
My Wife is Goddess of Reincarnation

Synopsis: In a world where gods and mortals walk among each other, one man's extraordinary journey begins when he sacrifices his life to save a girl, only to find himself face to face with a goddess in the afterlife. Lucius, a reincarnated nobleman with a burning desire for immortality, strikes a deal with the goddess: if he can fulfill her conditions, she will marry him. But failure means eternal servitude. As Lucius navigates the challenges set by the goddess, he discovers that his heart yearns not only for immortality but also for the love of his divine counterpart. Alongside his family, whom he cherishes deeply, Lucius must confront his past and forge a new destiny that balances mortal desires with divine responsibilities. With each page, "My Wife, the Goddess of Reincarnation" weaves a tale of epic proportions, blending romance, fantasy, and adventure into a captivating narrative. Join Lucius as he embarks on a quest for immortality, love, and the true meaning of eternity.

Death_Monarch_1 · 奇幻
81 Chs

Non Incantation

Elina and Lucius stood in the open ground, the rays of sun casting dancing shadows on the ground. The air crackled with anticipation as Elina prepared to impart another lesson to her son.

"Now Theory Lesson come to an end. Let's start with the Practical lesson," Elina said to Lucius, her voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and concern.

"Yes, mother," Lucius replied, his voice filled with eagerness but also a hint of nervousness. He desperately wanted to impress his mother, to prove his worthiness as a student of magic.

"Extend your hand in front and repeat after me, and focus your mana on your tongue," Elina instructed, her tone gentle yet firm.

Lucius obediently extended his hands, his heart pounding in his chest as he waited for his mother's guidance.

"Oh Mighty God of fire, vanquish the enemies before me and summon the Fire Ball," Elina intoned, her voice echoing softly in the chamber. A small ball of fire appeared before her, illuminating her face with a warm glow.

Lucius swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his mother's expectations resting heavily upon him. He repeated the incantation, pouring all of his concentration into the spell, but to no avail. No fire ball appeared

"Lucius, did you use mana while repeating me?" Elina inquired, her brow furrowing in concern as she noticed her son's struggle.

"Yes, mother," Lucius admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. He felt a pang of disappointment at his failure to master the spell.

"Try putting more mana and repeat it again," Elina encouraged, her voice soft and reassuring.

Lucius nodded, determined to succeed this time. He closed his eyes and focused, channeling every ounce of mana he possessed into the spell. But still, nothing happened. The silence in the room was deafening, broken only by the sound of Lucius's ragged breaths.

"Come here, baby," Elina called Lucius closer, her heart aching at the sight of her son's distress. She enveloped him in a warm embrace, feeling his body tremble with suppressed emotions.

"Don't worry, mama will figure out what's wrong. It's getting late; go rest," Elina reassured him, her voice filled with love and concern.

Lucius nodded silently, his eyes downcast as he retreated to his room. He couldn't shake the feeling of failure that weighed heavily upon him, like a leaden weight dragging him down.

Alone in his room, Lucius sank onto his bed, his mind swirling with self-doubt and frustration. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he grappled with the realization that he might never be able to master magic like his mother.

"I'm hopeless. What's the point of having mana if I can't even summon a basic fireball?" he muttered to himself, his voice thick with despair.

Suddenly, a shimmering figure materialized before him, casting a soft, ethereal glow around the room.

"Why is your face as gloomy as a watermelon, sweetie?" the goddess inquired, her voice gentle and soothing like a summer breeze.

"Goddess, I'm useless. I can't do anything," Lucius confessed, his voice trembling with emotion.

The goddess listened attentively as Lucius poured out his heart, her eyes filled with compassion and understanding.

"Haha, you're just too innocent, my dear," the goddess chuckled, her laughter like a soothing balm to Lucius's wounded soul.

"Laughing at me won't solve anything. Why couldn't I use that spell?" Lucius demanded, his frustration bubbling to the surface once more.

The goddess's expression softened as she explained, her words like a gentle caress against his troubled mind.

"You can't use incantation magic because of our soul contract. Your soul belongs to me, and other gods won't answer your calls for help," she elucidated, her voice tinged with regret.

"If that's the case, how can I use magic?" Lucius questioned, his voice tinged with hope.

The goddess's smile widened as she sensed Lucius's determination to overcome his obstacles.

"You have the authority to create magic. Just understand the basic principles and wield it without incantations," she reiterated, her voice brimming with confidence in his abilities.

Closing his eyes, Lucius took a deep breath, his mind clear and focused. He delved into his understanding of magic, recalling the lessons his mother had taught him about the fundamental principles of elemental manipulation.

"Fire is fueled by a source of energy, heat, and oxygen," Lucius murmured to himself, his thoughts racing as he pieced together the components of the spell in his mind.

With a newfound sense of clarity, Lucius extended his hand before him, his mana pulsing with newfound vigor. He visualized the flames dancing in his mind's eye, fueled by his own essence and ignited by the warmth of his mana.

"Fire made of my mana, fueled by heat and oxygen," Lucius whispered, his voice steady and unwavering.

As he spoke the words, a flicker of flame burst forth from his outstretched hand, casting a warm glow around the room. Lucius's eyes widened in astonishment as he watched the flames dance and flicker, responding to his will alone.

"I did it!" Lucius exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and wonder. He turned to the goddess, a radiant smile spreading across his face. "Did you see that?"

The goddess nodded, her eyes sparkling with pride. "I saw it, my dear. You have unlocked a new level of magic, one that is uniquely yours."

With a newfound sense of confidence and purpose, Lucius embraced his newfound abilities, ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and mastery. From that moment on, he would wield his magic not as a burden or limitation, but as a gift to be cherished and honed.