
The Poor Scarfkin

Han woke up in bed – again!

[Oh, what happened yesterday?] The events of the previous day were running into one another, and mangaka was desperate to build a consistent picture.

At the window, a red witch was scolding a young girl with a bright yellow scarf.

"Rukh!" The lady pointed to the window. "Ruh geh then? Geh then?! Geh!" She locked it with a key. "Ledug that?" She unlocked it and handed the key to the girl. "Gehu rukh!"

' Scarfkin ' unquestioningly closed the window.


The girl opened the window.


She locked it with a key.

Then the lady screamed:

"Pegehu! Gehu! Pegehu! Gehu!"

Han could hear the window rattling.

[Bozhechki Svyaty, I can't even run away. Why is my body shaking so much?! When will this mockery with the window end?!]

The girl opened it and immediately slammed the window. The lady in the red hood was screaming hysterically. Her face was filled with such obvious hatred that it was possible to choke to death with it.

The girl's eyes turned red. The poor thing stopped clapping, wanted to cover her face. But the witch took her by the palms.

"Pegehu! Gehu!"

Clap-clap! Knock-knock! Peeling off the skin, isolating the screams.

The little sweet eyes of Scarfkin turned red getting ready cry.

"Akh Leru, hagehu! Ulimi ku! Hagehu!"

Han was afraid to breathe. He watched, and rot spread down his throat.

'[Damn witch!] Han spat.

But mangaka missed. The saliva got into an poor innocent girl.

"K-kipa to? U-u-u-u!!" She ran out of the room, hiding her tears with a scarf.

"Sorry..! Aaaahh?!!"

The fist of the lady in red knocked out the mangaka.

The lifestory: Sometimes my sink has electrocuting me. (Because water heater is broken and the floor is wet at time of wash the dishes). Today I used two rolls of toilet paper as an insulator,I put them under my feet, to successful wash the dishes. I don't know to how this infomration will help you. May it just will make you smile?

Yogom_Pomordecreators' thoughts