
Valkyrie's Last Kiss

The mana around Regius began to pulse with strength as the mana he had stored in the blade was screaming to be released and the Goblins charged him as one all but the goblin that had spoken to him and the ones that came out of the huts last. The horde of goblins screamed in unison and a moment as they all charged him the time around him came to what felt like a standstill as Regius released the mana he was gathering.

"Mana technique Iaijutsu: Valkyries Last Kiss." The blade exploded from the sheathe and the world flashed. Purple and green mana exploded forth at the same time causing the world to seemingly flash silver as Regius' right hand traced a crescent moon in front of him to span the goblins that were charging towards him. Regius stood straight and at the same time sucked his teeth.

"I woulda got them all if I could control it a little better, it being reliant on the sword limits the range a bit." Inside of his mana space a silently watching Link seemed to nod along with Regius sentiments while the goblins still charged forward but almost like someone has pressed pause the middle of the horde ground to a perfect stop and the eyes of the elder goblin and the large goblins that all surrounded him went still their eyes wide.

When Regius had launched his attack what the eyes of the old goblin saw was an impossibly thin silver line that slid through the middle of the entire army and approached him and his entourage at such an unfathomable speed that none of them had managed to muster any defenses at all and before they knew it the string has passed through them.

All at once, more than 1000 goblins including the goblins at the back had the silver outline of lips appear on their necks and an instant later the mark exploded detaching the heads from their bodies. The blood from each goblin affected by Regius Mana technique exploded behind them giving each goblin the appearance of green blood wings forming behind them.

The world finally noticed the passing of the string and it exploded in response. Winds blew forth from where Regius stood and buffeted the goblins that had not been caught by the string stopping them in their tracks as they braced themselves. The dead goblins fell in place with a green blood pooling around them and as the winds stopped the remaining goblins realized that a fourth of their force had died and the ones that looked behind them realized that most of their village was no more and all of the leaders were now gone.

Regius held the blade in front of him and the unsheathed blade gleamed in the bright sunlight. The majority of the blade was completely see-through but golden spots dotted the zone looking like shining stars trapped between two pieces of glass. The edge of the blade served to trap it all inside as it shined a brilliant white that looked a lot like Link's scales. Regius held the blade aloft and surveyed the remaining goblins as he looked to the sky

"If you are gonna follow me then do me a favor and collect all of those bodies so I can clean up here. I think I've got its attention now." As Regius voiced this out loud a hooded figure sitting in the sky upon a chair of ice scoffed and began to descend towards the scene of destruction that had caused even her great shock.