
narto sex history fanfiction :V

A bunch of random sex stories set in the Naruto universe (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters

minmix · 漫画同人
40 Chs

Harem Master Jutsu

By : EroticaAuthor69XXX


Two figures cloaked in black cloaks with red clouds stood before squad seven. The two cloaked figures were members of the Akatsuki. One of the cloaked figures had blond hair and was currently sitting on the body of Gara. Banto knew just by looking at Gara that they were too late. Being a high ranking ninja, Banto knew the signs of a dead body well.

 "Were too late" stated Kakashi to the rest of the squad. Time seemed to stand still as each member took it in that they had failed the rescue mission. Banto glanced briefly towards Naruto to gauge his reaction to this news. He didn't like the look Naruto was giving at the moment, his eyes had transformed into a deep red color. Jiraiya had told Kakashi and Banto the signs of a nine tailed takeover before they left for the mission, deep red eyes was one of the signs.

 Damn it this isn't good. Not only does it look like we were too late, now we run the possibility of Naruto losing control if he doesn't keep his emotions in check. It's going to be a big problem if Naruto loses control. With the enemies we have to face Kakashi, and I will have our hands full enough as it is. Adding an out of control Naruto could prove to be too much.

 Banto was brought out of his thoughts when Naruto yelled loudly at the two cloaked figures. Naruto was directing his anger towards the cloaked figure that was currently sitting on the corpse of Gara.

 "You bastards! Were the hell do you think your sitting" yelled Naruto towards the Akatsuki member sitting on Gara.

 "Well so much for that mystery. This kid is the Jinchuriki. Hes the one who burst in and barks the loudest just like Itachi said" stated the blond Akatsuki member in response to Naruto's outburst. The blond Akatsuki member was directing his statement towards the other Akatsuki member although the other member chose to ignore him as he just stared onwards towards Lady Chiyo.

 "Gara! Come on what the hell are you doing?! Why are you just laying there" yelled Naruto in desperation. He didn't wasn't to believe Gara was really dead. Naruto continued to plead with Gara to wake up, he was soon cut off by Banto.

 "Naruto enough! Gara is gone, you know that" yelled Banto towards Naruto. He needed to get Naruto to come to grips with the truth laid out before them. One of the cardinal rules of shinobi combat is to not deny what is obvious.

 "Your friend is right, he's dead and has been for a while too" stated the blond Akatsuki member in a mocking tone as he casually slapped Gara with the back of his hand. This caused the desired reaction from Naruto who once again started to become angry.

 "Give Gara back! Give him back right now" yelled Naruto as he charged at the two Akatsuki members. Naruto was soon stopped from his forward charge by Kakashi clocking his path. Kakashi told Naruto to calm down, charging in without thinking is a guarantee to meet a quick death.

 It seemed that the two Akatsuki members were bickering back and forth about art. They both had different ideas on what art was. Banto was slightly surprised that two high level ninja were so casually discussing something so useless in the current situation. It was obvious that they were being underestimated, good Banto thought. Being a young genius Banto was sent out on missions that involved life or death battels frequent. Often, he would face opponents that were twice his age starting out, they would all understate going up against a child. Banto liked it when he was underestimated, it made his job easier.

Not long after the two Akatsuki members argument, the blond one made a bird made of clay and flew off with Gara. Just as the Akatsuki member intended, Naruto gave chase wanting to get Gara's body back. Both Kakashi and Banto yelled after Naruto to stop, but their pleas fell on death ears. Not having any other choice, Kakashi began to give chase to give Naruto backup. Kakashi took a brief moment to give orders before he left the remainder of the squad behind.

 "I don't have any other choice; I have to go with Naruto. Banto, I'll leave the rest of the squad to you. It's up to you guys to deal with Sasori" stated Kakashi.

 "You got it Kakashi, you can count of me" responded Banto as he gave a thumbs up to Kakashi. Without saying another words, Kakashi rushed out of the cave, chasing after Naruto. Banto was left with Sakura and Lady Chiyo as backup to deal with Sasori.

 Damn it things aren't looking good. I just have to trust that Kakashi can keep Naruto safe. There is no room to worry about Naruto right now anyway, I have to focus on the enemy in front of me. This guy must be Sasori of the Red Sand. I know a little about him thanks to me bingo book but I'm sure Lady Chiyo knows more since he is her grandson.

 "The way I heard it; you retired a long time ago" stated Sasori towards Lady Chiyo.

 "I was suddenly filled with the desire to see my grandson again" responded Lady Chiyo with sadness in her voice. Banto was about to ask Lady Chiyo what she knew about Sasori that could help them defeat him, but he noticed Sakura. Sakura it seemed was overwhelmed by the killing intent within Sasori's eyes. She shallowed in nervousness as Sakura contemplated the difference in their respective battle experiences.

 "Sakura don't be afraid. Chiyo and I are here to help, you're not alone" stated Banto. His words helped Sakura calm down, she mentally prepared herself for the fight just ahead. Lady Chiyo stepped forward and pulled out serval kunai's laced together with a chakra wire. She sent the kunai's flying towards Sasori, but they were easily deflected by a tail controlled by Sasori. The kunai's only succeed in tearing apart Sasori's cloak.

