
Magic Nerd Macarthur

Both of the young boys stood in front of Macarthur as he lectured them both on the cultivation of mana.

"So as you both know we can classify mana into one of ten categories: water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, and metal are the common elements but there are four more elements. They are the core elements of light and darkness and the Alpha element creation and the Omega element of destruction.

I've trained you, boys, in only fighting skills for the past year but it's time we polish your mana and I tell you what I've noticed in the past year. You both have exceptional talent and based on appearances Peter you have wind mana which would explain why your attacks are so quick whereas Regius you have fire-type mana which is the reason for your enormous output and its hot quality.

This is what I thought the first time I fought you both, but I was wrong and I should have connected it with one of the last lines from the letter that your mother sent me Peter.

She said that the time you both spent in the pits would awaken something in you both that you otherwise wouldn't have awakened. In mana cultivation there are more than just the elements there are concepts, and some of the strongest mana wielders own one of these concepts. One example of a concept is Elizabeth's ability to see through time as she willed or my absolute zero which allows me to freeze almost anything.

Peter, I can't quite place it but your mana is green because of your concept I'm sure that you use earth mana but something is making it incredibly light which allows you to use it with the wind like qualities but I don't know what that is so you must test and experiment to find your concept and master it.

Regius, there's no testing necessary. Your concept is one of the scariest things I've ever seen. You may not have realized it yourself but in the past year, your mana has gotten hotter and hotter the more you sparred with me. I originally thought you just had exceptional fire mana, but that is not true your mana has no element at all. It's why in the past year, although it's grown hotter and hotter, your manas color has changed to almost solid gold with sprinkles of red in it. I tested it when you and Peter spar with each other. It's also how I noticed Peter's element wasn't wind, if I'm not wrong the concept that has attached itself to you is adaptability.

Your mana will constantly adapt, growing stronger and stronger to resist whatever is affecting you. You've spent so much time fighting with me it keeps growing hotter and hotter to resist. When you fight peter your attacks grow faster and lighter so it makes me think you have also adapted to whatever his concept is, but your concept takes quite a time to manifest so while I work with peter I'm gonna focus my mana into a solid orb of the coldest mana I can make, you must train in the basement because it's the only place reinforced enough to handle my coldest mana without changing the weather or freezing part of the earth.

You need to make your mana adapt quickly so you can get a feel for your concept so that later on you can use it in battle easier. Based solely on what I've seen your mana does not revert after adapting it becomes a permanent fixture so the more you can adapt to the stronger you will get. After you get a handle on your concepts, you'll apply that to more mana and use it to redo your rank 1 training, you are at the peak of rank one but what I want is for you to cleanse all the mana from your body that you cultivated while in the pits and replace with this new mana infused with your concepts. I can't tell you what effect this will have. Most people don't realize that they have a concept until much later in their cultivation, so if I'm right then no one has thought of doing this to date and you guys can only because I noticed as early as I did."

After all that talking Macarthur took a deep breath and the boys let out loud laughs "Mister Macarthur you sure can talk a lot about mana," said peter. Regius pat Peter on the shoulder and laughed even harder "Long-winded is the term you are looking for Pete!" Both of the boys laughed together as Macarthur scowled "Well excuse me if I like magic you two brats," said Macarthur, Regius run along to the basement so we can begin training come back when you can't bear to be there anymore because of the cold, there's a protective suit you can wear to protect your body but even that will only help so much.

Regius nodded and made his way to the basement as Macarthur guided peter. There was what looked like a huge puffy coat and pants at the door before the basement and Regius put on both and as he finished putting on the whole outfit an invisible force field of sorts wrapped around his body and he walked into the basement. The moment the door opened a massive blast of cold air blasted into him chilling him to the bone. The entire room was a massive tundra with an orb floating in the middle of the room.

Regius started forcing the mana he channeled through himself to combat the cold at the doorway and two minutes later he could take a step into the room but with that step, he had to restart his acclimation to the cold because with each step closer to the middle of the room and the orb, the room only got colder and colder. It had taken him hours to get within ten feet of the orb but at this point, he was too cold and so he turned around, and with ease, he didn't even notice walked out of the room.