
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · 奇幻言情
43 Chs


"Come on slave, it's time for our appointment," Master said, shaking me awake. I jolted back, not expecting it.

"I'm sorry you scared me Master, I didn't mean to jolt," I said, kneeling up.

"It's okay, slave, I should've been more mindful," Master said.

"You don't have to do anything Master, I am the slave and you are my Master," I said.

"But you are also my wife," Master said.

"Who is also a slave Master," I said.

"Well we have to go so here's your dress," Master said, I put the dress on.

"Master, can I ask you something?" I asked as we made our way down the stairs and to the car.

"Sure slave," Master said.

"If you don't wish to have kids, what about the idea of having a hysterectomy? That way we don't have to worry about miscalculating again. It's the best option if you don't want kids Master, and we won't have to go through this again" I said.

"I don't know slave, I do need an heir and the firstborn usually takes over so he'll need to be male," Master said.

"I understand Master," I said as we got in the car. We didn't talk the drive and I just kept my hand the bump, feeling her move and kick. "Master, may I ask you something?" I asked, breaking the silence and he nodded. "May I use birth control until you're ready for a child?" I asked.

"No slave, you will get pregnant as many times whenever I choose for you to get pregnant," Master said, his voice holding authority and that it was final.

"Yes Master," I said, I shivered in arousal at the complete disregard for what I wished, I love when he displayed ownership over me.

"Your interesting slave" Master mused.

"May a slave know why you think that?" I asked, lowering my head slightly I saw him nod in satisfaction.

"Because just owning you and displaying my ownership over you even in the beginning you grew aroused," Master said.

"Of course, Master, a slave wants nothing less than to be owned and when our Master does anything that displays their ownership over us it naturally arouses us, knowing there is nothing we can do to stop it, nor would we even wish it. I love when you display ownership over me in such a dominant way, I always have Master, and as much as I hate it, other feelings will naturally come up and cloud my judgement like yesterday. I love that you own me, Master, I love that you decide whatever happens to me, and I love that what I wish means nothing to you. You, Master, it's not just the displaying of ownership over me that arouses me, your whole being arouses me, knowing there's no one else for me, knowing that you own me every part of me, knowing that nothing will set me free again, anything and everything you do arouses me if only slightly, my body has a reaction to you because it knows it's yours Master it knows who owns it who decides what to do with it. That is what arouses me, Master knowing nothing I can do will change anything, I can plead and beg but ultimately you have final say, you can easily disregard my pleas and even punish me for it. So just a simple display of ownership will naturally arouse me" I said.

"Then why not accept the abortion right away?" Master asked.

"Because she's part of you, I had to try to protect her, knowing I'd likely get punished for it. I had to try and I did, and now it's not up to me and I'm happy with that" I said.

"Answer me this slave and it better be honestly don't think about what I want, if it was your decision to have her if you had bodily anatomy, would you go through with the abortion?" Master asked.

"Depends when you'd ask, if it was four weeks ago I would've gone through with an abortion no thought about it, now with her movements I can feel her, I have grown to care for her so I can't make that decision but if I had to choose I'd say probably would still go through with it only because I don't feel like I could be a good mother, I know nothing of kids, I'm the youngest of four, and I grew up around boys, my mother died when I was seven and until yesterday I never even saw him with a female. It's a hard choice, and it always will be for anyone who has to choose and while I will be sad to lose her it's not my choice and all I can do is accept it, which I have" I said.

"One day you will be an amazing mother slave, and if not I'll train you until you are at the standard you should be," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, he smiled and took my hand. It was quiet the rest of the drive but I wasn't complaining. I was glad that Master was willing to train me in anything, even how to be a good parent to our future child. We pulled up to the hospital, "Master may I ask something?" I asked once we were in the elevator, and he nodded. "Can you do the talking?" I asked.

"Slave, you know part of your punishment is for you to do the talking," Master said.

"Yes Master, I'm sorry for asking," I said. When someone else came in.

"How's your pregnancy going?" She asked, and I felt the tears fall down my face, Master hugged me and soothed me.

"She's dying, so don't talk about it" Master hissed, as he rubbed my back, I didn't know it would be this hard to confront the gravity of the situation.