 "If you insist on interfering then I guess I have no choice. How would you and those two leaf ninja like to become part of my collection, hey grandmother" asked Sasori as his cloak feel to pieces around him. As the cloak was torn apart, it was made to the squad what laid beneath. It was clear that the figure in front of them talking was a puppet. Banto took a quick look around, he thought that the puppet master must be close by, he was unable to find wherever Sasori was hiding.

 "There's no need to look for Sasori Banto, he is inside that puppet" stated Chiyo who noticed Banto's wandering eyes. Banto and Sakura reacted with surprise at this news.

 "He's in the puppet" asked Sakura in disbelief.

 "Yes, to get to Sasori we need to first deal with that puppet" stated Lady Chiyo.

 That isn't good. As long as Sasori is hiding inside that puppet, I can't use my Genjutsu on him.

 "Chiyo, we need to know more about Sasori. I assume that him being a puppet master, we shouldn't get even a scratch from any of his weapons" asked Banto knowing how deadly a puppet master could be.

 "Yes, that's correct. Like all puppet master's Sasori coats all of his weapons with poison. Even the smallest cut can prove to be deadly" responded Lady Chiyo.

 "Do you know the hidden mechanisms on this puppet? I know that dealing with a puppet master becomes a lot easier if you know all their hidden tricks" stated Banto.

 "I suppose there was a time I knew what this puppet had in store but looking at it now it is clear that it has gone through major improvements. I suspect that I now know very little about what this puppet has in store for us" responded Lady Chiyo.

 "So that means we have to anticipate all of his attacks perfectly" stated Banto out loud. This was going to be a tall order, but he could not back down now.

 "Yes, you can't get hit once or else the poison will end you. I have an idea that could work but I can only do it with one of you" stated Lady Chiyo in a low voice so Sasori would not be able to hear them. Lady Chiyo reasoned that it was next to impossible for a non-puppet master to effectively dodge every single attack. She proposed that she use her own puppet master jutsu on either Banto or Sakura so they can dodge all of Sasori's attacks. Banto thought that it was a good plan and quickly stated that it should be Sakura. Sakura seemed shocked and worried at that idea. If she was the one that was getting help avoiding Sasori's attacks, where would that leave her brother?

 "But Banto what about you" asked Sakura with worry in her voice.

 "It makes more sense if you are the one Sakura. If you can get close to Sasori, you can use your strength to smash that puppet in one hit. Truth is that I am not much use right now since I can't use Genjutsu on Sasori. As long as he is hiding in his puppet, I can't attack his chakra flow" responded Banto. This didn't seem to ease Sakura's worry; she still didn't know if Banto would be okay on his own.

 "Okay but how are you going to not get hit" asked Sakura not wanting her big brother to be killed.

 "Come on Sakura, I'm hurt you don't believe in me. Remember that your big brother is one of the strongest ninja in the leaf village. I should be fine as long as I provide support. I'll help from the sidelines and give you an opening to smash that puppet with" responded Banto with a slight smile on his face. This seemed to calm Sakura's worries a bit.

 "Okay, right sorry" respond Sakura. She had forgotten for just a moment that her big brother was not helpless. He was an extremely talented ninja; he was sent on life or death missions as early as age 9. Hell he was in the ANBU at the age of 12 and he lasted three years just fine.

 "Okay the plan is for Chiyo to help you Sakura avoid all of Sasori's attacks so you can smash that puppet. Once that puppet is smashed and Sasori is forced out, I can use my Genjutsu on him. Once I nail Sasori with my Genjutsu, it's game over" stated Banto in a low voice to Lady Chiyo and Sakura. Chiyo would have protested this plan if it was anyone other than Banto claiming he could trap Sasori with a Genjutsu. She might have been retired for years but she still kept an ear to the ground. Serval stories had reached her about the Master of Illusions from the Hidden Leaf Village. If the stories were to be believed, then only trained Uchiha surpassed Banto when it came to Genjutsu. Based on her observations of Banto, Chiyo was inclined to believe those stories were all true. Banto pulled out serval shuriken and started a charge towards Sasori. He threw the shuriken towards Sasori and weaved hand signs as the shuriken flew in the air.

 "Shadow Shuriken Jutsu" stated Banto as he multiplied the shuriken serval times. Now serval dozen shuriken were flying towards Sasori. Despite the large number of Shuriken, Sasori easily used his tail to deflect the oncoming attack.

 He blocked the attack with his tail again just like I thought he would.

 Banto had anticipated Sasori would use his tail to block the attack. His attack was never intended to do any damage to the puppet. It was only intended to occupy that tail so he couldn't use it for a moment. During the same moment Sasori was using his tail to deflect the shuriken Banto rushed behind Sasori with a kunai in hand. Banto brought down the kunai towards Sasori but was stopped by serval Senbon needles flying out of the puppets back. The Senbon needles hit Banto square in the chest.

 "Banto no" screamed Sakura in distress. Her worry was short lived however as Banto disappeared in a puff of smoke, it was only a shadow clone. However when the shadow clone was destroyed the kunai it was holding was left in place and it fell towards the ground. Banto emerged from underneath the water inside the cave, he was hiding there while his shadow clone was serving as the distraction. The falling kunai struck the ground harmlessly and for a moment Sasori looked at Banto as if to say what was that supposed to accomplish. Banto simply smiled before he spoke.

