
The Cause


The boys started walking inside of the warehouse as Macarthur rattled off Item after item explaining to the boys their properties and how science had taken these different mana materials and used them to advance our technology through experimentation as well as info gleaned from captive demons after their invasion.

"The introduction of mana allowed us to create sources of energy that surpassed our wildest imagination. To call this vault a treasure trove would underestimate its value. This place rivals the wealth of all of the ten families, but follow me to the back. You boys can use these things at your leisure but the things at the back are why we are here currently."

Macarthur led the boys back to the back of the warehouse as they bypassed materials, weapons, and even suits of armor. There were another two doors at the back with a single scanner on the front. Macarthur stepped out of the way as the boys reached him

"Regius this door leads to 2 things: your father's greatest work and something he kept for you and your siblings for when you grew up. Peter your door leads to what your mother considered her greatest asset and everything she has left for you and your siblings. You should take care to not use everything in there, you have a sister that you'll need to split some of that with."

The boys both whipped back to look at Macarthur as Peter's eyes took a glassy look "You've Found Ley!". Macarthur put one hand up as Peter calmed down.

"I was gonna wait to tell you both but I've been looking for her for quite a while. Your mother's letter stated that she would survive the night of betrayal but it also states that something blocked anything else from her. So though I knew that one day the two of you would find me I've been on a constant search for her and I think I may have found her.

The Diamante family recently announced that the family head has adopted an extremely talented young girl. They've shown no picture of her but her name was leaked by spies in the family. Whatever happened they've allowed her to keep her first name, I guess they think it's been enough time and no one will link her with the Vasille family. They have likely had her the entire time.

That's all I know right now but I promise I will let you both know more the moment I do." Peter's shoulders shook as he began to cry and Regius walked over to him and hugged him as he patted his back. Peter started to choke out words between sobs `` I know. The pens were bad…. But ...but Regius the same people that killed our mother have been keeping and raising my sister." His fist began to thump on Regius's chest as this time he spoke more clearly " We had to kill, we had to slaughter, we had to walk through rivers of Blood Regius but we had each other!

What did they do to her that would get her to agree to live as their daughter Regius? What did they do to my sister? You promised we'd save her!" Macarthur was hesitant to step in but as he began to Regius shook his head as he extended his arms separating him and Peter.

"You are looking at it wrong Peter, now we know where to look and the rest we will sort out after but once again we aren't strong enough to do anything about it so just as we've talked about we will get stronger as fast as possible and you can sit her down and ask her everything you've missed now calm down brother lets open your mother's door and see what was left."

Regius said as he turned Peter around and helped him place his hand on the panel to open the door. The door slid open and lights clicked on. It opened into a large room with high ceilings and inside was a massive library and in the center a glass case. The boys walked in and closer to the glass case. It had several levels and at the top sat 4 perfectly black metallic-looking balls with a runic script on them.

Macarthur clapped one hand over his mouth as he looked at the whole glass case row by row. "These boys are something you've come into contact with already and that we've talked about, they are Astra. These are the main weapons of mana users throughout the entire world. No one knows what truly creates them or how many there are but they are like spirits in which they come in ranks and the ranks determine the strength as well as the ability to channel mana from the user.

An Astra will sit in your mana space with your spirit you will be able to bring it out at will. Most people have a limit to how many Astra they can bond and the number is somewhere around seven but no one needs that many weapons so people create what is called an Astra series they will use 7 Astra to create the parts of a weapon with the final product being their complete weapon composed of 7 Astra. The stones follow the grades of spirit so of course, you want to use those black ones as core parts since those are forbidden rank Astra cores.

It all makes a lot more sense now, your father got more than even probably he knew. These cores were not here the last time I was here and that was right before they left. Peter this is also your mother's library, all of our research into mana, Astra, and spells are all contained in this room as well as books she collected from the age before mana. From the looks of it, if you split the case with your sister that leaves two forbidden rank cores as well as several from varying levels, I can't help you cast your Astra. You must depend on your mind to do that but the books here can be of some help to you both." MacArthur paused finally and Peter spoke quickly "What if uncle Leon didn't leave Regius Astra cores shouldn't I give some of these to him" Macarthur shook his head.

"Leon Lowe was a lot of things one of those things is smart. Despite how he made it look like to others he was incredibly intelligent other than his life's work whatever else is in that room will certainly include several Astra cores."

Regius nodded and added in " Yea Pete this is all yours I may borrow some books but this is your mom's stuff it belongs to you and Ley. We can all split the stuff in the big room maybe even cut in the old man for giving us a place to stay. ." Regius nudged Peter with his elbow as he made for the door and went to the door that was supposed to be his dad's private space and Macarthur followed behind him after

Peter expressed his want to look at some of the books and start looking at the Astra books. Regius placed his hand to the door and it slid open to another dark room. When the lights turned on it revealed a room filled with tools and a covered object in the middle and a glass case much like the one in the other room but with a lot more of the black cores and a lot less of the cores of lower ranks. Macarthur ran ahead to the covered Item as he spoke giddily like a little kid.

"Regius I've never told you but your father was brilliant but so brilliant that his ideas were way ahead of anyone or anything of the time. He kept most of the things to himself; the only thing he ever really publicized was the Astra series.

That he gave away to the masses so that humanity could prosper but this is different. Regius I introduce you to the Living Motorcycle Cerberus." and with a flourish, MacArthur ripped the covering off of the object