
Neutrality Station

They woke up early and for the first time Regius found out what it was like to jump through rifts in space while he was still conscious, as Titania had simply flung her hand forward every time they got out of one and they jumped right through another. Regius had created his own clothes this time around. She had asked that he look presentable and not just walk around shirtless like he had taken to doing recently.

He had recreated his school uniform with the only difference being the necklace that was connected to his armor that now hung around his neck. They landed on a random frozen planet when Titania turned around to him. "When we get their Regius, there will surely be other members of your generation who will try to antagonize you, there is no fighting on Neutrality station, there is also no flying allowed so we will have to walk to the human zone so just be patient."