 "Boom" stated Banto just before the ground around Sasori exploded. Banto had wrapped a explosive tag around the kunai and he had just set it off. A large cloud of smoke filled the area where Sasori was. The shockwave from the explosion caused the cave to shake as the ground broke apart where the explosion occurred.

 "He's not done yet, that attack wouldn't come close to finishing Sasori" stated Chiyo. Banto nodded confirming what she had said, he knew that this attack as clever as it was would not finish such a strong opponent.

 "I know, remember I'm not trying to deliver the final blow here. Big destructive attacks aren't my style. I'll chip away at his defense until an opening is found. Sakura, once that opening reveals itself you need to close in and smash that puppet" stated Banto. Sakura nodded in confirmation as she and Lady Chiyo sprung into action as well.

 Sasori appeared before them again, he had easily dodged the explosion in time. By the look in the puppets eyes, it was obvious that attack had made him angry. For a moment Banto had gotten the better of him and his pride was now wounded. The mouth of the puppet opened and serval hundred Senbon needles began to fly towards Sakura and Banto given that they were serval paces ahead of Lady Chiyo.

 "You have to dodge all of them" yelled Chiyo. Both Sakura and Banto spoke out loud that they had heard her and had heeded her warning. Sakura was able to dodge every Senbon flying towards her thanks to Chiyo's puppet strings assisting her. Banto had a harder time being on his own, but he was able to dodge each Senbon thanks to his years of experience with high level combat.

 After dodging every Senbon, Banto took the moment to press his own attack. Banto charged at Sasori again, while he did so he casted the shadow clone jutsu. Two shadow clones appeared at each of his sides. One shadow clone went to attack Sasori from his left while the other attacked Sasori from his right. The original Banto pulled out a kunai with another explosive tag and threw it towards Sasori as he stopped his forward charge. Sasori seeing the explosive tag this time, dodges it instead of using his tail to deflect the attack. As Sasori was in the air, the two Shadow clones appeared at his sides and attempted to strike him. Sasori used his tail to easily deal with both of the shadow clones.

 To Sasori's surprise, once he dispatched the shadow clones, two more kunai fell to the ground. He anticipated that Banto had pulled the same trick again and moved away from his spot. However instead of an explosion occurring, he was stopped from moving away. Ninja wire was connected to the kunai and by moving so suddenly, he had become tangled in it's mess. The end of the ninja wire was tied to a kunai the real Banto was holding into the ground. He ran a steady amount of chakra through the ninja wire in order to strengthen it so Sasori could not break through it immediately. The mess of ninja wire was effectively tangling the hidden mechanisms of the puppet, Sasori for a moment was unable to attack.

 "Sakura! Do it now" yelled Banto as he continued to apply a steady flow of chakra to the ninja wire. Sasori was trying with all of his might to break free. It was taking Banto a large amount of chakra to keep the ninja wire from breaking, it was now or never. Sakura seeing this as the best opportunity rushed towards Sasori. With the help of Lady Chiyo, Sakura was able to dodge a final desperate attempt from Sasori to attack her with a couple of Senbon shooting from the puppets mouth. Sakura quickly rushed in front of Sasori and began to yell as she raised her fist.

 "CHA" yelled Sakura as she brought down her chakra enhanced fist. The fist contacted the puppet and shattered it to pieces along with the ground surrounding her. The cave rumbled with the force of Sakura's punch. Sakura jumped backwards to join the rest of her team. A clocked figure emerged from the wreckage of the puppet, the real Sasori had been forced out. The figure was still clouded with the smoke cloud from the impact. Banto smiled to himself as he began to weave hand signs in order to cast his Genjutsu.

 Game over! Now that Sasori is forced out, I can hit him with my Genjutsu.

 "Ninja art! Fog of lost memories jutsu" stated Banto as he casted one of his most powerful Genjutsu. Banto opened his mouth and blew fourth a dense fog that quickly enveloped Sasori. Banto turned to Sakura and Chiyo to tell them the fight was over; Sasori was caught in the Genjutsu the moment the fog surrounded him.

 "It's done. That fog has Sasori under my Genjutsu" stated Banto. Sakura seemed relived the fight was over. Lady Chiyo was doubtful about the Genjutsu working so easily on Sasori.

 'Are you sure? What kind of jutsu is that" asked Chiyo.

 "It's one of my best Genjutsu. It's a visual based Genjutsu. Once the opponent is surrounded by the fog, they see their past memories. Right now Sasori is in a haze of his worst memories. He will be completely defenseless until I break the jutsu" stated Banto.

 "I see that is certainly an impressive jutsu" responded Chiyo.

 "Right well all that's left now is to deliver the fatal blow" stated Banto as he got ready to move towards Sasori and cut his throat open.

The Genjutsu only worked on those he wanted it to, so being surrounded with it himself would not affect him. However before Banto took a single step towards Sasori, serval kunai flew out of the fog and towards the three of them. Taken by surprise the three of them barely had time to dodge. Once all three of them jumped to safety, another volley of kunai flew towards Sakura. Banto saw that Sakura would not react in time, and Chiyo had disconnected her strings thinking the fight was over. His body moved without him needing to think about it. Banto pushed Sakura out of the way, but in doing so one of the kunai grazed his right shoulder. It left a small cut as it began to bleed, but Banto knew it was over.

