
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · 奇幻
411 Chs

First Priority Code.

Eventually, it was already night and Mia, Purple, Red, and Blue who is now called Green because of a purpose.

The four fellows were practically sitting in the darkroom.

"Boss, why are we still here?" Purple asked.

"That skeleton skull said that we should meet up here during the night. By the way, I was only trying to get some sleep when I was summoned into this room."

After Mai and the triplets left Kai stuck in the crater, the four fellows went to explore the world, though they did not go far and encountered some zombies in the street, this made the four run into hiding in a "supermarket store" and had been staying there till nightfall.

It was a miracle for them because they were lucky that they were stuck in a supermarket where there was still some fresh water and food for them to spend the day.

None of them ever thought that it would be hard to survive in an apocalyptic world.

Regardless of the case, Mai and the triplets had not been spending their whole time sitting in the store, instead, Mia had to proceed to get their identity back, not like they had gone under any plastic surgery, no, it was far from that.

Mia had noticed that while in the dark room, they still had their identity from their previous life but the second they came out into the apocalypse world, they had turned into a set of Kia clones.

Though Mia was kind of annoyed that he had to stay in a body that was not his, what can he do other than go with how things worked?

But even at that, he could not stand staying in Kai's body, that's why he had taken things into his own hands by dying his head with a blue color dye, the same was done to Rad, Purple, and Blue.

But Blue has taken the green color dye since Mia has taken the blue dye.

This also made them change his name to his present hair color.


Just when Mia was still engaging in a certain topic of conversation with the triplets, they all saw a light showing up right behind the television set.


It came as a surprise to them that Kai just appeared in the room.

Kai seeing the rest could not withstand the raging anger burning instead of him as he punched Mia in particular. 

But unfortunately, before he could come any close, an invisible force pushed him right into the middle seat instead.

"you fuckers, when this is over, I will personally make sure you guys pay for what you did" Kia shouted at Mia.

"Ohh...you survived the leader of the matrix," Mia replied, making the other triplet laugh out loud.

< Silent!!!>

A thundering roaring voice sounded, sending shivering down everyone currently present in the room's spine.

As the skull head appeared on the television.

< If they are anything I hate, that is late coming, Kai explain yourself>

"Wait.. what? me..?"

"Don't call me It was them that dumped me in the crater and I was found by some type of gang leader, and by the way am I not supposed to be sleeping? Kai said boldly though he was in a panic state.

Just then, he felt a sharp pain in his head.

"Aaaahhhhhh!" The pain seemed to grow to the extent that Kai could no longer hold the cry of pain.

< And you. what he said was true right ?>

The skull turned to Mia and the triplet and asked.

"It is a total lie" Purple was the one who spoke up for the others.

< You dear lie on my presence?>

Next, Purple also starts to cry out in pain as he tries holding his head with his hand but there seems to be something pulling his hand back.

"Ahhhhhh!" Purple cried out.

Seeing this, Mia could not hold himself anymore.

" Why ask if you already know the truth?"

Mia said.

The skeleton skull head seems to be directed towards him.

< Did you just talk to me ?>

The chilling eye of the skull met with Mia's own, sending a few shivers down his spine.

Mia did not dare to stare long into the skull eye as he looked away that instant. 

< Good. They are no time to play around with our target currently out there completing some stupid quest and getting stronger>

By this time, both Kai and Purple were getting better from the pain.

"What do you mean our target," Rad asked.

<No talking while I am talking>

< You all had seen it firsthand just from the few hours you spent out there how dangerous it could be, and now all you guys think about is how to get back to each other >

< Listen, you all might not know but you are not in a game, You came here for a purpose, and for that purpose, if not complicated, you will all lose your life!!! > 

The skeleton yelled out.

This came as a shock to everyone in the room and also came with many questions.

" What do you mean we will die?"

< I said not talking while am talking!>

Another shape of pain was sent to Kai's head again.

Even seeing what happened to Kai, did not stop Mia from asking the question in his mind. but he was wise enough to approach it in a good manner.

He first raised his hand sacking for the skull's permission.

It came to others as a shock to the fact that Mia was able to move his hand.

The skeleton first took a good look at Mia, as their eyes met again.

Though Mia was feeling the mass pressure that had been placed on him at this point, he knew that he had to endure.

After some time of looking straight into each other's eyes, the skull finally gave his words.

<Go on>

Everyone was shocked, even Mia himself was not expecting such an answer, at least not with the calm manner in which the skull said it.

Meanwhile, Kai was forming in anger.

' I should be the one getting special treatment, not him, this is my body as a matter of fact '.

< Are you going to stand they staring at me ?>

"Sorry. I was just in a daze. Anyway, according to your speech, you mentioned about we having a purpose"

"I just didn't know. What is this purpose?"

< Good, I will clarify that for you guys>

< One is that you have many missions, but among all those missions, you all have one that you all should consider your top priority >

Not long after, some pictures in a holographic form appeared in front of the five fellows.

< These are people you might fight or even form an ally with, but one thing you all should know is that you are the enemy of those people even if you happen to form an ally with them >

The skull was examined while the holographic pictures were been slid to review more pictures.

< But among all those people, you must take this particular person you must first get rid of if you guys want to pass this game because he is your almost priority >

< Guys must get rid of him before he gets rid of you guys instead >

"Haha..even if you did not add him to the list, I already have him on my black list" Mia muttered to himself.


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