
Myriad Dao Chat Group

Name and First Chapter Says it all.

Paa_Waan23 · 都市
4 Chs

Resident Evil

Going back to the computer.

Lin Tian took a look at Myriad Realms' Heavenly Dao Group and saw that ten Heavenly Dao members had chatted a lot, and the message had already shown 999+.

At this time, the page is having such a dialogue.

Resident Evil Heavenly Dao:( Dear Heavenly Dao brothers, is there no zombie in your world?)

Condor Heroes Heavenly Dao: ( What is zombie? )

Resident Evil Heavenly Dao: (Zombie is a kind of unconscious corpse, but it can move because they have a virus within the body, and it is precisely because of virus that supports them to move. This zombies are Very ugly. Do you want to see this zombie?)

Heavenly Dragon Dao: (I want to see it! But we need Lord of Grand Daos authorization to watch other world screens, Lord of Grand Daos seems to be absent now!)

"Watching the screen? Is it like watching a live broadcast?"

Lin Tian was very curious about this, and immediately returned a message.

Lin Tian: (I am here!)

Resident Evil Heavenly Dao: (Lord of Grand Daos is here, can you authorize for the screen sharing ?)

Lin Tian: (Okay, no problem!)

About three seconds later, an authorized pop-up window appeared——

"Resident Evil Heavenly Dao requests authorization to open video playback permissions!"

Lin Tian did not hesitate to "agree".

In an instant!

A video link appears in Myriad Realms' Heavenly Dao Group!

Lin Tian clicked on the video link, and a big picture appeared in front of him.

Countless zombies walked in an empty city, and the view was full of blood, coldness, emptiness, despair, etc. A zombie seemed to penetrate the computer screen and descend on Lin Tian.

Feeling these emotions, Lin Tian's face suddenly turned pale.

"It's too real, no, this is the real world originally, far more than filmed on TV!"

Lin Tian touched the sweat on his forehead, Gradually became calm.

Fortunately, this group of Heavenly Dao can't see Lin Tian, ​​otherwise seeing Lin Tian was frightened by a video, he will surely be taunted secretly.

His eyes focused on the video again, and suddenly a faint attraction came.

Lin Tian concentrated his consciousness, as if he had broken through a certain limit.

In an instant, his consciousness entered a brand new world.

Resident Evil World.

In endless void, a powerful consciousness descended, overlooking the entire world.

In the dark, Heavenly Dao said: "Is it Lord of Grand Daos?"

This voice is only the Heavenly Dao of Myriad Realms' Heavenly Dao Group and Lin Tian can hear, the remaining humans of Resident Evil World cannot hear it.

"Yes , It's me.!"

Lin Tian's voice is like the sound of ten thousand bell ringing, shocking the void .This is because of the Myriad Realms' Heavenly Dao Group function , otherwise Lin Tian's weak consciousness would not even be able to speak.

"Welcome the Lord of Grand Daos to this world!" Resident Evil Heavenly Dao is very excited, after all, his World is the first world in the Myriad Realms' Heavenly Dao Group to be watched by the group owner!

This is a huge honor for him, Inferior Heavenly Dao!

"Let me take a few looks . " Lin Tian said.

"Lord of Grand Daos, As you wish ." Resident Evil Heavenly Dao said.

"Look where Alice is?"

Lin Tian secretly thought.

His consciousness turned into a huge net and spread across the whole world, and countless zombies and remnants of human beings swept under his consciousness.

After a few breaths, the entire group type team appeared under his consciousness scan.

There is a white beauty in this group, it is Alice!

Alice of Resident Evil World is undoubtedly much more beautiful than Alice on TV, but she's not the type that Lin Tian likes.

"Lord of Grand Daos, this woman's name is Alice, she is the Child of Destiny of this World!" Resident Evil Heavenly Dao appeared and explained to Lin Tian.

Child of Destiny?

Lin Tian is silently nodded. According to the development of Resident Evil World, Alice is indeed a Child of Destiny and belongs to the protagonist of this World!

Most of the Resident Evil World are zombies, nothing good to look at, but the technology of this World is very advanced, but now he enters the Resident Evil World in consciousness and can't bring anything.


How can he, the dignified Myriad Realms' Heavenly Dao Group Admin do things like that? Wouldn't he be a joke for the Heavenly Dao of Myriad Realms' Heavenly Dao Group?

Consciousness returned, Lin Tian closed the video and looked towards the Myriad Realms' Heavenly Dao Group.

At this time, Heavenly Dao began to discuss Resident Evil World.

Heavenly Dragon Dao: (Resident Evil Heavenly Dao, your world is too bad, if you don't guide well, your this world will have to be extinct, and you as Heavenly Dao will have to be implicated too!)

Resident Evil Heavenly Dao: (No way. Although I am a Heavenly Dao, everything can only operate according to instinct. I cannot interfere or I will destroy the world faster. I can only let it go.)

Condor Heroes Heavenly Dao: (Don't we have Lord of Grand Daos? If there really is a major event in our world that is not good for us, we can ask Lord of Grand Daos for help!)

First Under Heaven's Heavenly Dao: (For little things we must not bother the Lord of Grand Daos . The group leader is the spokesperson of Dao . )

Sword Master Heavenly Dao: (It makes sense!)

Looking at this group of Heavenly Dao chats, Lin Tian feels interesting, which is much more interesting than in ordinary chat groups.

Besides, as the owner of Myriad Realms' Heavenly Dao Group, he may really be in the road of cultivation in the future.

In these Heavenly Dao words–

Eternal Immortality!

"Extract Heavenly Dao's Power!"

Lin Tian extracted the nine threads of Heavenly Dao's Power from the QQ messenger wallet, and a thick golden light from the QQ on the computer screen was shot from the messenger wallet and merged with his body.

Another transformation has begun!

This time, Lin Tian only increased his strength three or four times.

Obviously, Heavenly Dao's Power is needed to improve the strength later!

He had been on Myriad Realms' Heavenly Dao Group for a while and learned more about the functions . The sky was getting dark.

Although Lin Tian is not an ordinary person at this time, he still has to go sleep.

No words for a night! ..