

Metolia is a lovely lady, she has been through hell, she is adopted into a loving home but that changes. While growing up taking care of her two brothers ever since she was six years. She doesn't give up easily even after being abused and chased away from home when she was sixteen. She keeps tabs on her baby brothers. She works hard to make sure she can take care of her brothers and protect them from the abuse. She doesn't believe in love nor marriage but she has a weird sense of humor. Romania Antonio Xavier is the CEO of Romania group of companies/ cooperation. He is a widower and a father to two seven years old adorable twins Alexandria and Alexander. After a heartbreak three years ago and his children's abuse he swore never to love again, his children came first then his companies. Things change when he employs his new PA. What will happen to this two souls when Romania's past comes knocking and threaten his children? Read ahead to find out what this two have to go through to find happiness and finally love.

ShaHono · 现代言情
20 Chs


Abusive language and physical abuse ahead!!!

My final year at college, I'm so freaking happy. I will get a job and take my brothers with me. That horrible woman has been using them to get her drugs. She has been horrible for as far as I can remember. Sarah and her husband Tony came to the orphanage when I was 5 years old. They wanted to adopt a child because Sarah had some medical problems and couldn't have any children of her own.

So they picked me. They were a lovely couple, married for four years and they were the perfect family. It was amazing at first, then she got pregnant and she was over the clouds happy, but Tony wasn't. He didn't want any children anymore. He didn't show it, but that's where the drinking began. After my brother Malech was born, Sarah was so engrossed in her happy world and forgot about Tony. Then Tony started skipping dinner and staying at the office because he was busy.

When Sarah started noticing and confronted him, he treated her to dates and gave her money to distract her. During one of the dates, the six-year-old-me babysitting my ten-month-old brother made another member of this depressing family. That's when it all came to hell. Tony became abusive, beating up his wife for getting pregnant and giving birth like a rat. He called her stupid and useless, a woman who couldn't be satisfied with one child or no child at all.

Sarah went into depression and locked herself away from the world and that's where Tony snapped and walked out on us. She went into labor early, at seven months, and Zach was born. She didn't even want to see the baby because he reminded her of the man she loved.

At seven years old, I have two baby brothers. I babysat, fed, burped, changed their diapers, bathed them and I made sure to put them to bed. That was my daily routine until mom snapped one day. She saw Tony with his secretary getting married at a church. It broke her and snapped her final straw of sense.

She started beating Zach at eleven months. I would intervene and get lashes and verbal abuse. She made it her daily routine to beat us up and starve me. Three years later, Tony got triplets with his wife and they were happy together. Sarah got hold of the news and she started drinking heavily. First, it was just alcohol and weed. After a while, she started dealing heroines and cocaine.

For twelve years, I was the mother of the house. I worked small jobs to get something to feed me and my brothers, since Sarah stopped feeding us though she paid the bills and school but nothing more. We walked to school daily and I had to drop Zach at kindergarten first. This was our normal school routine, being beaten daily, house chores, four jobs and sleep.

I turned sixteen and she chased me out of the house saying I was old enough. I promised my brothers I would go back for them no matter what. I worked five jobs and missed school a lot, though I finished high school and got a scholarship to Colombia university. The four years have been long but I am glad. At twenty-two with two degrees, one in child development and the other in business management, I won't miss a job opportunity.

I took my phone to call Malech, who is now sixteen and in high school.

"Hey Lechi, how have you and Achi doing?" I asked, fearing the answer." Hey sis, when are you coming for us, because she has gone mad. She started bringing men into the house to beat us up. We can't do this any longer, we want out like yesterday." He says, and I know he is in tears. I sniffle and wipe away the stray tear.

"I will send you the tickets on Friday and I want you to run. Don't even pack anything. Just come, I will pick you up from the airport. Don't tell her and please notify Achi and take care of him until then." I told him, hanging up. I cant hold my tears back anymore, so they just flow and I end up crying myself to sleep.

After graduation on Wednesday, I packed my little belongings and got ready for New York. The taxi picked me up at around 12 noon and I was on the plane in an hour, ready for a new life. It will be just the boys and me. After hours of travelling, I went to a hotel and tomorrow is house hunting. I have some cash saved for over five years now and I invested it somewhere. I know it will help us for a while until I get a good job.

Thursday evening, I made a call to Lechi to make sure our plan was set. "Hey Lia, I got the tickets and everything else is ready." He says I can hear the happy tone. I hear shuffling and Achi starts crying, "Thank you so much Lia. I cant wait to see how beautiful you've grown." "Hey Achi, I miss you too, now wipe those tears away and be strong for me. You know I went house hunting today and guess what, I found the perfect house for us." I told him. I know he is so excited because I hear him chuckle and Lechi is laughing happily.

We end the call after a few minutes and I get ready to move tomorrow. Early in the morning, I got a cab and went to see the house and finalize the payments and everything. There are beautiful bedrooms, each ensuite and walk-in closets, a swimming pool in the backyard, a small flower garden in the front porch and fenced all round, a garage to fit four cars, the kitchen is amazing, plus the living room and a spare room. That will be Lechi's art room. He is really good at art and we can sell some of it.

I wait for the movers to unload and put the furniture in the house, the beds, coaches and love seats. I know I did furniture shopping last night and they have been delivered already. I got a call from Lechi saying they had just boarded the plane and would be landing in four hours. I was so excited about seeing them. I got straight to work cleaning the house and making the beds. I made sure each room had a love seat, a desk and chair for studying, a bookshelf and televisions mounted.

I checked the clock to see if I was going to be late. I rushed out to get a cab/taxi immediately and I was there before they landed. I waited for thirty minutes getting worried because I didn't see them. As I looked through the crowd I saw them, the familiar figures. I jumped up waving at them and they came straight and hugged me. We were full of crying on each others shoulders and they are taller than me.

I cant believe this happened. They are really here with me. We did it after so many years apart. "Okay guys let's go home and catch up." They nodded as I led them to a waiting cab. We got in and drove off. We got out of the cab and we stood there looking at the house, our new home. We hold our hands together, "to new beginnings. Forever always." We say together as we enter the house.

"You each get a room and you can go check what's up there, but the master bedroom is mine." "Okay Lia," Achi says as he runs upstairs to pick a room. I look over at Lechi to find him staring at me, "What?" I ask. "You haven't been eating well I see." He says, sizing me up. "Lechi, I am the grown up here and I had to get you boys back. Give you a better life and love you both until you drop. I will make sure you are both dressed, fed, schooled and loved. You and Achi are my world. I don't know what I would do without you boys in my life." Achi comes down and hugs me and Lechi follows.

"We love you too, Lia, so much. You have been our savior from the day we were born and we owe you so much. We will get jobs to help pay the bills around here," Lechi says, and Achi nods. "Achi, you are not going to work until you are sixteen and Lechi, I have an art room set for you, you can paint something and sell it online. You are both starting school on Monday." I told them and they nodded, crying some more.

After unpacking all the boxes, though there wasn't much, we had enough to start off. We were tired and it was a Saturday tomorrow and the shopping we had to do. I couldn't cook so I ordered out. After dinner, we said goodnight and we were off to bed.

We were all set for a new day and new lives without being abused and just us three against the world.

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It's my first book and I hope you enjoy it!

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