
Mystic Age

Thousands of years ago, humans conquered the majority of realms in their galaxy. However, they did not find any interesting or new things in those realms, and their path to understanding the universe eventually stagnated. That is until a thousand years ago when humans tried to cut space itself. That project can be said to be a success but it also doomed humanity. From that cut in space, a colorless cube came out and it wiped out most of humanity. Thus, that project was later on known as the Project of Doom. That cube exploded and beasts that the humans never saw before suddenly appeared. Those beasts are so powerful that they have the power to destroy an entire realm by themselves. Fortunately, four human heroes rise from the masses. After sacrificing their lives, the four heroes managed to connect the four remaining realms that humans have and encase them with a protectice barrier. The Age of Mystics have arrived. The Cube World, the Soul, the Cube Core - these three are the most important things for Mystics and also the source of their power. Follow our protagonist Keon that has more than one personality into becoming the strongest Mystic ever! —— This novel won’t have a good and kind MC. The dominant personality is kind from the outside but not so kind from the inside. As for the suppressed personality, it is a violent one. Also, the world setting is similar to us but also a bit different I hope you all can support this novel of mine, thank you!

KenceRussel · 奇幻
162 Chs

Chapter 15: Gendo Hunter Camp

More hours pass and the mini-test finally ended. The progress of Keon and Gabe was smooth sailing and they gained a lot of monster corpses than they can gain if they were just by themselves

Overall, the two had a pleasant cooperation with each other. Gabe is the stronger one and he also has more mystic energy. As for Keon, he helps locate enemies and he also has quite a strong fighting power

With Kreon helping him, Keon's combat prowess reached its peak. He wasn't losing that badly against Gabe that has a higher level than him

By himself, Keon is just average but when he combined his intelligence with Kreon's abilities, he reached the level of the geniuses among the orphans too

Even Bran that was watching him was extremely shocked. Although Keon is the only talented genius among the orphans that Bran is teaching, that is already more than enough to save him from humiliation

After all, a single genius is better than a few above-average talents

When the time was up, all the orphans were escorted out of the forest that just suddenly vanishes from everyone's eyes. The creation and destruction of the forest will make people question their sanity as the time it took to do that was just too fast

"Thanks for all the help! We made quite a great team!" Keon said truthfully to Gabe that just nodded his head as usual

Although Keon doesn't like such a quiet teammate, they really had pleasant cooperation on the battlefield. Keon is a bit jealous about someone seemingly more talented than him but the only thing he can do is to work even harder to surpass Gabe

The two went in separate ways and Keon was immediately complimented by Bran

"Good job! You are definitely among the top ten!" Everyone can see that Bran's mood improves. Well, why wouldn't he? He thought that he would be humiliated today but what happened was the exact opposite of that

Bran even receives compliments from the other soldiers training the orphans

When the orphans are finally settled down, large screens appeared on top of the open space and everyone put their attention to the woman in it

"Congratulations to all our participants today! A lot of you performed well and we can already see you becoming powerful mystics in the future!"

"A lot of you showed talent worthy enough for the government to let you continue your training in the Hunter Department, however ..." At the end of her sentence, the woman's expression and voice changes into a colder one that sent shivers to the orphans

"In the last thousand years after the Four Realms were enclosed inside the barrier, a lot of humans perish after exploring the realms outside of humanity's full control"

"Most of those deaths were cause by monsters or other environmental factors. However, although the numbers are unknown, the government still knows that a lot of these deaths are also caused by fellow humans!"

The woman's words made those orphans that voluntarily attack other orphans for the monster corpses gain a bad feeling about this

"Humanity received a great amount of security because of the barrier but that will not last for eternity. That is the reason why we keep sending Hunters in other realms"

"But those hunters, a lot of them killed their fellow humans because of greed. Those kinds of people are simply despicable. I won't say much anymore, you all can understand where I am going with this. We just hope that some of you can reflect in your actions "

"The results of this round will be sent in all of your watches shortly and those who are qualified will be sent to one of the Hunter Camps tomorrow"

After finishing her words, the screens vanished and the atmosphere around turned gloomy

Keon let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't attack other orphans if they didn't attack him first. Who knows what will happen if he became one of those despicable people? Thankfully, he won't do horrible things if it wasn't necessary

After almost a minute, Keon got a notification from his watch and he immediately checked the results. Not only was Keon in the top then, but he is also even at the top five!

When Keon read the description, he found out that the ranking was not solely based on the number of points that one gained from the monster corpses. The way they acted in the test also affected their ranking

The description was full of positive comments regarding Keon like how he didn't attack anyone that will attack him and how he only showed some savageness as he feared that the enemy still has a trump card

After all, being kind is different from being naive. One shouldn't attack any fellow human easily but if they were attacked, they also need to retaliate hard before the enemy can use any of their trump cards

Keon is really glad that he didn't ruin his image early and he is right, a good reputation will come in handy

When Keon decided to check Gabe's ranking, he saw his name at the top 2

"Wow, his rank is actually that high" Keon muttered before looking at the name of the top 1

Mady Ray, although she went solo, the number of monsters she killed was far higher than the other participants. Not much is known about her personality but since she didn't attack anyone, she gained the top rank

At the end of the day, a good attitude is important but strength will still dictate everything!

