
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · 奇幻
78 Chs

Vision 16 - Why they are here?! (3)

At the first end of the stairway leading to the Sixth floor.

A woman was sitting there.

She had aubergine-colored long hair and pale skin. Her body was covered in a long black gown lace with feathers, but all of that has lost its color, due to part of her soul being shared.

The only light she has is on her ametrine-yellow eyes. She looked at the stars through the window, taking the support of the wall.

She was lost in her thoughts.

Persephone: " Myeong, he said. "

She spoke in a low voice, almost like she was sighing.

Persephone: " I never heard of it. Is it a word from his world? "

She asked with no emotion on her face, and no one could answer her question.

Persephone: " What does it mean? "

Even if there was someone, no one would be able to hear her, only one person could even perceive her existence right now.

Thinking about him, she looked at the night sky. This time more intensely, like she was looking into someone's eyes.

Persephone: " You lied to me, or maybe it is just a happy coincidence for you. "

It wasn't certain who she was talking to.

Persephone: " Whatever..."

Again getting no answer, she blinked and lost interest. Her eyes didn't leave the night sky, either her head moved, but her focus was on the door which was a few steps above.

' tch! '

She clicked her tongue internally, as she thought about a certain someone, who 'told' her to not approach the next floor, where he went himself.

Persephone: " Why does it matter if it goes through alteration? Any of my skills would be enough to contain it,... Although I don't know how much of the skill his body could handle. "

Alteration is a phenomenon that occurs when any of the balance in this universe is disturbed, but an alteration in a lower realm didn't seem that serious to her.

But the only reason she couldn't argue with Arthur is because she, a higher existence, could not interfere with the lower realm directly, without facing any penalty.

' A little bit of penalty is nothing. '

She is a higher existence, and also the Goddess of the Underworld, she could handle some of the penalties.

' But I will be found out. '

While charged with a penalty by the balance of the universe, her presence would be found by the other higher existences, which she obviously didn't want.

Her being in the lower realm is already a reason enough to alter the balance, but she hasn't influenced anything directly, so it was fine.

Persephone: " How much longer do I need to wait? "

She grumbled, she was obviously bored, and not concerned.

?: " Are you sure this is the way? "

As she was lost in her thoughts, her focus was drawn by a feminine voice.

?: " Yes, I am sure. I saw him going through here. "

Another voice was of a male, and it was a voice that was familiar. Actually, both voices were familiar.

The owner of the Feminine voice had fiery red hair and the owner of the male voice had silver hair.

Persephone recognized them, Valerie and Ducas.

Her eyes moved to the individuals walking through the stairway leading to the sixth floor, on the middle of which she stood, but obviously, they could not see her.

Valerie: " What he is doing here? "

Ducas: " He was patrolling with Professor Yates. "

Valerie: " Then Why would he come here? "

Ducas: " I don't know, but after he came here, I lost him. "

Persephone listened as both individuals climb the stairs.

Ducas had a frown and concern on his face while Valerie was sighing. She found Ducas, infront of the female dorm, who said that he came from his room because he had to get his sword.

When asked, he told her, after thinking for a while, that Arthur has gone missing. Thinking that this time along with the students, Arthur has also disappeared she decided to accompany him.

Valerie: " But Do you often follow him? "

Ducas: " I had to. He often gets involve with suspicious people and never tries to depend on anyone. I don't know what will happen if I leave him alone. "

Persephone subconsciously nodded her head, and Valerie also agreed. She still isn't sure what to think of Arthur.

But After the Incident on Plaza, she agreed with what Ducas said.

Valerie: " You respect him. "

Ducas: " I owe my life to him. "

She knew about the incident that occurred at the Brigian's church, since he told her himself, so she understood what he said, and believed that Arthur also helped her.

' He has already helped me with Griff and Felicity. '

Someone who always helps others but never asks for help himself, that is how they both think of Arthur.

Walking through the stairs, they walked past Persephone without any idea that she was there and reached the simple door.

Valerie: " Going to the sixth floor of Trivia is forbidden. "

Valerie spoke, she is a fourth-year student, so she knew the obvious rule of the Trivia.

Ducas: " So I have heard. "

Persephone looked at both individuals, waiting for them to get mentally attacked by the schema's influence, but she became curious when both of them walked up to the wall, without any problem.

Ducas rubbed his hand on the door and spoke.

