
[Notice]: An Apology to my dear readers.

So, how's it going bros, Kurowari here speaking...

Ah, how can I start this...wait, I already did lmao. Anyways, ahem; so, how's it going? It's been a while, aye? It was probably like what, months? No, probably almost a year now since my last update.

I apologize for that.

Things such as school made me live on a hellhole— more so to how hellish this world have already been. As aforementioned, school. Ah, yes; the worst place yet slightly fun place to be. But as the known world wide pandemic progressed and as problems took full action to do much more problematic 'solutions,' I was forced to undergo such stress at school that I barely even had time to sleep. Projects, homeworks, and much more to the all hail MATH(Mental Abuse To Humans) made me rack up my brains on full function whether I like it or not. However, instead of improving, my brain seems to downgrade, reducing my ability to process things on my mind such as forgetfulness, unable to learn new stuffs, etc.

That, unfortunately, made me unable to utilize my imagination and forget certain stuffs such as what happened last chapter, what happened last last chapter, and so on and so forth. I read my works sometimes, but as I read, I came to a conclusion that my works is pretty....or not VERY cringe. Cri-nge, Crinji, Cring-e, or whatever variant that oh no cringe meme you can think off.

Together with that, I have lost my motivations, my drive to write more and show what kind of shitty idea was playing on my mind. More sad things came by, along with that was the passing away of my favorite manga author Kentaro Miura, the author of the manga [Berserk] and my inspiration for this fanfic. Little by little, I have lost my purpose to continue this as what I have left as the closing of the last chapter was... shitty if I may say. too much plothole— no, the entire fanfic was full of nonsense.

I was devastated—

—Left to think of what monstrosity I have done.

Multiple feelings running through my heart as I continue to die out of this cringe-full story.

I was sad, angry, embarrassed, gobsmacked, frustrated; but mostly, regret. Regret that I....

That I...


I Forgor 💀

Yes, I forgor about this story. How I was supposed to go with this, how I want it to progress, how I want the development to deepen and make something that's just an overpowered character with an empty shell of a personality.

I want to cry..



But it was I, DIO!!! I was never meant to cry for I shall bring ZA WARUDO down to my ZA HANDO— Aight, enough cringe ass shit.

Anyways, I might think of rewriting this; erase all trace of the borderline 'edgy' wannabe characteristics and embrace cringeness head on. Begone you foolish serious edgelord wannabe, for thy memes are about to takeover this magnificent world!!

And as always—






Is it really wrong to just rage quit on the dungeon?