"Banto! Are you alright" asked Sakura with worry when she saw her brother's wound. The poison had already begun to take its effect. Banto could feel his fingers and toes start to go numb. Soon his entire body will be numb and then he would be helpless.

"I-I'm fine for now. The poison hasn't taken full affect yet" stated Banto. He knew Sakura had antidotes with her but he wanted to save those. If this fight was going to drag on then those antidotes could serve as a final trump card, he would not waste the element of surprise so early. Seeing no other option, Banto quickly pulled out a kunai and stabbed it deep into the cut on his right shoulder. Searing pain traveled up his arm as blood gushed out of his deep wound. His arm would be almost useless now with such a deep stab wound but at least he had gotten all the poison out of his system.

"Sakura, I need you to stop the bleeding" stated Banto as he pulled out the kunai. Blood gushed in large amounts from his shoulder once the kunai was pulled out. Sakura quickly jumped into action and brought her hands over her brother's wound. Her hands glowed green as she applied Chakra to stop the bleeding, but the damage was already done. Banto had stopped bleeding but now his right arm hung limply at his side.

 "Are you okay" asked Sakura with worry, the wound was very deep. She would need to examine it later if they got the chance, but it was likely major muscles were torn. Banto's right arm would not be any use to him anytime soon.

 "Yah I'm fine. My arm might be shot by at least I was able to get the poison out before it could take me out. What I don't understand is why my jutsu didn't work on him. It was a direct it, he should have been helpless" stated Banto.

 Banto's question was soon answered as Sasori was finally revealed to the squad. Sasori wore a young face despite his supposed age. Chiyo was shocked to see that Sasori had not aged a day since he had left the village over thirty years ago. Sasori seeing the confusion on the three of them decided to amuse them and answer their lingering questions. Sasori removed his cloak to reveal that he had made himself into a puppet. The entire squad gasped as they realized what Sasori had become.

 "He's a puppet" asked Sakura in disbelief. Chiyo was just as shocked, although she was also saddened to see her grandson fall so far. Banto along with shoch felt extreme worry, this complicated things.

 Shit! That's why my Genjutsu didn't work. I can't manipulate his chakra flow because he's not even human! How can I manipulate something that isn't there.

 "Guys this isn't good. Genjutsu works by manipulating a person's flow of chakra. Since Sasori is a puppet himself, he doesn't have a flow of chakra for me to manipulate. My Genjutsu is completely useless" stated Banto to the rest of the squad. Lady Chiyo had come to the same conclusion as she looked onwards towards Sasori. Sakura gasped in shock at this news.

 "Yes, it would appear so" agreed Lady Chiyo.

 "To make matters worse I really don't know how much use I am going to be from here on out. My right arm is useless right now and that jutsu I just used to use up a lot of chakra. I don't have much left in me" panted Banto. A new plan of attack would have to be devised, one that involved Sakura and Chiyo delving the final blow. Banto inwardly cursed himself, he hated that he had to place the majority of the burden of combat onto his little sister. While he panted, he continued to speak.

 "It's going to have to be up to you two to finish Sasori. I'll provide assistance where I can but all my best tricks are out of the question' stated Banto. The response from Sakura that followed shocked Banto with the confidence of which it was spoken.

 "Right, don't worry Banto. Just sit back and let Lady Chiyo and I handle this. You can count me. Remember who I was training under for three years" stated Sakura as she stepped in front of her big brother. Sakura confidently faced down Sasori, she was unafraid. All her life she had looked up to her big brother who could always defend her. Now her big brother faced an opponent that was made to fight him. It was now her turn to defend him. Despite the current situation Banto smiled, he was proud of the ninja his little sister had become.

 "Well then I think it's time I ended this fight. I'll so you the greatest piece of my collection" stated Sasori as he pulled out a scroll. The scroll contained a puppet sealed within it, Sasori summoned the puppet. Once the puppet had be summoned from the scroll, Lady Chiyo gasped in horror.

 "Lady Chiyo what is that puppet" asked Sakura curious why Lady Chiyo would react with such horror at the sight of the new puppet.

 "That puppet, I can't believe it! It simply can't be" stated Lady Chiyo.

 "Well what is it? Don't keep us waiting" stated Banto who was growing nervous at Lady Chiyo's reaction. He knew Lady Chiyo was an experienced ninja, if she was reacting with horror than that meant that puppet was big trouble.

 "That puppet, it's the third Kazekage" stated Lady Chiyo. Both Banto and Sakura reacted with shock at these words. Lady Chiyo went on to explain that the Third Kazekage was considered the most powerful of the Kazekage, but one day he simply vanished without a trace. To make matters worse Lady Chiyo explained that a human puppet can retain the abilities of the person once was.

 "T-that's the Third Kazekage" asked Sakura in disbelief.

 This isn't good. If that's really the Third Kazekage and it retains his abilities, then things are about to get bad.

 "Chiyo what was the Third Kazekage known for? He was before my time, so I don't know anything about him" asked Banto.

 "The Third Kazekage was able to control sand much like Gara could. The key difference is that the Third Kazekage was able to control iron sand" responded Lady Chiyo.

