

Titania had told Regius that if members of the first generation were going to show up here, it would only be figures on the same level as the ones that had shown up at her place. The only true sovereign that had shown up was Grimulda, and that was because she and Titania had been close for countless years, so none of the others thought anything of her showing up for the previous show. Titania had not thought to herself for a moment that this was going to end this way. This was one of the last people she had expected to betray her. This had changed what she thought could have been a potential show of force into a dance on the edge of a knife. She had learned about parts of Regius' past from his memories but he had told her the rest as they grew closer and while Regius may not have ever met, the man Titania knew him rather well and knew that not even she could stop him for long if he attacked.