
Like Father, Like Son

Regius stepped up to the stele just like Peter had moments before and stretched his hand out to place it on the stele. The stele started to shake and blacklight shot around the orb and as everyone watched a huge stark white egg roll out of the orb at the top of the stele.

The egg plopped down in front of everyone as Regius backed up and cracks began to form along with the shell. The same black light from the stele began to beam forth from the cracks in the shell and with a pop, a scaled head the size of a large horse popped its head out and into the open.

Two tiny horns protruded out of the top of its scaled head. The scales themselves were white with near translucent blue tips. It made it look like the tip of each scale was a sapphire shaped into an arrowhead. It all came together when it burst out of the rest of the egg and stared right at a stunned Regius.

The dragon stood at almost his height and was covered in the same scales that were on the dragon's head. The dragon took one shaky step and was right in front of Regius. It stared directly at him with irises that matched the shade of the tip of the scales, before letting out its best attempt at a dragon's roar the newborn dragon raised its head high afterward and while maintaining the same eye contact walked right into Regius' chest disappearing.

The moment the baby dragon fully entered his chest this inexplicable feeling came over him almost like something he didn't know he was missing had finally returned to him. He felt more whole and more complete than he had ever in his life. He began to accumulate mana inside of himself and watched as the external mana that had stood hovered around his body rushed inside of him. Regius could feel the mana pouring into his every cell, the energy feeling like a deep massage across his entire body.

The cells across his entire body began to fill and as they did he felt more powerful than he had ever before. He could almost see the dragon inside of him and as his cells filled to the brim the dragon which was quietly laying down inside of him took a deep breath. Regius became the center of a storm of mana as all of the mana in the entire room surged inside him and into the dragon's mouth. After several minutes the storm stopped and the baby dragon burped and fell asleep.

At this time Regius looked up to see Macarthur and Peter both staring at him. A light blue barrier covered them both and dissipated as both of them stepped forward. Macarthur's eyes seemed to glow with fire as he took a step forward and grabbed Regius' shoulders just like he had grabbed Peters moments ago and with his most fervent expression, one word came out through his gritted teeth. "Name" hissed Macarthur.

Regius looked up into his eyes and Spoke the name that he felt he had known his entire life.

"Circadian Dragon"