"Oh I'm so sorry," she said, and then the rest of the ride was awkward, I held onto Master for dear life and he didn't say anything but just pet my hair to soothe me. When the door opened Master led me out to the reception, I signed the consent papers for the surgery and we were led into a room where they gave me a hospital gown to put on, so while they were gone I took my dress off and put their gown on.

"Master, may I request something?" I asked, looking up at him.

"What is it?" Master asked.

"Can you tell me that everything will be okay? That nothing will change? Not to feel guilty?" I asked.

"Do you not want this?" Langley asked coming in, I went pale looking at Master panicking.

"We aren't ready for kids, for the child's security it's not fair for her, and it's not fair for her to grow up in the system," Master said.

"Jessica, tell me do you want this abortion? Or is he telling you to have her aborted? We can get you to safety and help you raise her" Langley said.

"It's what's best for her, as M said, we don't have security for her and bringing a child into the world for our mistake isn't fair for her, I just need to know that we're doing the right thing so I asked my husband to tell me that we are," I said.

"Everything will be okay, nothing will need to change, you'll still be my perfect wife, and you don't need to feel guilty for this, you should feel like we are doing the right thing" Master ordered, any of the guilt I held was replaced knowing that what I am doing is because it's Masters wish.

"Thank you, my husband is the best thing that's happened and while we both love her, it wouldn't be fair to her when we aren't ready, this way it'll be what's best for all of us and we can always have kids in the future when we are ready and when that time comes we will welcome them with open arms but that time isn't now," I said.

"Well the procedure is simple, you'll be put under and we wi-" Langley said.

"Please it's hard enough knowing what I'm doing I don't want the details," I said, cutting her off, when Master's hand squeezed my shoulder, telling me to be careful.

"I have to tell you," Langley said.

"I already know, I did readings please I consent to it just please don't tell me the details" I pleaded.

"Okay, well you won't be able to have sex for two weeks after so that you can heal and not risk getting an infection, but just know that you may ovulate so I suggest you use protection if you do choose to have sex after those two weeks," Langley said, Master and I nodded, but I knew it wasn't my choice when we have sex again or if he shall use protection. "So let's go, I'll let you say goodbye and we will let you know how the procedure goes," Langley said, before leaving.

"You should watch your temper slave," Master hissed.

"I'm sorry Master, I just didn't want the details of how they'll remove her, it's already hard enough Master please don't be mad" I cried out, I could continue to feel her move. Master sat on the bed with me.

"I'm not mad slave, but you could've been more respectful," Master said.

"I'm sorry Master, may I request something and you have every right to deny it because it's a huge ask and I know that but may I?" I asked.

"If it's huge then I will more than likely deny it, slave," Master said.

"May I spend the next week alone mourning her? I'll come back, Master. I don't wish to be free, but I need time to heal?" I asked.

"Three days slave no more than that" Master growled, I shivered.

"Yes Master, thank you" I whispered. Master smiled and pinned me to the bed before he started kissing me, his hand around my neck applying pressure lightly.

"Mine" Master growled.

"Yes yours" I whimpered, he kept the pressure watching me squirm underneath him as his other hand trailed to my clit. "Please Master" I whimpered, my body felt like it was on fire. I felt his finger start to pump in and out of me, I could hear the wetness, the resistance was none, I arched my back as he curled his fingers. "Master please I beg you to take me Master take me as your slave, take me as your wife, take me as yours, please just take me" I begged, when he removed his fingers and brought them to my lips, gingerly I cleaned them for him, never breaking eye contact.

"You'll have to keep quiet, slave, we don't want anyone to hear us would we?" Master asked.

"No Master, I'll be quiet please" I pleaded.

"Such a needy little slut aren't you slave?" Master teased.

"Yes Master only for you please Master please fuck me" I pleaded he smiled, leaned in and kissed me, I immediately kissed him back when I felt him start to thrust, a moan muffled by the kiss but I felt Masters lips curl in a smile.

"Quiet slave," Master said, I nodded and Master tightened his hold around my neck. His grunts as he thrust the look on his face was beautiful.

"Master please allow me to finish you off" I pleaded, he nodded and got off the bed. I knelt at his feet, his hand in my hair.

"Gentle little slave," Master said.

