
I Got Three Boyfriends After Amnesia(3)


Daniel was my real boyfriend.

That night on Valentine's Day, I did give Jason a hand-copied copy of Shakespeare's sonnets, accompanied Horace to take the Ferris wheel, and finally went to the supermarket with Daniel.

All these were reasonable.

I had a crush on Daniel since I was in grade 10.

At that time, I just transferred from another city. I hadn't yet adapted to the learning environment here, so I failed the first month's exam.

As a result, my teacher asked Daniel, my desk-mate, to tutor me in my studies. He and I would do homework in the classroom for a half hour after school.

I recalled the calm, cool look in Daniel's eyes, his gentle voice as he carefully explained the math problems, the coffee he handed me when I was sleepy, and the considerate way he stopped to wait for me in the dim corridor.

There were countless moments when I fell in love with him.

When I was about to tell him about it, Daniel became my brother in name.