
For Eternity (Part 1)

While the fight in space began to unfold and Regius's ability was laid bare, the people protected by the barrier had no choice but to stare up at this in absolute awe. Peter had joined Ashlyne at the front of the barrier while his mana brought Lucille with him on a small platform. She now wore pristine white robes that her son had created for her.

The robes would extend her life to be just as long as it's already been, and in some cases even allow her to use mana, but doing so would cost her precious life span. It was the only way that Regius could conceive, but as long as she stayed out of fights she would live long enough to see Regius truly build his kingdom and see grandkids of her own, as well as her grandkids, children, it was a peace she looked forward to surrounded by what would be a beautiful family no doubt.