Ducas: " I feel some aura but it is faint... and sinister. "

At the word sinister, Persephone flew up to the door just behind them. Valerie also accessed the door.

Valerie: " It looks just like any other door. "

Ducas: " It does. Let's go inside. "

Valerie nodded her head, and Ducas opened the door.

At the moment Ducas opened the door, Persephone thought.

' Isn't he a realm above existence? '

A realm above, an existence with all stats above hundred, that is the existence Ducas is.

'Whether he went inside, or I went inside, the alteration is happening either way. '

The thought of stopping Ducas never crossed her mind.

Then as the door slammed shut, two lower existences and one higher existence went past the simple-looking door.


After Lisa and I were swallowed by the shadow, the darkness dulled my all senses. I couldn't see anything, couldn't feel anything, or smell anything, but it wasn't for long.

It was only a few seconds before the shadow around us cleared, but we were still falling.

This time Lisa had her back toward where we were falling, it seems that we were flipped.

She turned her head around, still holding onto my shoulders.

Lisa: " Where are we?!"

She shouts, not because she was angry or frustrated but because the strong wind made it harder to hear.

I was about to say something as well when I looked past her and saw a wall approaching. I hugged Lisa tightly.


[ Lower Existence 'Lisa Hart' is startled. ]


I could not see her face, nor I had the time, I roared inside my mind.

' Zoeeee! '

-As you wish, My King.

Her gentle voice, coupled with a waterfall sound in the background, resounded in my head.

A majestic, almost transparent wings, silver-white in color, opened and wrapped both me and Lisa.

Then we hit the wall.



[ Some Nubeculas have sparkling eyes ]


The crash was not loud but, the wooden wall had cracked like a spider web with us at the center.

Zoe made the wings disappear, and I let go of Lisa, rolling to her side, with arms wide open. Lisa's head was on my right arm.


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' is snickering. ]


She pushed her body and I did the same.

' Wow, that was scary.'

Before I could understand, we were out of the shadow and the image of a wall coming at us came into my view, so I acted on impulse.

' But I am sitting on a... Wall? '

I looked where I sat, and yes, obviously, it should be like this. We were falling, it was not a wall, its a floor.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "How the hug felt?" ]


' I thought this asshole took off. ' I grumbled inside.


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is sighing. ]


Ignoring the messages, I looked up, hoping to see a shadow swirling above our head.

' Nothing huh? '

But the shadow was not above us, just an ordinary roof.

I turned to look at the silent woman beside me who look puzzled.

Arthur: " Are you ok? "

Lisa: " Yes, I am fine. "

The way she screamed at me earlier, I was sure I am going to get an earful, but it seem something calm her down.

I got up, dusting myself.

Arthur: " It looks like we lost our cloaks. "

The cloak, I put on over my dark purple color shirt and wood color pants, was gone.

Lisa had a dress that looked similar to a purple cape dress, but fancier and with some jewelry.

I unbuttoned one of the buttons that pulled my throat when Lisa pulled me, earlier.


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is fanning herself. ]


Arthur: "Fortunately, both of us are unhurt. "

With my words, something flared up in her, and anger became visible on her face. She gracefully stood up.

' Looks like Archduke is finally rising. '

Lisa: " Yes, Thanks to your wings. "

Well, that made me sound somewhat holier so I didn't like it, but I don't care that much about that.

I am sure she is thankful but does not sound thankful.

Lisa: " Now tell me, Arthur. "

I suddenly felt cold sweat on my back, with a sense of the deja vu.

' That is how my mother used to start the conversation ' I thought.

Lisa: " What reason could you possibly have to jump from the sixth floor? "


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is laughing. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Someone is in trouble." ]


She sounded cold, but-

' That one is easy. '

Arthur: " I was following the darkness. Miss Lisa. "


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments " ...What?" ]


'Into the darkness' that is the only thing I read on my 'BTDW' text file. That was the only phrase I have written, that is the reason I walked through the hallway without thinking much and jumped into the shadow.

Lisa: " What? Who told you to do that? "

She frowned in confusion.

Arthur: " Nobody? "

And did as well. Who told me? I don't think there is anybody who could have told me, anything.

' If there was a person like that, I would have told him to take care of this '

Lisa: " Huh? "

Arthur " Hmm? "


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Ha?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Hohoho?" ]


[ Several Nubeculas are confused. ]


' These Nubeculas. " a bulge formed on my head.

Lisa seemed baffled by my response.