 'Iron Sand" asked Sakura.

 "Yes, the Third Kazekage's iron sand was legendary. It served as an impressive defense and it's offensive powers were unbelievable. It is able to grind anything to dust" stated Lady Chiyo.

 The squad didn't have any more time to discuss the current situation as Sasori began his offensive. Sasori controlled the Third Kazekage puppet as it's mouth opened. Iron sand began to flow from the puppets mouth. The attack came at them quickly, Iron Sand rushed towards them in the form of massive geometric shapes. It took all of the squad's efforts to dodge the attacks. After a pause in the attack, Lady Chiyo decided to change the course of the battle with puppets of her own. Lady Chiyo pulled out a scroll of her own and summoned two puppets, it seemed Sasori recognized these puppets.

 The two puppets that were summoned were called the mother and the father. These were the first two puppets that Sasori had created, but Lady Chiyo had made her own modifications to them. Lady Chiyo and Sasori began to battle with their puppets. A flurry of attacks were exchanged as each puppet used many different hidden mechanisms. This went on for some time, both Sakura and Banto could not get close to Sasori, or risk being hit with an attack. After a while something seemed to go wrong, Lady Chiyo's puppets were seizing up. Sasori had used the power of the Third Kazekage to place iron sand within the joints of the Chiyo's puppets, rendering them immobile.

 Seeing that Chiyo's puppets were rendered useless, Banto decided to try his own offensive. He knew that he would not be able to do much in his current state, but he had to try to create an opening for Sakura. Banto rushed forward with a kunai in hand. Sasori sent an attack his way in the form of iron sand. Luckily Banto was able to dodge the attack and when he did so he threw the kunai towards Sasori. Sasori made no move to dodge the attack, it was obvious the kunai was widely of course. To his surprise though it seemed Sasori was never the intended target of the kunai. The kunai was aimed for the chakra strings that Sasori was using to control the Third Kazekage. The kunai cut through the strings, making the puppet fall to the ground.

 "Quick! Attack him now" yelled Banto but Sasori simply chuckled at his words.

 "Did you really think that would work? I can reattach strings to my puppets in less than a second" stated Sasori as he did just that. Once the strings were connected again Sasori quickly attacked Banto. The puppet was sent flying towards Banto with a hidden blade aiming at him. Banto was taken by surprise with how quickly Sasori was able to connect the strings again and was not fully prepared. Banto was able to dodge the blade, but the puppet then backhanded him and Banto was sent flying. With only having one arm, Banto wasn't able to land safely and hit his head roughly on his landing. Banto could barely hear Sakura's screams of worry as he began to fade from conscious. He could feel the side of his head become wet; a large gash had opened where on his head where he had landed.

 Damn it! I failed, I can't stay awake. Sakura, Chiyo the rest is up to you.

 Soon after Banto thought this he lost conscious. Guilt filled him, he had failed to defeat Sasori and now it was up to his little sister to pick up his slack. He hoped that Sakura would be able to defeat Sasori.


The first thing Banto realized when he regained conscious was that he was no longer in the cave. It seemed that he was back in the sand village, he was currently laying down on a bed. After a quick look around Banto concluded that he must be in the sand village hospital. He was currently alone at the moment, but he could hear movement beyond the walls, he figured that someone would enter the room to check up on him soon. His head was bandaged along with his right shoulder where he was forced to stab himself.

 Banto's head had a dull ache to it and so did his right arm but other than that he seemed fine. With some effort he was able to sit up on the bed. He experimented with his right arm to see how mobile it was. Banto found he was able to move his right arm fully, it just felt very sore like he had just done a heavy workout. It seemed he would be back to full strength in just a couple days of rest. Banto was starting to wonder what had happened to everyone, although he figured the day must have been won if he was not dead. At this moment the door to the room opened, Sakura entered and once seeing her big brother was awake rushed to his bedside.

 "Banto, your awake" stated Sakura in a happy tone.

 "Yah I just woke up. I take it I have you to thank for healing my injuries" asked Banto. He knew that he was in bad shape with the damage he took. Truth be told he should have been much slower to heal, the wound on his right shoulder alone should have taken him serval weeks to heal. Banto was thankful he had a little sister that was such an accomplished medical ninja, injuries that should take weeks can be healed in a matter of days.

 "Yah you were in bad shape, but I was able to heal the worst of it once we got back to the sand village. How do you feel" asked Sakura.

 "Well considering where I was earlier, I'm doing great. My head and shoulder aches a bit but other than that I'm fine" responded Banto. Sakura seemed to be relieved to hear these words.

 "That's good. You should be fine after a couple days of rest" stated Sakura.

 "So what happened after a was knocked out? I figure you won since you know we aren't dead" asked Banto. Sakura went on the explain what had happened. She explained how she and Lady Chiyo were able to defeat Sasori. Sakura explained that Naruto and Kakashi were okay and that they had forced the Akatsuki member to commit suicide. Lastly Sakura explained that Lady Chiyo had used a jutsu to bring Gara back to life, but it had costed Chiyo her life. Banto noticed that Sakura explaining the last part sadden her. He could understand why Sakura would be sad, but he felt nothing. Lady Chiyo may have helped his sister and for that he was grateful but at the end of the day she was from the sand. He cared about leaf ninja; a sand ninja was no concern to him. Naruto and Kakashi entered the room at this moment. Naruto rushed to the bedside; he was happy that his teammate had finally waken up. Kakashi stood a short distance away from the bed.

