
Wins and Losses

Everyone was standing outside of what had become Regius' main bedroom in the past 100 years. He never decorated or anything he left that all too Ash while at the same time they had shared this space for the past hundred years so when Regius said that he could make or take her to an official hospital it was met with enough rage from the woman in Labor that he was almost booted from the room.

He now stood at the door waving his hand to sanitize the entire area and again every time someone walked into the room. Regius stood at the door, waiting for the process to continue as Lucille and Eve helped her through the process. Regius knew nothing about the process, so shortly after it began, he was put in the corner of the room and given the sanitation job. He had slowly been inching himself towards Ashlyne's bed when his mother fixed him with a look that was her new way of telling him to not be childish, and he sat and waited for his wife to call him.