
I don't know what to think

what did he mean by our kind? like more humans? I'm a human so.....if I'm like you then am I not a human? I'm so confused! I don't know what to think anymore, I tried to talk but he just shit me up! he told me that he didn't want "them" to hear me, in my mind I thought..."who is them"? Then I Heard it....The sound of a scream! it sounded like a little girl. she was screaming and crying and we weren't doing anything about it! we just flue and I couldn't let her get hurt...I just couldn't! so I started to kick and scream and then out of fear he...he dropped me! I was screaming as I was falling to the ground and I thought to myself..."this is it,I'm done for". Then I felt something Perce into my back,I look over and see bumps forming on my back and out for pain and fear,I start to scream!( I know lots of screaming in this just hang on!) Then I start to fall well... slowly and I could control it! Then I looked up an I was surprised, scared, happy,and shocked about my Discovery! I had wings! I was flying! who ever that man was,he was right about me having wings! man! I was flying by myself! I wasn't on a plane or on someone's back! I was flying all by myself!! but then her screams got bigger and louder! I soon realized that she was screaming for help! something was wrong and it wasn't that she was getting hurt...it was her friend. he looked like he was bleeding badly too! I swung them both up into my Arms, I took them to the sky! the little boy was so cold, he was like ice! but then I remembered when I was hurt, I was like eight? I had been pushed into the locker of a very hurtful boy....he found me and he threw me and then him punched,kicked,and scratched my face! i was found on the floor cold and bloody just like him!