But the truth is, there is no one who knows about Hidden Script influencing the top floor of Trivia.

I calmed myself down.

Arthur: " I also have something, I want to ask you, Miss Lisa. "

Question marks appeared on her head, and my face turned from calm to stoic.

Arthur: " What are you doing here? "

She opens her mouth to reply but halted.

Lisa: " Aa- "

She held her words, her mouth remained hanging for a second, and went back up. Instead, she asked a question of her own, again.

Lisa: " I could ask you the same thing. "

Why does she sound like, that is something tough to answer? I could tell her.

Arthur: " I came here to bring back the missing student. "

She became confused, no, surprised.


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Helping is good." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is pleased. ]


[ 800 points have been donated. ]


Arthur: " There are weird rumors about this place, I thought this would be a good place to check. "


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is snorting. ]


Lisa: "...She told me she sensed something, so I came but.. "

She stared at me and then mumbled something to herself that I couldn't hear.

Arthur: " Hm?"

Looking at my curious expression, she lifted her head up, like nothing else was wrong.

Lisa: " I came for the same reason. "

Yeah like I believe that, who was it? It must be Hekate, she must have sensed something since the influence must be dwindling here.

It should be like that. My mind then focused on something else, that might arise problems, which is her being here.

Her presence is going to influence the script, definitely, but I can not do anything since she is already here.

' There is nothing I can do about her now anyway. '

I can not just make her leave, or throw her out. I just have to deal with it.

' One strong person should not make things too much difficult. ' I consoled myself but it was just a failed desperate attempt.

Lisa: " Then we should go. "


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is nodding. ]


' She is too quiet. ' Gumiho is the most enthusiastic one, so it was weird to me that she was this quiet.

Lisa moved, and I walked behind her. The room was dark, but I could make out the place, it was a large classroom, similar to the one where I take classes.

She moved towards the door and opened it.

creak. tak.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " I don't like it. " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments " Stop being scared, you are Guhimo. " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " But, I don't like it! " ]


' ho? She is scared? Now that is something. Well it does feel ominous. '

Past the door, a hallway similar to a Trivia hallway going left and right opened up.

Arthur: " We are taking each side of our own again? "

I obviously said that sarcastically.

Lisa: " And you are going to follow the darkness?... Again? "

I sensed sarcasm in her tone as well.

Arthur: " It is dark all around. "

I shrugged my shoulders.

She squinted her eyes at me, and then walked past the door, moving towards the left direction.

I quietly followed, I didn't actually have a clue where to go anyway.

After some time, there wasn't much to it. The place seems to becoming darker to me. Lisa and I asked the same things, ' whether we sense something odd' a couple of times but we didn't feel anything.

There was only one odd thing.

Lisa: " We haven't encountered any turn. "

And that is, we have walked in a straight hallway, without taking any turn.

' Maybe it is a curve? '

If the hallway was made in a way that it is slightly curved then it could just be a big circular hallway.

It was a wild thought, but it didn't stick for more than a second.

I point ahead before speaking.

Arthur: " There is a turn. "

Lisa halted her steps and looked at the end of the hallway intently. I understood her actions.

We haven't encountered any turns and now one just happens to appear?


[ The Nubecula 'Guhimo' comments " Don't like it. Not liking it." ]


But what else could have been done, rather than going ahead?

Arthur: " Let's see. "

I urged Lisa, she nodded once then walked and I naturally followed.

Before taking the turn, we, at least I, didn't have any expectations, everything was just dark around us.

But as soon as we turned, I felt Lisa turn into a statue, I was behind her so I still had to take a step. She seems startled.

Curiously, I moved and I had the same reaction as her, but the corner of my lips curled a little.

' Found it. '

A Big room, with a wooden floor, but the walls and roof are fully made of glass, like multiple human size glass plates covering everything in sight.

The glass has white light, the one you see in the sky just before it is about to rain.

I looked to my side, towards the hallway from where we took the turn. A similar glass mirror-like plate was there, reflecting myself.

I looked behind, it was similar, it was like the dark hallway never existed.

' Where there is light there ought to be darkness. ' The weird phrase comes to mind, but it is corny so I decided not to say it out loud.


[ The Nubecula 'Guhimo' comments " Finally! " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Guhimo is happy. ]


Arthur: " This is a weird twist. We should search the place. "

Lisa came out of her surprised state, and without saying anything, she stepped ahead.

