
An Unlikely Combo

It was a strange sensation that Gary couldn't quite shake off, a persistent urge that kept him sniffing the air. The scent was unmistakably emanating from the person in front of him. While not unpleasant, it was irritating, akin to the sneeze-inducing irritation one feels when sniffing pepper.

The tingling in his nose grew more intense, compelling him to cut the conversation short with this enigmatic stranger. Despite his discomfort, his curiosity was piqued, leading him to address the issue directly.

“The smell, it’s coming from you, why do you smell different from everyone else?” Gary inquired, unable to contain his curiosity any longer.

Blackjack, slightly taken aback by the comment, noticed Gary’s incessant nose-rubbing and squinting. It was evident that Gary could smell him, and with no means to mask his scent, Blackjack had anticipated this moment.