The Yellow Emperor, the Mythical Founder of Huaxia who brought China out of its Tribal period and into the beginnings of an empire, and somehow I got to meet him in person. One Tiny Little Itty Bitty Problem I think he’s gone crazy and now I’m suddenly thrust into a game like version of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms all for his amusement, but at least he will make it worth my wild if I go along his craziness So come along with me as I turn the Romance of the Three Kingdoms right on its head! Extra Tags, Harem, Total War: Three Kingdoms, Dynasty Warriors(Series), Dynasty Warrior like Battles, Warfare, Gore, Bloodpumping
Okay to Clarify something for future reference if you guys later on didn't like the last chapter as to why that happened, and the short and simple of it is if a God says your going to do this thing, you don't get to say no, you don't have a choice, it's going to happen, you can argue about it but it's going to happen, if people are mad about that then you must have never read or watched shows where gods mess with the MC before, most it's tossing them aside since they assumed they were worthless but were in fact insanely strong, or in some cases where the god(s) overpower the MC against there will since they think it's interesting and do it anyway, or give them something that gives the MC an edge in the world they end up in, point is no matter what Xuan said it was going to happen whether he wanted it to or not.
"Haaaa…. So what to do." I don't have any real options unfortunately and I don't have a choice in the matter, I was given a system, something that any person that has ever reincarnated in any story I read when I was younger gets about 80% of the time with the other 20% just being able to choose your next life's stats or something similar for said person to be overpowered right from the start.
My system which I'll just have to call it the 'Three Kingdoms System' was pretty basic for the most part, but seemed to change base upon whatever path I decide to walk in life.
For now as I was forced into this it's best I make the most of it, though it let me customize what I'd look like as an adult, but it gave a warning that this is available only once even if I came back to the 'save point' before this.
"Well even though I'm a scholarly person I guess I should choose Brave as one of my traits." I say looking at my traits that are similar to the Trait system from Total War: Three Kingdoms.
These traits can promote harmony and disharmony between people, basically these personality traits make it so whether you are more or less likely to get along with another person, now it's not something set in stone and people with opposing traits can still work together but for example someone who's smart but say not understanding would hate having to work with someone stupid or dimwitted as it would be beneath them in their opinion to work with said person.
So while I have brave as my first trait I chose Fraternal as my second Trait as unless it's thrust upon me I don't honestly desire any higher position of power as that seems like a hassle in the long run really, but then again one life I might end up becoming a leader of my own.
"And the last one would be Scholarly, after all I see myself as an intelligent person so it should help that I can think things through…. Even if I am to be thrown onto the battlefield…." I mutter with a grimace on my face.
Next I needed to select the title, it's a special title that each character had in Total War Three Kingdoms and it helped flesh out once's personality even more, though when I looked at the titles I had to shield my eyes as suddenly the screen gave off a real bright light before it slowly faded giving me a chance to look at it, to see one with a bright multicolored light on it for a title.
Title: Yellow Emperors Chosen
• High Chance of making Yellow Turban Rebels to surrender without a fight even with weaker forces(excluding Legendary leaders of the Yellow Turbans)
• Natural Born Leader, Allows you to be able to lead anyone into combat even those who have opposite traits and rivalry's with you
• Agreeable Dipolmat, when you help your faction you are a part of or one that you lead personally you have a way with words that make it easier for trade, contracts and even alliances to form.
• Weapon Master, no matter the weapon, whether it be a divinely forged blade down to a simple rock, you know how to use it with the most efficiency in any situation that you find yourself in.
• Recognition through Combat, those you defeat in combat and aren't oathsworn to their faction leaders have a high chance of leaving their faction to come and join your own, if you so choose it.
"Wow…. I mean this would be insanely helpful to have as a title no matter where I am in the three kingdoms period, and luckily nobody can see titles or else several factions would see me as a threat in a heart beat." Mutter as I take on the title which finalizes my stats.
"Holy shit! These are the stats I'll have when I hit 16?! I didn't think my title would buff me so much!" I say looking at my stats as they would be when I reached adulthood.
Expertise: 100/200
Resolve: 100/200
Cunning: 75/200
Instinct: 120/200
Authority: 80/200
Now these might not make sense to the average person but I'll give a simple rundown, Expertise in combat is how easy it is for you to see you enemies attacks and react while if I had administrative power over a commanderie such as a city and its subordinate villages I'd have a good grasp on industrial projects along with helping improve construction speed.
Resolve in combat would be how much of a beating I could take before I would fall, in a commanderie it's use is to influence people to come to my region to settle down and work on farms, fishing ports, cattle ranches and woodsman villages.
Cunning would give my personal units that I lead specifically more ammunition while helping the logistics in my army to keep the supply chain of food available to them to keep moving forward on the march.
Instinct simply how well I do in single combat on my own, such that I could one man army like Lu Bu if I hit the 180+ range but even at 120 I am a force to be reckoned with in combat, and because of that people are more willing to join me because of my strengths and thus require less money to keep them in the army.
And lastly there's Authority, it's your quality's as a leader and increases your units moral in combat why keeping those within your faction should you be leading a faction satisfied with you and thus less likely to defect as a result.
