
The Bigger Picture

The Giants were known for the high attunement that they all boasted as it allowed them to wield the elements with ease but it's also why Giants were separated into their clans based on their attunement. When giants of two different tribes had offspring, it would typically be of the attunement of one of the two parents. It was said that a giant's heart was an excellent source of elemental mana because it was from the heart they cultivate.

A giant's heart is said to have many wondrous effects, like deepening a person's comprehension of the element that the giant was attuned to or increasing their cultivation. The giants focused on using their respective element to further enhance their physical prowess and that's how they did battle. Regius flashed as ideas blossomed in his mind as the two fists collided, letting out a massive boom that shook ground and made the air tremble.