

When they brought her back. She wanted to give up, but some part of her wouldn't let her. Standing in front of the king and queen, she feels pity for herself to have those kinds of parents.

"Your Majesty," the guards bowed and left them alone. Rose stood there staring at two people that are supposedly her parents. What's the point she couldn't escape anyway, so why try at the end.

"You're going to meet him tomorrow."

'Great, I am so excited.'

"You may leave." Her mom signaled the maid and they took her to her room.

As she went inside the maid stood right next to her bed like a statue.

"Your Majesty" the maid looked her way.

"Yes," she saw the maid making her way to her. Rose stepped back, and the maid stepped forward.

"Do you need something?" she asked while being cornered to the wall.

"Yes, I need you," the maid replied.

"I'm sorry, but I' already taken," Rose replied honestly.

"Sure," the maid smiled.

'I think I have seen that smile somewhere' Rose thought.

"Do mind moving" Rose stared.

"Oh, I'm sorry" the maid quickly stepped back and went out of the room. The other maid came in and got her ready.

"Your majesty you're ready."

"Thank You," Rose replied politely, and the maid escorted her out of the room. When they got there, Rose saw her so-called parents and someone else, and couldn't see his face clearly.

"Good morning Rose," a middle-aged lady smiled.

"Good morning mother" Rose gave her a fake smile and took a seat. She didn't notice but sat next to the man. For a brief moment it was awkward, but then her father started taking.

"Your majesty, when do want to have the wedding," He smiled.

"As soon as possible," he replied in a coldly.

When Rose herd that her body turned stiff. Felling someone else's hand on her hand, she looked down. Looking up, she saw that he was looking at her as well. She quickly turned her eyes away.

"Isn't that wonderful Rose," Her mother smiled.

"Of course mother." Her mother singled the maid, and the maid made her way to her mother and put some papers on the table.

"Sign her darling" her mother gestured her. Rose picked the pen up, and her hand trembled. She quickly signed the papers and put the pen on the table. Her mother gently picked up the pen and gave it to the man with a joyous smile. The man then signed the papers and put down the pen.

Her mother quickly stood up and hugged.

"OMG, my baby is finally married. I'm so happy for you, " Rose felt disgusted and then whispered.

"You don't have to put up the act. It's disgusting." She hugged her back.

"We will leave now" the man coldly intercepted them.

"Of course, after I have a talk with my baby, you know how mothers are" She looked at the man with a smile.

'Wow, she is a great actor.'

"Okay," the man replied and went out the door with everyone else following him.

The door closed and the women before she changed. Her face became sower then before she had a gentle smile on her face.

"Wow, you are a great actress," Rose smiled and continued.

"It's so refreshing" Rose kept smiling.

"What do you mean" the women glared at her?

"Nothing so tell me, mother, what do you want?" Rose stood up.

"Sit," the women asked. Rose obeyed and sat back down.

"So," Rose asked the women before her.

"I wanted to thank you for cooperating with your father and me."

"I never cooperated with anyone," Rose calmly replied. Rose's mother looked at the maid.

"Get us some tea," she ordered the maid. She obeyed and went out the door.

"I don't want to drink tea, If you're done, then can I go."

"I'm sorry for abandoning you, but it wasn't my fault. I didn't have a choice, but..."

"But what your highness" Rose looked at the beautiful lady sitting before her like a noble even the atmosphere around her was noble. Silver hair, like hers and green eyes like her brothers.

"I don't care what you did, and what you didn't so now I married and you guys wish is fulfilled. Please leave me in peace there's nothing I ask more of you," Rose stared at her, and saw the sadness in the women's eyes.

"Okay," she replied.

Rose went out of the room and looked at the man who was waiting for her.

'Isn't that the man I met outside the deep forest.'

[Yeah, and the man you cuddled with on the plane]

"Let's go," he took her hand, and they went out of the mansion.