
My Vampire Neighbour

It didn't take Arvela long to realise he was no ordinary boy next door. She wants to avoid him, he won’t leave her alone. ... ‘I couldn’t help but feel a superficial yet intense attraction towards him’....

MarenPluto · 奇幻言情
20 Chs

Chapter 5: The letter

It has been a while since I've last seen him. By now it has been perhaps two weeks since this nameless vampire suddenly decided to disappear from my life.

Apart of me felt hurt to know something about me must have averted him.

I couldn't help but overthink myself into a depressive state as to why he no longer visited. Was it perhaps because he no longer took interest in me once we spoke? Or was it because I came across rude ? Maybe I was unattractive ? But no, maybe he wasn't interested in me romantically so why would that matter..anyways. I guess he was just yet another person who appears into my life out of nowhere, makes it interesting for a while then leaves out of nowhere.

I slumped on my bed the whole day today. I could hear my phone buzz every now and then next to me on my wooden table, but I knew it was either Asha or Jules checking to see where I was; Or the Science Lab project group chat I was in. I was home alone since my mum works till 6pm, so I decided I should probably cook some dinner for us before she arrives. As I was headed downstairs, I noticed a peculiar looking envelope laying atop of the door mat. I couldn't make out the name at first but as I picked it up I could see it said:



The envelope was small and looked centuries old from the colour of it. When I twisted it round I could see that it had a wax seal with with the letter A stamped, using the colour burgundy.

It said:


Meet me where we first spoke. Im the one who told you about the foxes. I'll be waiting.

Yours truly,


Its him.

I shouldn't go. I shouldn't g... But I really want to go.

I'm going.