"Yes Master, thank you for allowing your slave to please you with her mouth," I said, he nodded, a smile on his face as his cock twitched. He loved it when I referred to myself in third person, I'm surprised he hasn't made it a rule. I smiled and crawled over to him, I sat back on my heels and looked up at him as I gently licked his shaft, he groaned before taking him in my mouth after kissing his tip. His hand moved its way to my hair and sped me up I opened my mouth but kept my tongue on him. When he held my head down, I had trouble breathing as he came, I swallowed everything when he pulled out.

"Such a good little slave" Master praised.

"Thank you, Master, I try my best," I said.

"So you are with him against your will," Langley said, my eyes widened as Master looked up.

"No she's not, are you Jessica?" Master asked.

"No, I'm with him because I love him and because I want to be with him. Don't be so quick to judge something based on some pet names we call each other" I said, standing up.

"And we didn't know you were there, we don't call it around others because they get the wrong idea thinking I hold her against her will, if I left this hospital and never came back it would destroy her," Master said.

"Trust me in the beginning we tried to stop with our pet names, tried staying apart. And I grew depressed, attempted to kill myself multiple times by lying in the centre of the road, my husband saw me, and saved me once again. I love him for who he is, he is the love of my life, and this abortion was my idea, I was the one that suggested it when I found out I was expecting but he needed time to think about it, and we both agreed it's the best thing for us. So don't you dare try to say what we like is wrong. He is my husband and I am his wife, we are in love with each other, we are what the other needs for life, that's how much we love each other" I said.

"What happened to your neck?" Langley asked.

"We like our sex to be rough, M did it with my permission, there's nothing you can find that he does to me without my permission. Even the whip marks on my back, is with my permission, have you ever heard of the term sadists and masochists?" I asked, she shook her head. "Well a sadist gets sexual pleasure from hurting a participant, and the masochist gets sexual pleasure from the pain that is caused to them. He is the sadist, and I am the masochist. It's very sexually gratifying to the both of us, if it ever gets too much I can end it with just a simple word, no. And that ends all play, all sexual acts, everything and I have only used it once, when he went too far with the whip, and immediately he stopped, helped me clean up and took care of me" I said, lying through my teeth about how I have control to end anything, but she needn't know that.

"And we've never had an incident since then so please just do your job and leave our relationship out of it," Master said, I could tell he was pissed.

I put my hand on his shoulder and stood on my toes "calm down Master it's okay I won't let anything break us apart" I whispered, he smiled.

"Thanks my love," Master said and kissed me.

"But I do suggest you just worry about your job because if you involve anyone, I will have your job like it's nothing. He is my husband. We love each other, but we aren't ready for a child. I'm not with him against my will, if anything I'm the one holding him hostage, I'm the one who has all the control and I chose to give him my control but I can easily take it back at any point. He is mine" I said, Master rubbed circles on my back to calm me down.

"You know none of that is true right slave?" Master whispered in my ear.

"I know and I love it M," I said, smiling at him. "Seriously don't worry about me, and if I hear you told anyone, you will lose your licence because it is against the policy, I'm not abused, or against my will, I am consenting with what he does, and I love it so there is no law broken, so when I wake up and he isn't here by my side I will throw a fit," I said.

"I understand," Langley said.

"Good," Master said.

"So Matthew if you could go to the waiting room," Langley said, I cocked my head to the side.

"Give me a few more minutes, just three" Master said, Langley sighed but left.

"You have a pretty name, Master," I said.

"They weren't supposed to say it with you in the room" Master growled.

"Then order me to forget it Master and I will," I said cupping his face.

"You will forget that the insolent slave ever said my name, you only know me as Master and that it starts with an M" Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, I couldn't even remember what he told me but I didn't think too much into it.

"What's my name, slave?" Master asked.

"Is that a trick question Master? I only know it starts with an M, and that's all I wish to know because you are Master" I said, he smiled.

"Such a good slave," Master said and kissed me, I sat on the bed, not breaking the kiss, I intertwined my hands in his hair.

"I love you, Master," I said.

"I love you too slave, I'll see you in a few hours I hope," Master said, I nodded.

"I hope so too," I said as Langley came in.

"It's time to go, here put this on," Langley said, passing me a cap, I put it on and sat back as four men came in and wheeled me away from Master. I felt her kick, and I allowed the tears to fall down my face, when we got into the room they put a mask over my head. I'm sorry baby girl I wish Master would allow me to keep you. When everything went black.