 "Banto your finally awake" stated Naruto happily.

 "Yah I'm awake. Sakura told me what happened, seems like everything worked out in the end" stated Banto.

 "Yah Gara is fine! He's resting in his own room right now" stated Naruto. The four of them continued to discuss things for a short while. Banto was told he was only out of it for a couple hours. He was also told that Sasori had told Sakura information regarding Orochimaru. Thanks to this information they now knew where Orochimaru was going to be in two weeks. This could be their opportunity to bring Sasuke back to the village. The team discussed that they need to get back to the village so Lady Hokage can know about this information. With any luck they would be sent to the location Orochimaru will be at in two weeks.

 "So that's the jest of it. We should head out immediately, Lady Hokage needs to know about this" stated Kakashi. Everyone in the squad agreed to these words except Sakura. Banto rose from the bed but was stopped by Sakura. Sakura pushed Banto back onto the bed before she spoke.

 "Hold on a minute! The three of us might be okay to make the journey home but Banto needs at least two days of rest before he makes the journey" stated Sakura in a tone that meant no arguments would be heard. Banto wanted to protest but he figured that Sakura would know what is best regarding his full recovery. Sakura sent Banto a quick look that told him there were other intentions behind her forcing him to stay behind. If Banto had to stay in the sand for two days, it would give him time to fully corrupt Temari. Sakura knew her brother was working on Temari, she wanted her first harem sister.

 "Well I guess that the doctor's orders then" stated Kakashi. Kakashi went on the explain that the rest of the squad would head out immediately. Banto would stay behind for two days so he could recover and once he did, he would make the journey by himself. Arrangements were quickly made with the sand, Banto was welcome to stay as long as he needed. Banto was set up with a temporary residence. Once Banto was set up with his temporary residence, he said goodbye to his squad, and they left the sand village behind.

 Banto spent the next couple hours lying down on his bed, resting his tired body from his injuries. Just as Banto was getting hungry and thinking about going somewhere, he heard a knock on the front door. He concluded that whoever was knocking was his assigned escort while he was staying in the sand village. It made sense to him that he would have an assigned escort despite being an ally. At the end of the day he was still a foreign ninja, ally or not he couldn't just be allowed to wander the village without supervision.

 Banto wondered who was his assigned escort as he went to answer the front door. His question was soon answered as he opened the door. He smiled as he saw it was Temari that was knocking on the front door, she was his assigned escort. Banto was feeling bad that he had let the team down, but this development was quickly improving his mood. With Temari being his assigned escort, Banto could continue his plan to corrupt Temari until she was his willing whore. She was so close to being his, just one more use of the Harem Master Jutsu.

 "Temari are you my assigned escort" asked Banto with a smile on his face. Temari was already sporting a blush on her face. Messing with her was going to be fun he thought.

 "Y-yes sorry that the village insist on it" responded Temari.

 "It's fine I understand the need. I am a foreign ninja after all. It would be irresponsible of your village if you didn't have an escort to follow me" reasoned Banto.

 "I'm glad you understand" responded Temari who was relieved that Banto was not insulted by having an escort.

 "Well it's good that you are here because I was getting hungry. How about we go back to that restaurant that we went the other day? I liked the steamed buns that place served" asked Banto already formulating his plan to ensnare Temari with the Harem Master Jutsu.

 "S-sure that sounds good. I'll lead the way" responded Temari. Temari began to lead Banto to the restaurant. Once Temari was turned around Banto began to speak.

 "Great! You leading the way will give me plenty opportunity to look at that whore ass you have" stated Banto as he brought a hand down and roughly slapped Temari's ass. Temari was taken by surprise as she felt Banto spank her ass. She collapsed to the ground in the middle of the street as she experienced a powerful orgasm. Serval passerby's stopped to look at the women collapsed on the ground while moaning like a bitch in heat.

 Serval emotions were running through Temari's mind as she orgasmed in the middle of the streets. She was feeling intense shame as she felt multiple eyes on her while she continued to experience her orgasm. The intense shame however served the heighten the intensity of her orgasm. The thought of so many people seeing how much of a whore she was, turned her on. After a little while longer her orgasm subsided and Temari realized fully where she was. She shamefully rose from the ground and continued to lead Banto towards their destination. Her reputation would surely take a hit after that display, word will spread. Between this event and the fact she walked through the streets the other day with her face caked with cum, she would soon be known as the village whore. This thought both terrified and excited Temari.

 "Damn what a fucking slut you are Temari. You orgasm from me hitting your ass? If you behave yourself maybe later, I'll rape that whore throat" stated Banto in a low enough tone that only Temari would hear him as the two continued to walk through the streets of the sand village. Temari didn't say anything in response to this, but her pussy began to drip again with arousal. Soon after this the two arrived at the restaurant and were quickly seated at the same table as before, secluded and away from the other patrons. Once they were left alone, Banto placed Temari under the Harem Master Jutsu. Temari stared at Banto with a blank stare, waiting for Banto to say the words that would change her life forever.