We moved further, and the size of the mirrors around us changed their size, some became bigger, and some became smaller, it seemed all random.

Then, a greenish, and reddish border gradually took place around the mirror. We didn't even notice when it first changed. Maybe it changed gradually.

Then, A small table came into view, its height was till my waste. It also had a plant with reddish leaves on it.

We walked closer, the plant was shining rose gold in color.


[ The Nubecula 'Guhimo' comments " Wow. " ]


'Now she is active as usual. '

Lisa: " It looks- "

Arthur: " Beautiful."

I completed her words.


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Yes. It is beautiful." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is looking at you. ]


' She is back as well. Women do get attracted to pretty things.'

But not just the shiny red plant was beautiful. The whole place was so gorgeous, that it was hard to describe.

?: " Professor Yates? "

Suddenly, a thin voice resounded, like someone was talking to themselves.

We turned and a girl, a beautiful girl with long eyelashes, wearing a white shirtdress, and an ornament hanging from her left ear, came into our view.

' Ah, I know this girl. '

Arthur: " That is the first girl that went missing, Amanda Kirt. "

At my words, Lisa moved quickly, and Amanda's eyes lit up.

Amanda: " Oh god! It is you Professor Yates! Finally, someone free has come!. "

Lisa: " Amanda Kirt? "

Lisa reached one of the mirrors, no it was not a mirror, it was a glass wall, and behind it was Amanda.

Amanda: " Yes! That is my name. I am so glad. "

She starts to weep.

Amanda: " I,I am s,so s,scared. Its b,been days and... I don't know w,what to... do. "


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is looking with sad eyes. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Don't cry." ]


Tears rolled down her cheeks as she spoke in the middle of them, her voice was hoarse.

Lisa: " Calm down. We are here. "

Amanda: " I,I..."

As Lisa tried to console the poor girl, I looked back at the small table.

Due to the shining plant, it was overshadowed, but there was a small note.

I picked it up, the note said the following.

< Into the darkness. >

Yup, it was this, this is the one thing that I saw in my dream, that led me here.

Regarding this script, the only things I saw were the catastrophe it brought to this school, and this room with this table and this note.

I looked at the note, intently, I was holding an item I saw in my dream. I fold it once and put it in my pants pocket, and turned to walk away.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is looking at you curiously. ]


' Mind your own damn business.'

Reaching the weeping girl who was now almost out of tears and recovered a bit, I spoke.

Amanda: " I am so sorry. I couldn't hold it in me. "

Arthur: " It is alright. "

The girl finally looked at me, and our eyes connected.

Arthur: " I assume it was hard, you did great. "

I thought she was out of tears, but she squinted her eyes, trying to hold her tears.

Arthur: " You don't need to worry anymore. "


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is looking at you with gentle eyes. ]


Amanda nodded her head furiously, maybe she was telling that to herself as well.

Arthur: " Miss Amanda, do you mind if I ask you something? "

She wiped her eyes as she spoke.

Amanda: " No. "

Arthur: "Earlier you said, that you were glad someone free has come. What did you mean? "

Amanda looked at me with her red eyes and then at Lisa, who was also curious about what I asked.

Amanda: " Ah. I don't know how to explain it, but something lured us here, and then we were trapped. These glass walls are impenetrable. "

She pushed her hand on the glass wall between us.

Lisa: " Us? Who else is here?"

She tilted her head just a little with raised eyebrows.

Amanda: " You must not have found others. There are many other students and professors here. Please get us out of here. I don't want to be here anymore."

Lisa: " Wait. Students, and Professors? "

Lisa looked around no one was visible.

The glass walls, maybe that is not the right term anymore, the glass prisons were empty, just a shade of greyish skylight.

I was more concerned with the word professors.

' We saw all professors this morning, how can they be here? '

There was only one conclusion, they made contact after this morning, but isn't it too fast?

' This script is already out of control. '

Amanda misunderstood Lisa's reaction as she looked around.

Amanda: " I am telling the truth! These cells move around, I have talked to them. "

I tried to calm her down. I put my hand on the glass wall, with an understanding look.

Arthur: " We believe you, you don't have to worry. "

Lisa: " Yes, We will rescue you and the others. "

Amanda: " Thank - "

Her words seems to stuck, as her eyes widened and she pointed behind us.

Amanda: " There. One person is right behind you, in a cell. "

We turned around with a confused expression.

