

Regius awoke in his hammock more recharged than he had ever, but his being back here showed that he had failed his test. Titania was walking across the bridge with a tray of food, as she had noticed him awake even from a distance. Regius sat down and dug in as she sat in a chair that she had made to the side. She sat and looked at the stars while he stuffed his face before speaking out.

"Does this mean I failed the test, granny?" She smiled and shook her head. "Under normal circumstances yes, but Astaroth was a variable that I had not accounted for and considering he may have been at the demigod level as you both fought, he is a true god rank powerhouse. You did well and should be proud. Not to mention you technically won and there are only a couple of existences in this world at his level of power that I had no intention of letting out of their cages. The trial was for you to bring down demigods and you more than proved you can do that. You've passed."