"Temari, can you hear me" asked Banto

 "Yes, I can hear you Banto" responded Temari with a blank stare.

 "Listen carefully to the words I am about to say Temari. When you wake up you will remember nothing of this conversation or the fact, I placed you under a Genjutsu, do you understand" asked Banto

 "Yes, I understand" responded Temari.

 "Temari your attraction to Banto has now made you obsessed with him. All other men are now disgusting in your eyes. Only Banto has the right to your body, he is the only man that arouses you. Your pussy drips with arousal whenever you think of him. His touch drive you crazy with lust. These feelings are never going to go away, for the rest of your life you will feel this way towards Banto" stated Banto as made sure each word placed itself deep within her subconscious.

 "What's more Temari your fetishes are consuming your preferences. You are now a full masochist; you can no longer get off unless your partner if being extremely rough with you. Rape play has become a huge obsession with you, in fact your preferred way of losing your virginity is by force. The biggest fantasy you have is Banto physically overpowering you and having his way with you. In fact if he actually did it in real life, you would not stop it. You want Banto to rape you if he does you would happily play along. You have decided that once Banto forcefully takes your virginity that you are going to be his completely. You know that he deserves better than you thought. A worthless cunt like you doesn't deserve a man like Banto, so you will be content to be a set of holes for him to use whenever he wants. He should be with other women, and you will be okay with that. In fact you would love it if Banto made you a part of a harem, filled with women that serve him in every way" stated Banto each word heavy with his chakra.

 That should be good, Temari is now mine. Once I get her out of here and back to my temporary residence, I am going to make her fantasies a reality. There's no reason though I can't have fun before the main event.

 Banto ended the Harem Master Jutsu soon after thinking this. It took a moment for Temari to regain conscious. Multiple images of Banto raping Temari ran through her head as she regained conscious, her pussy dripped at these images. Temari was brought out of her thoughts as the waiter arrived with their food. The two of them began to enjoy their meals, however Banto had other plans for Temari

 "These dumplings are great, but I think I know something that will make them even better" stated Banto.

 "What is it" asked Temari curious what Banto was getting at.

 "I was thinking that it would be better if you got under the table and sucked my cock" stated Banto. Temari gasped at Banto's lewd comment as she quickly looked around to see if anyone heard him.

 "W-what did you say" asked Temari thinking she must have heard Banto wrong. It must have been she was fantasizing about him again and she misheard him.

 "You heard me whore. Get down on your fucking knees where you belong and suck my cock" commanded Banto in a tone that told her there was no room for debate. Temari's pussy was soaking her panties at his commanding tone. She was terrified with how aroused she was feeling at being commanded in such a way. Temari used to think herself a strong women that could stand equal to men, this seemed foolish to her know. She now knew that women were not equal to men, they were meant to serve men. Temari quickly made sure the coast was clear before she crawled under the table.

 Temari's mouth began to water as she crawled under the table and saw the large tent in Banto's pants. Her panties were completely soaked as she crawled between Banto's legs and took of his pants. Hearts were in her eyes as Banto's cock was brought out in the open, the sight was perfect to her. She wrapped her hand around Banto's cock and lifted it so she can lick along the underside. Temari began to lick all over Banto's cock as she began to stroke it with her hand. She was slowly working her tongue all over his cock but was interrupted when Banto reached under the table and roughly gripped her face. Banto poked his head under the table, he held Temari's face making her look him in the eye before he spoke.

 "What's with this slow shit? I want you to choke yourself on my cock. Don't fucking make me say it twice bitch" commanded Banto in a harsh tone that made Temari experience a mini orgasm. She was so grateful that Banto was treating her like she wanted to be treated, like a worthless whore that needed to know her place. Banto released his hold on Temari and got back to eating his meal while Temari remained under the table.

 Temari did not want to disappoint Banto, she quickly followed his commands. She opened her mouth wide and shoved the entirety of Banto's ten inch cock into her throat. A quick pace was soon taken as Temari roughly fucked her throat on Banto's massive cock. Loud gagging noises came from her as spit and salvia covered her. She hoped that others would not hear her while she behaved like a common street whore. Her pussy throbbed however at the thought of being caught, she almost wanted it to happen.

 Banto enjoyed the feeling of Temari's throat wrapped around his cock. The knowledge that he had reduced such a proud woman into a shameless whore only added to his pleasure. The strong woman that Temari once was had been replaced with a submissive slut and he loved it. With how hot and wet her throat was Banto was quickly approaching his limit. Thinking about how he wanted to finish, Banto thought of an idea that would further huminite Temari. He wanted to not only own Temari but ruin her reputation. When he was done, Temari would be known as the village whore.

Temari felt Banto's cock begin throb and she knew that he was close. She doubled her efforts, wanting to feel his cum shoot down her whore throat. Her head was moving in a blur with the speed she was moving at. Saliva and spit covered her face and clothing, tears were streaking down her face with the rough treatment she was subjecting herself to. Banto's voice caused her to temporally slow her pace so she could comprehend his words.

 "I'm close bitch. When I say so make sure you get off my cock so I can blast your face with my cum. If you worried about being covered with my cum in public, don't. You a fucking worthless cunt and it's time you and others realize it" commanded Banto. Temari thought about his command. On one hand she loved the idea of wearing his cum, but she was also terrified what it would do to her reputation. It seemed Banto did not like her pause because the next thing she knew she felt a harsh sting across her face as Banto roughly slapped her.

