
Right Arm of The King

The light faded and Regius saw Peter standing there in dark black armor. There were bright green lines that flashed throughout the armor with each passing second, but it was just as sleek and form fitting as Regius armor. The back of the armor had eight tentacle-like appendages that moved freely while they ended in what looked like the head of a bird. The armor itself looked like feathers pressed down and put together.

The helmet that covered his head was reminiscent of the midnight kingfisher with its mouth open and dragon glass connected the two parts. The thrusters burst to life and Peter vanished as this time he led the attack. Bahamut waved his hands and thousands of weapons made of light formed and charged. The chains on Peter's back moved while he flew towards him. They struck out at anything that even got remotely close and demolished them before they could even touch them.