
I know his wife!

Chapter 96: I know his wife!

"The battle has ended, Minato. We have overwhelmed the Hard Steel Empire," Ingrid opened her dazzling green eyes and deeply looked at her beloved.

His dungeon races cleaned the whole empire's capital and their strongest people. Many soldiers were also caught prisoners, awaiting the Overlord's decision.

No one of them believed they would join his ranks, nor did they predict what his plans toward the newly conquered land were.

However, all trembled and remained in one spot with debilitating fear destroying them from within.

Minato glanced toward Ingrid, "Which race won one of mine mecha armors?"

To his curious expression, the elven queen replied with a sigh, "Frost Dwarves."

That was an answer Minato hadn't expected. Half of the frost dwarves' power came from the traps. Since their forces attacked the empire's capital, Minato thought it was implausible for those small people to get the most achievements.