

"I... I don't even know what to say," I whispered still admiring the wondrous beauty that was Jess' face. "We're going to make a hell of a pair the rest of the evening."

We just stared at each other for a second or two after my comment before breaking out into laughter. Whoever she was, the lady who had done our faces made sure that we would have a memorable time.

"Well," I said after we finally had ourselves under control. "Let's go get something to eat. I am starving."

"I thought you'd never ask," Jess replied, and it was her turn to drag me along as we left the face painting booth.

She led us to a small side building just off the main street that served barbecue, and my mouth was watering before we had even opened the door. It was one of those mom and pop type places, and we grabbed seats where we could due to the large crowd. Dinner was both fun and delicious, and we finished off the meal with some of the best honey scones that I have ever had.

Later we decided to stop at a stage to listen to some of the live local music that was playing, and eventually the beat pulled us out into the open area to dance. We stayed there for an hour or two, enjoying fast songs, slow songs, and the conversation during the few times we stopped to rest. Jess was becoming more and more comfortable holding me in her arms as we danced and I gave a mental fist pump that I was getting her to unwind.

It was a while later that Jess led me away from the main part of the fair, and she mentioned that we still had one more stop to make that evening. I was curious, and it was her plan after all, so I gladly followed her further down the street, away from all of the excitement. She finally pulled me into a small theater that was playing a series of indie short films, and we spent another couple of hours enjoying the artistic visions presented to us. Some of the films were really good, but not all of them, and we took the opportunity to talk quietly during the less interesting ones.

Eventually our date had run its course, as all good things do, and we walked hand in hand back to her car to head home. There was some talk on the ride home, but mostly Jess and I were content to just hold hands in silence as the white and yellow lines of the road passed by in their endless flow. Her sigh of contentment as we pulled into my apartment lot made me happy, and I hoped that she would be able to use our practice date as a springboard to find someone she truly loved.

I laid my head on her shoulder as she walked me to my door, still holding hands, and I could sense that our friendship bond had solidified into a thick bright cord that, interestingly, included Kelli too. I was really glad about this because I sensed that somehow Jess really needed some friends that understood her troubles. When we finally got up to the door I turned to her and made sure to grab her gaze.

"Ok Jess, now you know what to do. You know what you want to feel. So get yourself out there and date up a storm until you find her, and if after a while it's not her, you can find a different her. And one day you will realize that whatever it is that she and you have together is permanent, and then you quit looking."

"I don't even know where to start looking, though."

"Listen," I replied. "Kelli and I got lucky, but luck only goes so far. We did some research after New Year, and there are a lot of groups that get together to deal with LGBT issues, plan events, and pretty much just be a community with some points of commonality. Start there. Get involved. Go to events. Pay attention, and be patient. And don't go into it just looking to hook up. That was the advice I read and was all that we heard from the chat boards that we talked to."

"Alright then," Jess breathed with a slight sigh as she hunched her shoulders. "I guess I just have to get to work."

"Yep. And once you do, one of these nights a date will probably end like this," I whispered to her as I went up on my toes and cupped her face and drew her lips to mine.

As kisses go, it probably didn't rate in the top fifty, but that was mainly because I knew that what we had was nothing more than a friendship. I did my best to make sure that the soft press of my slightly moist lips to hers was both extraordinarily chaste, and supremely sexy all at the same time. Jess' slight moan as we finally parted let me know that, for her at least, this kiss was probably somewhere in the top ten.

"Good night Jess, and thanks," I said, and turned around to open my door as she made her way back to her car.

"Hey Myka," Jess called out as I was turning my door handle, and I looked back over my shoulder at her. "Don't run my brother too ragged tonight."

I stared at her canary eating grin for a moment before we both burst out in giggles for the last time that night, and then I turned back into my apartment and closed the door behind me. I took a moment to just think, and I felt that whatever power I had inside that pushed me to go out with Jess tonight was satisfied with the results. Mission accomplished.

