
22. First beast

[Daily quest completed: drink 2 litres of water]

[Daily quest complete: stay from sunlight for 8 hours]

Inside the room, Abraham was safe from any beast attack. He was currently inside his soul. The white room was bigger, and there was an additional flame inside it. It was purple and the flame was twisting. It was his shadow ability. The green flame representing his Qi has gotten bigger but now it had a contender in size. The crimson-red flame representing his blood energy has grown exponentially and was now around the same size as the Qi flame. As for his dragon flame, it was still dormant as in the past.

After reviewing his soul, he started playing with the Shadow control ability. He felt like he had a new set of arms he could control as soon as Abraham activated the skill. The shadow underneath his legs was alive, and could freely move about. Abraham controlled the shadow, lifting it like a dark mist around him. He was able to lift a small object using the shadow. He was also able to move the shadow anywhere around his body, or he could form it into whatever he liked.

One of the limitations of shadow control was that he could not access his Dimensional Storage. The shadow control required about one point of MC per minute to remain active. Due to Abraham's large MC, he could activate the skill for sixteen hours straight.

"Oh, you look like a patient one. Maybe one day you would be able to become a pro in it." The system teased Abraham and the latter only made a smile. Abraham was also taking regular intervals to train his blood and Qi energy. After eight hours of continuous training, Abraham decided it was time to hunt.

He was going to kill some beast.

Abraham opened the steel door and got out of the room. He then left the building and got on the street. He could hear the squeaking of the beast rat around him. Abraham took a rock from the ground and threw it at metal debris. It made a loud clang noise. At an amazing pace, he heard beasts scurrying to his position until he saw the beast.

It was the same size as a large black dog with the head of a rodent. It was running on all fours. Compare to a rat, its body parts were muscular around its arms, while its body remained incredibly thin. So much so that the outline of its ribs could be seen. Abraham used his Inspect skill.

[ Name: Rattaclaw ]

[ Basic tier beast ]

[ HP 20]

The beasts came in a group of five and when they got close, they jumped onto Abraham. Prepared, Abraham activated the combination skill blood hammer. When he punched, the blood spray was more compact and hit all five. All of them were sent flying back. Abraham activated his five blood swipes one after the other and killed all five of them.

[hp 105/115]

[ Basic tier beasts (Rattaclaw) have been defeated ]

[ 10 exp points gained x5]

[ First basic tier beast killed, bonus Exp awarded, 100Exp ]

[ First time killing (Rattaclaw) bonus Exp awarded 100Exp ]

[level up] [level 12]

[Exp 190/400]

Multiple notifications had been received at once and Abraham has reached level 12. With the reset of the number of exp needed, Abraham was going into another grinding moment.

"Basic beasts are so weak for someone like you. You should take advantage now as later their exp would make only a small gain. I know you are also wondering about beast blood. Sadly, the blood of a beast is like poison to a vampire. Only human blood is consumable." The system was always babbling whenever it has a chance. Abraham would just nod or reply with a simple yes.

Using both hands, Abraham tore open the rat beasts slowly with sheer strength. Abraham didn't want the beast's blood to spoil his clothing. Inside them, he found a glowing crystal. It was a small round crystal ball with tiny little bumps all over, and around the same size as an adult's fist.

[ Basic tier Beast crystal obtained ]

[Would you like to store it in your inventory?]


The crystal slowly fade away until it disappeared completely. The system inventory was just like the Dimensional storage skill but the inventory could only store beast crystal. Abraham proceeded by removing the crystal from the remaining beast and adding them to his inventory.

[ Basic tier beast crystal (5) ]

His system showed the five collected crystals in the inventory. Rattaclaw was very weak among beasts. For that reason, they stuck together and fought in the ground. Like rats from the earth, their population was big. The fight had attracted the other Rattaclaw in the surroundings and they were all coming in Abraham's direction. He found them coming from three directions so Abraham decided to move to a better place. He returned to the three-story building he found earlier and when inside. Just behind him a large number of Rattaclaw were following him. Once inside, Abraham stopped halfway on the stairs and turned to face the beasts.

The area was narrow, so the number of beasts coming up the stairs was in batches. Abraham just started to throw Blood spray. The beast kept on coming like there was no end. Abraham had to back up little by little as the dead Rattaclaw were forming a wall. Finally, after his tenth Blood spray, no more beast came. Abraham heard many notifications.

[hp 55/115]

[Skill: Blood spray level up] [lvl 2]

[Blood spray is now more powerful]

[ Basic tier beasts (Rattaclaw) have been defeated ]

[ 10 exp points gained x45]

[ 50 basic tier beast killed, bonus Exp awarded, 500Exp ]

[ 50 Rattaclaw killed bonus Exp awarded 500Exp ]

[level up] [level up]

[level 14]

[Exp 440/1600]

"Ho Ho, the way you are leveling, in no time you will reach your next millstone. But don't think that you can use this method indefinitely. I have to break the news to you but having reached level 15, the system has deduced that you are too powerful for a basic beast thus there will not be any result for killing them. Only if you kill a new basic beast will the system give you something in return". The system warned Abraham.

"I know, that's why I was killing them as many as possible before hitting level 15". Abraham replied to the system.

After so much killing, Abraham had to retrieve the crystal from each beast manually. The task took more time than fighting them. After collecting the crystal from the last beast and putting it into his inventory, Abraham opened his inventory.

[ Basic tier beast crystal (55) ]

It was only the beginning. Abraham wanted to spend a large number of his time on the planet, fighting different beasts and training his skill.