
Crazy to fight crazy

Midwak was still standing on the other side, behind the groups of people. The desk looked to be completely destroyed and the ground, as well as the whole area, was covered in blood. Parts of bodies could still be seen, and there were a lot of bones

“Oh that sweet sound!” Midwak said. “It has certainly been a long time since I heard it!”

The Alpha’s howl had just been used, giving a 10 percent boost to Gary’s power, it was only a temporary boost so Gary wanted to keep it for when his fight with Midwak was going to take part, but he wanted to give Olivia as much strength as possible before her fight.

Seeing the seriousness of the situation, none of the Howlers asked what Gary meant, right now they were just going to do as he asked, and even Olivia was taking the situation seriously. She stared at Midwak, looking at his yellow glowing eyes.