After some time, the orphans were escorted outside to give them some rest after a whole tiring day. Especially those who are qualified that will be sent into Hunter's camp. Their hellish training will begin tomorrow and they need to use the little bit of time they have left for rest


April 1 Year 1,000 of the Mystic Calendar

As soon as morning arrives, a private vehicle picks up Keon. After bidding farewell to all the people in the orphanage, Keon immediately entered the car

To Keon's surprise, the car actually drove in the air. Most people can only drive on the roads in the ground and only influential people can drive in the air

Seems like ranking at the top five will give a person quite a privileged. However, Keon can already guess the purpose of this

Keon is sure that the government just wants to make the talented orphans feel that they are valued. This would improve their loyalty and their drive to become stronger

After all, driving in the air is free, why not use it to gain favors, right?

Soon, the car that contained Keon stops in the same ridiculously building that held the test yesterday

The driver asks Keon to exit the car and he did. Keon was guided into one of the rooms in the building with a large circle in the middle

"Mr. Keon, we will transport you directly to the Hunter's Camp. The camp's location is not disclosed to the public and people can only enter it through the different teleport points in the Hombre Realm"

Teleport Points ... just like what the name implies, it can teleport people and object into another place. In this era, this is not that rare kind of transportation system

Mystic forms really come in different shapes and abilities. Teleportation is just one of them.

"Thank you, sir" Keon replied with a gentle smile and soon, the transportation circle lit up with colorful lights

Keon didn't even blink his eyes but the next second, his surroundings already changed

Around Keon were fierce-looking men holding different kinds of weapons. He can also see large sentry guns all over the room that has metal walls and ceiling

The security of this place is no joke! Keon even sweated a bit after seeing such a scene

"Halt! Project your Watch ID, after we verify your identity only then can you be allowed to exit this room!" One of the men said and Keon immediately push his watch before a screen appeared containing a series of number and bar codes

Almost all humans have this watch and it was also one of the ways to verify one's identity

The guard projected something from his watch and it scanned Keon's ID. After a few seconds, the verification sound rang and the guards lowered their guards a bit against Keon

"Welcome to Gendo Hunter Camp trainee Keon!"

The guards welcomed Keon before they escorted him outside of that fortified room

The first thing that Keon saw outside was a path leading to a building even larger than the one where the mini-test was held

If that wasn't enough, there are also floating metal islands in the sky. Keon is now really witnessing what point humanity's technology reaches!

All of these things are something he only heard but never saw before!

"Trainee, follow me. All of the orphans that will continue their training here is to be gathered at Training Hall number 100"

Keon nodded his head at that and he followed the guard to wherever that training hall is

Fortunately, some mini-cars were patrolling around, and the two rides one of them. If not, Keon perhaps needs to walk for a long time to reach their destination

This camp is just too big! Keon can't even estimate how many kilometers of space this camp occupied. But thinking about how most of the taxes went into things that will help humanity fight against the monsters, this shouldn't be a surprise

At normal times, Hunters are the ones providing the majority of resources. Their camp cannot be a shabby one

Soon, Keon finally arrives at the location and it was also quite big. There are already several people present and Keon immediately recognizes one of them

"Hi! We meet again!" Keon greeted Gabe that as usual only nodded his head

"Ah! You must be Keon, right?!" A joyful voice entered Keon's ears and when he turned his head, he saw a small and cute looking man with a naive look on his face

"What's with this aura of friendliness? This is blinding my eyes!" Keon thought in his mind and before he can even say anything, the youth already grabs his hand

"Hello! I am Nath and I really wanted to meet you!"

Keon almost closes his eyes because of this Nath. This youth was just too blinding and oozing with so much friendliness that it made Keon feel awkward!

"W-why do you want to meet me?" Keon asked with a forced smile as this Nath's enthusiasm was just too overwhelming

"You are from the orphanage that was attacked by monsters three months ago, right? You know, I only lose my parents in some sort of illness. I haven't really encountered any real monster face to face before. Even the ones we fought at the mini-test aren't that terrifying since they are not wild monsters. Their looks are also not too monster looking and I am always curious about the real monsters. I heard they are scary looking but even if they are scary, I vowed to myself that I will exterminate all of them! "

"I am lucky I didn't lose my parents because of the monsters and received a trauma but I know that everyone is not as lucky as me. That's why my dream is to prevent anyone from losing the love of their lives because of those mindless monsters! I heard that facing real monsters is scary and I feared that I would be consumed by fear when I faced one in the future. Because of that, I want to hear some advice if I finally faced them. I mean, we have similar circumstances as we are both orphans, I think I will learn more if I heard advice from someone like you "

If there are things that Keon learned about Nath that he only met today that is this man is too chatty! It was like he is an open book that one will be forced to listen to

Aside from that, Keon can already judge what kind of person this Nath is. Nath is a person that has a strong sense of justice!

Keon hasn't done anything that bad in his whole life but he knows that he might be forced to do so in the future for his pursuit of power

If Keon feels something about people like Nath, it is pity. These kinds of people are the ones that will certainly die early!