As I stood there, just inside our door, I began to be aware of an ever so gentle assault on my super sensitive nose. I could smell the sweet and cloying scent of vanilla, mixed with just a hint of cinnamon, and I realized that Kelli must have put out her favorite candles for Paul. And just below the powerful scents of the candles I detected two odors that almost instantly had my pussy weeping. The stronger of the two was the musky sweet smell that was indicative of Kelli, her arousal and her flowing lubrication. God, I was drooling now too. And mixed in right alongside, was a sharp earthy smell that could only be Paul.

I was practically trembling as I bent over to untie my sandals, and I left them by the chair that I had just set my bag on. Once free of my shoes, I made silent prowling movements down the hall towards our bedroom where my prizes waited, and I left my dress and panties on the floor where I had shed them as I walked. I could feel the tickle of my flowing juices as they ran down my thighs, and I paused to see that I was nearly gushing because I had become so turned on. I pushed the door open and padded forward on the balls of my feet so that I made no sound entering our bedroom, and I was barely able to suppress a desire laden gasp when I saw them laying there.

The dim light of the still flickering candles cast a soft but deliciously warm glow over the bed, and I could make out the bodies of Kelli and Paul laying there together. Kelli had left her stockings on, and the effect of the candle light on the sheer black material nearly hypnotized me. Their breathing told me that they were in a light sleep, and from freshness of the mingled scents I guessed that they had finished whatever it was they were doing, perhaps twenty minutes before. Paul's semi-flaccid cock had fallen onto his thigh, and I could just make out a touch of glistening moisture that remained on the surface.

I licked my lips with an animalistic hunger, and I could feel the more instinctual side of me pushing me forward. In reality, my inner Neko needn't have bothered because nothing was going to come between me and this treat. I stalked forward on silent feet and made the slowest of movements as I mounted the bed, making sure I caused as little shifting as possible. It was only a few minutes of patience, but it paid off as I finally snaked my greedy tongue over Paul's manhood and tasted the combined flavors of him and Kelli. I was also rewarded with a somewhat sleepy groan as his thigh twitched in response to my lick, and I continued my expert tongue lashing with relentless fervor.

Up and down Paul's flavorful shaft, then a breath or two on his balls, over and over again. That was my pattern until the once soft cock had woken up to pay attention. I pulled Paul fully into my mouth as soon as I could get my lips around his now swollen head, and within moments I had him buried completely in my mouth. I looked up and noticed that Kelli was now awake and she was staring at me with her hand trying to hide a grin, and I winked at her because I was feeling extra naughty right before I began to purr.

Paul was pulled out of sleep almost instantly after my mouth started vibrating around his shaft, and if Kelli had not been there to hold onto him he probably would have fallen out of bed.

"Myka? Oh dear god... Unnnnhhh! Myka," Paul groaned, because now I was bobbing gently up and down his re-slicked shaft as I continued my rumbling purr. I finished with his cock about a minute later and allowed it to pull free of my mouth with an audible pop.

"Hi Paul," I said with a cheeky grin. "Didja miss me?"

"I swear that the two of you together will probably kill me," he replied while I continued to stroke his throbbing shaft, making him twitch every now and again.

"Hey, we'll make sure you survive the night. And if not, we'll give you a decent burial," Kelli answered him before turning back to me. "And sweetie, your face! Oh my god, you look like a Neko war goddess personified. I am so hot right now."

"I'm glad that I still have that effect on you baby, but this goddess is going to take the offered sacrifice that she is due," I quipped, as I moved up to straddle Paul's cock and reached back behind me to guide it home. "But I think that we should be merciful to our poor sacrifice. How about having this goddess' high priestess cover the victim's face so that he does not have to bear witness to his own sacrifice?"

Kelli giggled at my little attempt at roleplay and moved quickly to straddle Paul's face, and slowly lowered her puffy labia towards his waiting mouth. I, in the meantime, adjusted the angle of his pulsing dick and once it was aimed true I allowed myself to slide back and I sighed with pleasure as he filled me up. Once Paul was fully sheathed in my channel I started out by slowly grinding my hips in a circular motion that had both of us groaning out our mutual pleasure, and Kelli reached out and placed her hands on my shoulders so that she could steady herself.

hey guys, I may not be able to upload regularly, like daily anymore, but whenever I upload, we're gonna get a mass release

so ... in the meantime

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