Now the first threshold of a stat is 100 and you are considered a legendary character in game should you achieve over 100pts in any category while being considered a 'Romanced' character should the number hit the max of 200 on any stat meaning that it's something about you that was so unbelievable that while it's apart of your legend, people have a hard time believing it to be true unless seeing it for themselves, like Lu Bu being able to take down who army's on his own, maybe he could but most believe it's just a romanticized legend of him and most believing it to be untrue.
With all these stats now I need to choose the era in which I become an adult, though while looking at it what was normally in black text showed them in different colors from Green, Yellow and Red, which if I had to assume would be a difficult starting point with most early ones being yellow or red, with only the Three Kingdoms Era and the Eight Princes Era being Green signaling how easy they would be, but one of them was different and was glowing rainbow colored in the era of a World Betrayed set in the middle of the entire Era when things are most chaotic.
I feel I shouldn't touch it as I know this one must be red and insanely difficult, but at the same time I feel something like the title I was given would be something of a similar if I choose this path.
'Ohhh! Curse me and getting addicted to Gacha games on my spare time in between archeological digs!' Because I equate rainbows with really good things.
"No, don't touch it!" I had to hold back my hand that was instinctively wanting to select that period in time in particular do to me wanting Ultra Rare things from all those gacha games I played that drained most of my extra spending money I had for myself.
"Let's put that away and select my looks, based upon my stats I'd probably be rather strong, though let's see what the system makes of me from my stats and titles combined in my future older self since I assume I'll be born again and grow up to reach the age determined of how I look, oh wait I can just appear at that age right then and there? Well for this time let's go with that, I'll think about a complete go around of going through childhood again whenever I come back to this point.
*Ding* [Save Point Made]
I decided to create another save point right now as I don't really want to see that Crazy old Man's face again for the time being by going back to the first save point that he forcibly made for me.
Soon enough how my future self would look like and I got to say I looked rather good looking, and I guess having a bit of chin hair on my face gives me a more rugged look as well, though the long hair might be annoying to have to deal with overall I think this is a rather good look for my new self.
After that I only had one thing left to do, and it was the era selection, so I stepped away from it and thought long and hard what exactly is going on in that time period.
Thinking about it I remembered what that period in time entailed, Liu Bei inherits Tao Quan, a man who he saw as a father figure, after his death at Cao Cao's hands and gains his lands into his own and beginning to become a true force to be reckoned with.
Sun Ce breaks free from Yuan Shu's control after getting many of his fathers old comrades to join his side as he goes to conquer the south lands.
Yuan Shao begins to try to take the north from Gongsun Zan before marching south to attack CaoCao.
And of course the biggest event of this part of the Era, Lu Bu betraying CaoCao and stealing his Capital, before being forced to flee from CaoCao's Forces and finding sanctuary under Liu Bei.
"I get the feeling if I choose this time period this time around I'll end up working for Lu Bu, hmmm, that would be a real pain in my ass, even in my head I feel like I can see that old man cheering me on to pick that era specifically." Imagining that was just making me or irritated as I sighed while I weighed the pros and cons in my mind.
"Even though being with him has plenty of downsides, losing in the end doesn't necessarily mean I would be executed as only Lu Bu was killed and the rest of his Generals were either set free or join either Liu Bei or Cao Cao's sides in the end of it all, so being with him isn't a death sentence, though I feel I'm supposed to make it so Lu Bu doesn't fall into the hands of Cao Cao and Liu Bei, to which the only real reason why his generals turned their backs on him and betrayed him was because of his brash headedness and constant betrayals making his men not know who he would stab in the back next causing them to believe in Cao Cao's schemes and think they were targeted by the strongest warrior in China, and this fear lead to his faction crumbling with him being all alone in the battle of Xapi Castle before his ultimate demise." I say thinking this aloud.
"But what do I even gain through doing this? It's still a time where I can make a foothold for myself, and if everything falls apart I can start over with a reload or just head north and join up with Gongsun Zan who no matter which timeline I start will be related to me and thus give me another way out in the end." I think to myself what I should do.
But I realized something, it maybe dangerous and even life threatening situations I've never been in but at the same time I'm not a coward, I wouldn't necessarily call myself brave either but I was willing to brave the Amazon rainforest to discover hidden ancient Inca ruins, and I have a sense of adventure to me, that's why I looked up to Indiana Jones as a kid.
Action, adventure, excitement, and seeing history happen with your own eyes, even though I said all those things before I wouldn't lie if I had completely no interest in coming to this era, but I wished I had more of a choice to it.
"Haaaa…. Well, here goes nothing…." I say as I click on the 'A World Betrayed' option as the rainbow color glowed before another screen popped up.
[Do you wish to start a few Years before the Era Starts or During the beginning of this Part of the Era?]
"So I don't need to be dropped in the middle of it? Well sure, should give me sometime to build up my strengths so sure, set me to the year of 192, I'll only be 14 by that point but that should be fine." Since to officially fight in wars you need to be 16 to do so as well as become a general.
[Warning, by doing this you have no control as to where you shall appear at this point in time, do you still wish to continue?]
Now that made me hesitate, but at the same time I wanted to see what was going on and what would happen, and if the situation is really bad I can just reload and take it as a life experience for future references.
"To the brave we march on as they say." I said before clicking yes before my vision began to fade as my new life has just begun.