

Regius was watching his memories like he was a bystander as he finally began to recall his mother. Regius looked more like her than he did his father and there was nothing wrong with that. His mother was gorgeous and clearly, that's where he had gotten his good looks from and he looked so much like her.

Regius began to watch the memories of him playing with her and of the two of them interacting with her family but then suddenly it switched and young Regius no older than five at the time was tossing and turning in bed and his father was looking at him worriedly while his mother consoled him.

The scenery flipped again and they were in the middle of the woods just Regius and his mother and tiny black feather wings were protruding from his back. His mother had released her wings from her back and she took Regius into the sky flying around with him. When they landed again they were deep in the woods and besieged by beasts but although his mother seemed powerful she would not harm another life and was preparing to scare them away with just a showing of her mana but Regius was different he seemed almost feral and before his mother could stop him he began to tear the beasts apart with his bare hands.

His mother hesitated but she let it continue, none of them were stronger than rank one and Regius was tearing through them with the ferocity she had seen in demons from her homeland. Every race practiced mana differently and for lesser demons, they cultivated mana in the horns that grew on their heads but the If'cruel royal family was different their wings were weapons in themselves, and as the only demon family to retain them it was their source of power. Regius pummeled one beast while turning his back and causing his wings to cut into the faces of two others that approached as the tiny Regius became a whirlwind of death. At the same time, Regius' mother began to show him the different things his demon bloodline afforded him in secret from then on.

She would take Regius out to the woods and teach him. His wings could cut through most things with each feather being like a blade that protruded from his back. A year later and his wings had changed to reflect what they showed previously when he fused with Link with their golden dragon eye patterns and his mother explained to him that he had shed his baby feathers and these were his real ones. His mother then began explaining to him how beasts grew stronger by reinforcing not a mana center like humans but their bodies and how she had perfected their technique for use by demons when she still lived with her family and now she had modified it for humans to allow their bodies the same.

It was simple and only had three levels but after achieving level three in the technique they would be able to then just cultivate their body and mana space. His demon bloodline would make him beloved by mana as he explained how he could use his wings to command it the same way other demons used their horns too.

The demon race seemed to dominate the mana around them which made it so that when fighting other races they would be able to outmatch anyone of the same element by dominating their mana and then utilizing it. It was different from the command humans had over it and made most of them tricky opponents and after the introduction of the mana body technique to their entire race, it explained how they got so fearsome. Finally, they got to another time in the woods, and instead of practicing his mother wrapped him tight in her arms and kissed him on the forehead.

"No matter what my young boy know that I love you but I must do this so that Swigen is not able to see your bloodline when she comes I can feel her rapidly approaching and with your father injured I fear for the worst but know this, my little warrior, Momma will always love you no matter what, your life is going to be so tough that I know but no matter what happens to me I just want for you to be happy."

His mother cried silent tears as she hugged him and a pattern that looked like silver flames spread across her wings as she put regius to sleep and started creating patterns out of mana in the air that she forced into Regius back and head and as Regius watched his wings receded into his back and the color of his eyes lost their golden color and became more of a subdued brown before the world in his mind went black and he was standing there in the darkness.

He felt someone's hand and spun around to see his mother in the darkness with him. She was crying once again as one hand cupped her mouth and the other hand cupped his face. "My little warrior has grown into such a handsome young man." She walked three-sixty around him before wiping her eyes and looking back at him.

"The me you see now is part of a technique I used so that whenever you reached the final rank of the mana body technique you'd unlock your memories and at the same time it would break the seals I put on your bloodline and at the same time it would call my consciousness here to your mind. I'm so sorry my boy that I have not been able to see you grow up and I'm sorry for all you've been through. You may blame me because I don't doubt you've got an idea that I'm powerful but when my family split from the celestials I bathed in so much blood beside my father that I swore upon the Myriad Realms itself I would never harm another soul again. I see now that maybe I was wrong but I can not turn back time now."

Regius sat down with his mother and told him of his life up until this point making sure not to miss a single detail with her finally smiling in the end.

"Mom, how can I come and get you." She shook her head losing her smile "You surely are your father's son charging into battle after battle getting stronger at a pace that leaves others in awe, but coming to me is not something you can do Regius. You aren't even strong enough to travel throughout the Myriad Realms let alone come to Avernus not to mention my father does not know you exist and as my only child ever he would not allow you to reside anywhere but here so we would simply be two prisoners. It is better if you don't think about that for now but I will tell you what from what I can see in your memories the ten family leaders seem to be at about the extreme saint rank with a couple of them approaching the realm of demigod if you can become a demigod I will have someone send a map that charts you a course and when you arrive I can hatch an escape plan and we can travel the Myriad Realms together. Regius told him not of his plans to be a conqueror and simply nodded.

"I love you mom, I'll see you in person soon" His mother smiled as she began to fade and kissed him on the forehead. "I love you too Regius." she began to fade as an Image from the feet first and right before she winked out of existence she showed a surprised expression and "Oh and honey I quite like that Ashlyne girl she's nothing like that plotting mother of hers. Sarin never knew how to just go with the flow of things." With that, she winked as she faded out of his mind and Regius woke up.

Now heres today chapter. Still add me to your library.

Alexander_Aeroncreators' thoughts