or shocked embarrassment, Hinata surprised her with a low, nearly whispered admission.

"Incredible." she mumbled.

Crimson bloomed in the dark haired woman's cheeks, the explosion of color consuming her entire face. Ino held back a laugh when she covered her face.

"Well," Ino gushed, more than a little intrigued, "Do tell. What's that knuckled head done to have you all twisted in knots so early in the day."

She skipped over to Hinata, slinging an arm around her shoulders. Pale eyes met blue between slender fingers.

"Oh come on," Ino urged good naturedly, "You know I won't judge you and I'm pretty sure you came here to talk about it, right?"

Hinata lowered her hands, content to bump her index fingers to alleviate her discomfort but nodded in agreement.

"So spill," the blonde coaxed with a lecherous grin, "He give you another good spanking? Need some cream for your bottom?"

Hinata shook her head, took a breath, then spoke.

"We…tried anal…last night." she admitted, even as her ears turned bright red.

"No kidding? That's awesome. How was it? Did you like it?"

A dazed look of satisfaction drained the bashful tension from her face as she again spoke that one word response.


"So you said." Ino giggled.

"I felt…exposed and powerless. Having him in control of me…"

Ino could relate to the shiver of sexual awareness that swept through the curvy Hyuuga.

"See, didn't I tell ya. It's scary at first but if you like a good hard spanking, anal's probably right up your ally. How'd Naruto react? Is he as impressed as you?"

Shy fidgeting returned.

"H-He seemed to like it a lot too," she murmured, voice dreamy, "He was really affectionate after and gentle. I've never felt so close to him before."

"That's good, at least he knows what to do after."

Hinata nodded, twirling her fingers around.

Ino stepped away, then rubbed her hands together.

"Now for the juicy details. Naruto's packing some serious wood. How'd it feel?"

This time when she covered her face, Ino could help but laugh.

"You know Hinata, you're one of my closest friends and you share quite a few of my sexual proclivities, so let me introduce you to one of my Clan's most prized side hustles, the Erotic Blossom."

Ino slid an arm around the confused woman as she opened the "Employee Only" door.

"I have a feeling you'll appreciate our various wares and maybe even find something that strikes your fancy. Not to mention I have the perfect cream for a sore bottom. It's a special blend I make myself." the chattering Yamanaka bragged as she led her embarrassed friend down the stairs.