 "Is that fucking clear bitch" asked Banto in a harsh tone. Banto gave Temari a moment to respond, he knew that Temari had experienced another orgasm the moment he slapped her. Once Temari had calmed down from her orgasm she removed her mouth from Banto's cock in order to respond.

 "Yes! Of course, please blast my whore face with your cum" begged Temari as she quickly stroked Banto's cock. Her hand moved as fast as she could manage as she jacked him off, making sure to point his cock directly towards her face.

 "What's that bitch? What did you say? I had trouble hearing you" mocked Banto. Temari was so lost in her lust at this point that she yelled her next words without thinking that they would be heard by others.

 "PLEASE FUCKING CUM ON MY WHORE FACE" yelled Temari alerting the other patrons with her screams. This proved to be the final straw for Banto, and he began to cum, he didn't even bother to warn Temari.

 Temari yelped with glee as the first shots of cum exploded on her face. She moaned just as loudly as she had just yelled as she experienced a powerful orgasm while she received her facial. Ropes of hot sticky cum landed on her face, the restaurant was now silent as Temari loudly moaned foe all to hear. Her face was dripping with Banto's cum once Banto had finally finished blasting her. Cum had dripped from her chin onto her clothing, staining it with a mixture of her spit and saliva. Her hair was a mess, stands of cum had found their way into it. The pearly whiteness of Banto's cum stood out among her dirty blonde hair.

She could barely see with the amount of cum covering her face, but she loved the feeling of cum on her face. She was a whore, her face needed cum on it. Temari's orgasm lasted far longer than Banto's had, the entire time she had moaned like a bitch in heat. Once she had finally finished cumming, Temari was overwhelmed with shame. She was aware now that the entire restaurant heard her and that once she showed herself there would be no denying what she had done. It was at this moment that their waiter nervously approached their table.

"Uh is everything okay here" asked the waiter wanting to see what all the noise was about. Temari was still under the table and hanging her head in shame. She hoped the waiter would leave soon so she could come out from under the table.

"Everything's great. This cunt was just sucking my cock is all. Come out cunt, look the waiter in the eye and tell him what you were just doing" commanded Banto. Temari regrettably came out from under the table. Her face was covered in a deep red blush in addition to the cum covering it. The waiter gasped when he saw Temari come out from under the table, face and clothes covered in cum. She looked him in the eye before she spoke.

"I was just sucking his cock until he came all over me" stated Temari to the waiter in a low and ashamed voice. The waiter gulped; he was clearly aroused at the sight of Temari.

"And why were you doing that bitch" mocked Banto loving the sight of Temari's humiliation.

"I sucked his cock because I'm a worthless whore who loves sucking cock" stated Temari while looking the waiter in the eye just as she was told to do. Banto noticed that the waiter was aroused at the sight of Temari. He figured he could have more fun with Temari and maybe get a free meal at the same time.

 "You know sir this whore would be more than happy to show you her tits if you comp our meal for us" stated Banto with a grin on her face. Temari quickly turned her head to Banto when he said this. The look Banto have Temari told her that she had better follow his instructions.

 "R-really" asked the waiter, he was clearly excited at the prospect of seeing Temari's bare tits.

 "Y-yes, if you comp our meal, I'll show you my breast" responded Temari with shame. The waiter quickly nodded his head indicating that he accepted the deal. Temari took one last look at Banto, his look told her to move quickly. Her cum stained face whore a crimson red blush as she undid her sash holding her clothes together and opened it. Her D cup breast were covered in a lacey yellow bra. She reached around her back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall to her lap. Her bare breast were now on full display to the lewd gaze of a complete stranger.

 "What do you think, pretty great tits for a whore right" asked Banto to the waiter.

 "Y-yah there great" stated the waiter as he continued to stare at Temari's naked tits. Temari was filled with shame, this was sure to get around the village with how fast gossip traveled.

 "Take one last good look" stated Banto wanting to get Temari home quickly. He wanted to get to the main event soon. After a while longer Banto singled that Temari should cover herself once more. Temari lifted her bra and began to put it on again before Banto interrupted her.

 "Be nice Temari and give the nice man your bra. He did just pay for our meal, the least you can do is give him your bra so he can jerk of into it later" commanded Banto. The waiter perked up at this prospect, it was more than he had hoped for. Temari having no choice handed over her bra to the waiter. While she was ashamed, she was also dripping wet. She loved the thought that a random stranger was going to jerk off into her used bra while thinking about her body. The waiter was constantly thanking the two of them as he stuffed Temari's bra into his pocket.

 Once the waiter assured them their meal was paid for, the two of them rose up from their table and walked outside the restaurant. All of the patrons openly stared at Temari as she walked through the restaurant with a face and clothes covered with cum. Men looked lustfully at her, their wives and girlfriends looked at her with scorn. Many whispers where heard, saying of how much of a slut Temari was. Her pussy throbbed along with the feeling of deep shame she was feeling with this situation. Temari led Banto back to his temporary residents, she walked the streets of the sand village for the second time with a face covered with his cum.