
Chapter 750: The Lilith's Toy.

Chapter 750: Lily's Toy.

Alucard walked over to the table, and with a wave of his hand, a black Throne with blood-red details was created. He then sat on the Throne and rested his head on his hand.


The Maids stood behind Victor and looked at all the Wolves with cold, uncaring eyes as if they were just walking bags of meat.


"I will give you two choices." Victor snapped his fingers, and a red portal appeared next to him, and the image of a dark place with red plains full of Demonic Creatures was seen.


"Be the meddler that you are, and I will drag you vermin and anyone who supports your thoughts to the depths of Hell, where you will not be able to die and will exist forever in torment."


The portal's image changed and showed the field of Hell that Lily personally cared for, where those who went against Victor remained in torment to this day without being able to move on.