
My Unwanted Mate

Having a mate looked fascinating to Umbrie but luck wasn't on her side when she gets mated to Keiran — a boy who showed no emotions and was very cruel and had dark truths about him. He wasn't what she hoped for and she had to deal with it since he didn't accept her rejection. A life with Keiran whose aim was to punish her and she didn't know exactly what she did wrong. His treatment towards her were bitter but he'd kill any male soul that even breath the same air as she did..

Eunice_Nwodu · 奇幻言情
12 Chs

Make him pay

Umbrie, better calm your brother down or this will end very bloody' That was a mind link message from Keiran and he had his eyes on me while delivering it.

"Jared, please." I pleaded gently touching his arm.

Instantly, he left his collar and stepped away from him.

The both of them had an intense stare going on and I could tell Jared was threatening him. He bursted out of the cafe and I went after him.

"Why didn't you tell me that that jerk was back?" He asked almost yelling.

"I'm sorry, Jared." I muttered and then few drops of tears slid down from my eyelids.

"God! I can't wait to formally deal with that b*stard. I will also report this to Alpha. He needs to put him under control with how he treats you." He said angrily.

He rushed into his car and drove, his face locked up with anger.

At least their first encounter didn't end up disastrous. I should be relieved but I was half way there.

Keiran was still inside the cafe. I hope he just ignores me till we are done.

"Umbrie, what just happened? Why did your brother almost beat up your boyfriend?" She asked in a whispering tone when I sat next time her at the table.

"He's not my boyfriend. They just don't get along so well." I groused bringing out my textbook.

"Shush.." Lucas hushed at us and I quickly lowered my head. He was the leader of the group. We picked him leader since he was the smartest among all of us and not because he had some leadership qualities.

That's what you should expect from students whom just want to be with the winning team.

I felt someone reaching into my thoughts and it almost drove me crazy when I realized it was Keiran.

He was singing a song and it was one hell of a distraction. I quickly turned off my mind link. It'd cause headaches but I didn't mind.

As long as the jerk let me be.

The door opened and Scott joined us, grabbing a seat from another table. I continued focusing on arithmetic I was solving from the textbook.

"You are doing it all wrong." He pointed out and took the pen and books from me. He started solving and I loved how he explained the results and methods.

I don't know when I'll confidently be able to solve easy and tough equations on my own. It would be like a dream come true.

I turned around in search of Keiran but he was already leaving with his friends.

I sighed shaking my head. Does it really mean I'm tangled to this guy forever?

The moon goddess sure does her own thing, doesn't she?

Why couldn't it be someone nicer or probably a human. That'd be much better than Keiran and his torments.

After study group, we parted ways since we all had different plans that evening. Daphne said she was shopping for groceries, while Scott had a night shift at this hotel he works at.

I had plans too... Just sitting in my bedroom and watching a sadistic movie with my laptop.

Such great plans.

I took the taxi home due our house being so away from the normal neighborhood. I'd probably pass out if I ever decide to walk to school..

I got home later and found solace on my bed. Just lying on it made me feel better.

And I'd also prepare for what's coming from Jared later.

He despises Keiran so much and I feel like it's much deeper hatred far more bigger than what I feel for him after he left.

I decided to sober up and carry out the plans with Sky tonight. We both got dressed in black outfits and took flashlights for emergency since it was getting dark outside.

Mom and dad was attending a pack meeting and I knew they'd be home late.

The taxi stopped us in front of their home and I stepped out with Sky.

This was ridiculous. We could have just visited like normal people and while I distract Daphne, Sky could heal her mother.

But she could be smart enough to know it was me. No! That way is more riskier.

We got into the house through the back door.

"Stop! Do you hear that?" Sky asked making me halt on my tracks. It sounded like a woman singing.

We tip toed to the living room area and saw the woman who was singing and dancing.

"Is that the woman whom you said was dying of sickness?" Sky questioned and my skin stung.

How could someone sick be this active. She even did a cat wheel while dancing. Did... Did Daphne lie to me about her mother?

"The pictures." Sky whispered and I looked up at the walls. It was different pictures of Daphne with this woman and a man. They were her parents. The woman dancing was the woman in the picture.

Did she lie to me?

I couldn't help but retreat with Sky rushing out of the house.

Oh my goodness. I just exposed my brother to danger without being sure of the situation. I screwed things up!

We returned home to an empty house. No one was back yet. I retired to my room and pulled off the black outfits. So much for wanting to help her get out of the situation.

I laid quiet in my bed before looking into my phone. I flinched. Twenty missed calls from Keiran.