?: " Another one has come. "

The voice sounded grumpy. My eyes locked onto a man with droopy eyes, disheveled hair, and ungroomed bread, that was sitting inside the cell.

?: " Wait... you are outside? "

His head turned to us, his expression was of curiousness and I was a little surprised.

' We just saw you today, how come someone as lazy as you got here? ' That was my thought.

Arthur: " Professor Lothian. Nice to see you. "

It was Magnus Lothian. He flipped his head away like he doesn't want to talk.

Magnus: " What has come to this? "

He was grumbling nonetheless, then he turned to us.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "I don't like him." ]


'Yeah, I don't particularly like him that much either.'

Magnus: " Hey Professor Yates! "

He called out to Lisa, who was looking around to find others, she looked at him with interested eyes.

Magnus: " Stop looking at me coldly and go call that old man. Or fetch out that cat you always roam around with. "

' Woah. You are talking to the Archduke. You dimwit. ' I sighed inside.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "I hate him." ]


' Yeah don't call Hekate just a cat, Guhimo like cats. '

Lisa didn't reply, I also ignored him and walked towards the glass wall of Magnus's cell and knocked on it twice.

Arthur: " Maybe we can break it? "

It seemed like a fragile glass, but Amanda said it was impenetrable.

Magnus: " You don't think I would have done it? "

I looked at him with confusion, My face said, ' Why didn't you? '

He made a frustrated expression at that.

Magnus: " That Mr. Intelligent smashed the glass door with everything he had, it broke, but when the glass shattered, he disappeared and left behind a black empty cell. "

At Magnus's words, Amanda paled and shivered.

Amanda: " No way, there is no way. "

Lisa consoled her, saying that she would do something about it and save everyone.

' Mr. Intelligent? Is he talking about Professor Allen? He was also here? Ah. this is giving me a headache. '


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' is sipping his wine. ]


I was just about to tap my forehead with frustration, but then suddenly the whole place started to shake like it was an earthquake.

Everything around me was shaking, and the glass walls were shaking like they will all break.

Lisa and I locked eyes, as we tried to stand firm on our feet.

Magnus: " What are you both doing? "

My head turned to the droopy man, who was sitting calmly on the ground inside the glass cell. Seeing him sitting like that made me confused.

Arthur: " Don't you feel that? "

Magnus: " Feel what? "

He looked at us confused. Amanda had a similar expression, which give us an idea about the situation.

Lisa: " They don't feel it! "

Arthur: " Seems like it! "

Just when I was about to rack my brain, the shaking suddenly stopped. For a second it was quiet, even a drop of a pin could be heard in this silence.

' What the hell is going on? Even I don't know at this point, too many existences have made contact with this script. '

I didn't know how many, but I know that three professors are here, and more than fifty students. The Script must be at its limit.

Still jamming our feet on the ground, Lisa and I looked at each other.

Lisa: " Was that all? "


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is looking at you.]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Was that really all?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "No." ]


Just as the tactician predicted, The silence was just the silence before the storm. With a sudden shake, the cells near us went farther and farther.

Magnus and Amanda also showed shocked expressions this time. As the surrounding around us changed, glass cells were moving to make a large Hall. Glass cells all around appeared, and even the roof was covered with them.

Cells had people inside, every missing student was here, and even some professor I saw in the morning as well.

Professors looked at us with confusion and some students started smashing their hands on the glass wall.

In the midst of this, a flame stood still in the middle of the hall, a red small flame, with golden inside.

Before we could even think of anything, the flame expanded, and rose high, covering everything in sight, and then took the form of a large giant cat.


[ The Hidden Script is unlocked. ]


[ A Miscellaneous Script has been formed. ]


[ Script: Flame of Abandoned soul

Category: Miscellaneous

Difficulty: B

Passing scenario: Release the Abandoned Soul

Reward: 8000 points

Failure: Death. ]


Arthur: " Ah shit. "


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' has taken out a new wine bottle. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Gonna be tough day for him." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments " Or night. Haha." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Shut it." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is looking with sparkling eyes.]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Stream on!" ]


[ Handful of Nubeculas are looking at your direction.]


Hi Readers.

I hope everyone is healthy and positive.

A new chapter is out, things are not going so well for Arthur, let us see what happens in the new chapter.

I will try to upload the next chapter before Monday, so look forward to it.

Please do comment to let me know your thoughts.

Adios for now.

blank2711creators' thoughts